Earth Emperor

Chapter 73

Updated: 2012-07-25

Lin Qing noticed just now that Mo Sanniang had two fair-skinned youths accompanying him at some point, and they would feed Mo Sanniang a leather cup from time to time.

Lin Qing originally thought that Mo Sanniang would not come to trouble her again with the company of these two fair faces, but who knows, she still couldn't avoid it.

"San Niang" Xiao Lian struggled to stand up from Lin Qing's embrace, and gave Mo San Niang a deep salute.

"Little Sao Hoof, do you know that this is the man I'm looking for?" Mo Sanniang slanted a very charming figure, folded her hands in front of her body, and at the same time cleverly blocked the gully below, she squeezed out a line on her chest. deep ditch.

Xiao Lian shivered and saluted again, and said, "Xiao Lian doesn't know, Xiao Lian will leave now."

For Mo Sanniang's cruelty when torturing a woman, Xiao Lian had seen it with her own eyes, and she didn't dare to say anything anymore, she lowered her head and prepared to leave here.

"Don't go!" Lin Qing called Xiao Lian, took two steps forward, whispered a few words in Mo Sanniang's ear, and Mo Sanniang's gloomy face suddenly turned better.

"Dead" Mo Sanniang lightly twisted Lin Qing's arm, then walked towards Tie Guduo shaking again.

A moment later, Mo Sanniang had brought Lin Qing and Xiao Lian out of the camp, and the three of them rode their horses towards a distant lake.

This dramatic change was due to Lin Qing's quick wit. He told Mo Sanniang that he wanted to play a game of one king and two queens with Mo Sanniang and Xiao Lian, and it would be best to find a place where he could take a bath with mandarin ducks. Mo Sanniang immediately turned from anger to joy, and after telling Tie Guduo, she led Lin Qing and Xiao Lian out of the camp together.

For some reason, Mo Sanniang, who originally liked creamy niches, was attracted by this strong boy with wheat-colored skin after meeting Lin Qing. His impressive strength and unruly personality made Mo Sanniang feel refreshed , especially the seasoned Mo Sanniang judged that Lin Qing should be an innocent boy, so she wanted to take the lead on Lin Qing, so she made an exception and agreed to Lin Qing's request.

Moonlight Lake is a beautiful scenery outside Xiyuan City, famous for its sparkling moon reflected in the water.

After the siege of the city by the iron flow of evil desires, some remote Moonlight Lakes became unvisited places. It is really a good place to bathe in the celestial body and enjoy the joy of fish and water.

It seems that this is not the first time Mo Sanniang has come here, she led Lin Qing to a shallow lake bay, and after dismounting from the horse, she wanted to take off all her clothes.

Mo Sanniang suddenly heard a sneer behind her, and turned her face to see that Lin Qing had let Xiao Lian retreat into the distance, and she was looking at her playfully.

"What? You still want my aunt to be a bully?" Mo Sanniang's face darkened, she moved her muscles and bones a little, and the joints burst out from her seemingly soft and boneless body.

Lin Qing flipped her wrist, and the "Slaughter Blade" that she hadn't used for a long time appeared in her hand: "Today, I will teach you to be a good boy, not everyone can be cheap."

After finishing speaking, Lin Qing shouted angrily, "Slaughter Blade" style ax slashed Xinghe from top to bottom.

Mo Sanniang twisted her waist, dodged the "Slaughter Blