Earth Emperor

Chapter 71

Updated: 2012-07-23

Startled, Lin Qing hurriedly looked around. Fortunately, he chose a relatively remote location, and no one around noticed that there was a golden-eyed fire crow beside Lin Qing's low table. www

Lin Qing directly threw a piece of barbecue meat to "Huo'er" who loves to chatter, and put a jar of strong wine beside it, which kind of blocked the mouth of "Huo'er", and continued to listen to the gazelle and copper hammer with his ears open. chat.

"You don't know, our third family is good at training girls. How many top cards in the sixteen kingdoms of the human race are trained by the third master. Compared with young children who don't know anything, the price of this well-trained girl Can it be the same?" The gazelle really knew a lot, and lowered his voice to tell Tong Hammer a lot of secret things about evil desires and iron flow.

It turned out that this evil desire started out by plundering human trafficking, and later established some secret camps to train those good-looking young women according to the set of high-end brothels.

I don't know what the origin of Mo Sanniang is, a female horse bandit leader who wields a knife to kill people without any doubts is actually very proficient in the methods of the procuress of the brothel. The girls brought out are all charming, knowledgeable, and proficient in eighteen All kinds of eclectic moves.

Gradually, the beauties exported by Nieyu Tieliu have become the most sought-after goods of the major prostitutes in the sixteen countries of the human race. There are also many dignitaries, prominent politicians, and even high-level cultivation sects who like to buy these prostitutes from Nieyu Tieliu. Girl.

Gradually, relying on the human flesh business, Nieyu Tieliu not only has the capital to expand its team, but also has accumulated a huge network of people. This is the real reason why Nieyu Tieliu has grown bigger and bigger, but no country has ever stepped forward to wipe it out. .

Lin Qing vaguely felt that the reason why the True Spirit Sect would stay out of the matter and not help each other should be because they had already made a secret agreement with Tie Guduo, and the role of nurturing beautiful women in this process may also be quite crucial.

At this time, the strange bird "Huo'er" seemed to be dissatisfied with the taste of the barbecue, stopped and looked around, and sent Lin Qing a voice transmission:

"Why don't you have any clothes on? So many men and women are naked together. It's the estrus period. Do you want to breed?"

"Eat your food, why are you talking so much nonsense!" The embarrassed Lin Qing didn't know how to explain to the strange bird "Huo'er", so she simply ignored the talkative strange bird and sat down with a wine jar and bowl. By the gazelle.

Seeing that Lin Qing was actually wearing calf shorts, Huang Yang and Tong Hammer looked at each other and immediately laughed obscenely.

"Brother, why are you still wearing this thing? You're still a little ram who has never ridden a ewe?" Gazelle picked up the wine bowl and touched Lin Qing and the copper hammer, raised his head and drank it down.

"Hey, it's my first time to participate in this kind of naked meeting, I'm not used to it, I'm not used to it." Lin Qing hurriedly explained.

Although this Gazelle looks a bit ugly, he is very forthright and talkative, after a few bowls of wine, he and Lin Qing are as familiar as old friends for many years.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly became heated. It turned out that the other big leaders of the evil desire iron cavalry made Tie Guduo dance with the leading dancer, and the unpretentious Tie Guduo suddenly stood up and strode away. In the middle of the field.

The head dancer has long, long, enchanting red hair, and she holds orchid fingers in both hands and makes an extremely enchanting dancing start gesture. The red hair hangs just in front of her swollen breasts and below her. The seductive gully is covered, while the thin waist and round buttocks leave Tie Guduo with a seductive curve that is crystal clear like a crescent moon and extremely exaggerated.

"Like!" Tie Guduo yelled, and immediately two burly horse bandits "Hi Yo, Hi Yo" lifted the astonishingly long lance over.

Tie Guduo raised the lance, and the sad and vicissitudes of the piano sounded accompanied by the thumping of the war drums, and the audience immediately fell silent.

At this time, the other dancers quietly left the venue, and as Tie Guduo danced the big lance extremely slowly, the red-haired lead dancer also shook her body slightly, posing in various graceful postures, catering to Tie Guduo's lance dance.

Amid the desolate sound of the piano and the beat of the drums, the iron-boned lance is like a picture scroll of a fierce battle on the battlefield, making everyone's mood fluctuate and surge with the waving of the lance.

The red-haired dancer swayed slowly around the iron bone flower like a willow branch swaying in the wind, and it was surprisingly harmonious with this majestic 槊 dance, making people feel that they were not at all out of place.

This rigidity, softness, movement and stillness formed a unique aesthetic feeling, which made everyone mesmerized by it.

Taking advantage of the moment when Tie Guduo became the focus of the audience, Lin Qing pretended to sigh:

"Your Majesty's lance dance is really amazing, but if it can be matched with that set of skull mask armor, it will be even more beautiful."

"The God Armor of the Master is the divine weapon of the Zhao Kingdom to protect the country. It has always been used only to defeat the enemy in battle. How can it be used for dancing during banquets?" Yellow sheep seems to be from the Zhao Kingdom here, as if there is still some ink in its belly , very dismissive of what Lin Qing said.

"Guardian God Armor, this is too awesome, tell me what's going on." The copper hammer next to it seemed to be very interested in it.

The red-haired dancer on the field has already danced to Tie Guduo's body, tore up and down around Tie Guduo's strong body, but she still can't affect Tie Guduo's lance dance.

What is strange is that the originally voluptuous body rubbing made this dancing girl perform extremely lingeringly. Coupled with the lance dance and the still sad sound of the piano, it was as if a beautiful woman was reluctant to leave a strong man to go to the battlefield.

Gazelle seemed to be aroused by the red-haired dancer, staring straight at her waist and buttocks, muttering:

"It's a disaster, let me do it once, and I'm willing to die in this girl's belly."

The copper hammer next to him was also hooked with curiosity. He was eager to listen to Huang Yang, so he pushed him hard. The Huang Yang who came back to his senses said slowly:

"3000 years ago, the founding king of my later Zhao State created this great river and mountain with the divine armor 'Soldiers Fighting Victory Armor'. The emperor of Zhao State will be invincible and invincible if he wears the 'Warrior Fighting Victory Armor' to fight."

"Beginning about 1000 years ago, this 'Soldiers Fighting Victory Armor' has been unusable for some reason. After me, Zhao Guo also failed repeatedly in wars with other countries and lost a large area of ​​territory. Gradually, 'Soldiers Fighting Victory Armor' Kai' was forgotten by the people of Later Zhao."

"Back then, the queen was murdered by a treacherous concubine. When the king escaped from the palace, he hid in the arsenal for many days. By chance, he got the god armor 'Soldiers Fighting Victory Armor' to recognize the master. This is also the heroic spirit of the founding emperor of Zhao Kingdom. Indestructible, that's why the 'Warrior Fighting Armor' can reproduce the divine power on the king.

"With the help of the armor of the God of Protecting the Nation, the king has cultivated to the state of forging at the age of thirty. In the future, he will definitely be able to conquer the capital and wipe out the clan of treacherous concubines!"

At the end, the gazelle's eyes were shining and his fists were clenched tightly, as if he had seen Tie Guduo enthroned and sitting in the palace.

Lin Qing secretly sighed in her heart, this Tie Guduo was really very skillful, and even an ordinary horse bandit leader under him could be full of unwavering belief in the future victory, how could such a team not have strong combat effectiveness?

At this time, Tie Guduo had finished dancing, and his strong body was covered with thin beads of sweat, making him look even more masculine against the backdrop of the moonlight and firelight.

The red-haired dancer leaned close to Tie Guduo, a pair of delicate little hands were wandering around his body, her eyes were blurred, and she seemed to be whispering something in her mouth.

"Haha, little beauty, stay with me if you don't want to go down, don't be jealous for a while, I'm going to fight all directions tonight!" Tie Guduo said loudly with pride, and hugged the red-haired dancer, He leaned over his shoulders and walked towards his seat, it was as easy as carrying a three-year-old urchin.

The red-haired dancer was also dishonest, her head hanging upside down on Tie Guduo's waist suddenly twisted, her cherry mouth opened, and she bit the guy dangling around Tie Guduo's waist in her mouth, licking and smashing it endlessly.

The horse bandits around suddenly roared loudly, shouting: "Your Majesty violated the rules, fine wine, fine wine!"

Tie Guduo straightened his waist a few times, and the red-haired dancer who was standing straight up was whimpering, and couldn't even breathe, so he let out a comfortable breath, and circling with the red-haired dancer's smooth jade back sandwiched Holding her in her arms, she laughed loudly and said:

"Where is the king's foul? This little girl can't help herself. It has nothing to do with the king. It doesn't count as a foul if you have the ability to make the girls around you help you out!"

After sitting down with the dancer in his arms, he saw that the big bosses around him were also laughing and wanting to punish him for drinking. Tie Guduo simply picked up a wine jar and stood up. He slashed his right palm like a knife and sealed the mouth of the jar with the mud. Cut them off together, then raised the wine jar and said loudly:

"It's all about drinking. This king is doing this altar. Is there any brother who is willing to drink the altar with this king?"

Immediately, nearly half of the bandits on the field burst up, holding up the wine jar and shouting loudly: "Following the king, you can even go to Yan Luodian, drinking the wine from the jar is nothing!"

Tie Guduo glanced at the audience in satisfaction. With a little trick, it was clear at a glance who among the horse bandits in the audience listened to him more.

For Tie Guduo's small thoughts, Lin Qing could see clearly, he also stood up with the Gazelle next to him, holding the wine jar and shaking it in front of his face.

"Listen up, girls on the field. Today I am changing the rules. Later, you can choose from among the brothers who have finished drinking to accompany you, and you don't have to wait on other people anymore!" Tie Guduo's words , Immediately let the remaining horse bandits who were sitting on the ground stand up halfway again.

These old horse gangsters all know that according to the practice of the Uncovered Conference, the ones serving on the field are the best ones, and those dancing girls can only be seen but not touched. If you miss this opportunity, wait a while. It's better to dial it.

"Girls, watch out, those who drink fast are good guys who can make you happy, brothers, do it!" Tie Guduo opened his mouth wide, and the whole jar of wine turned into a torrent, pouring it non-stop in his mouth.

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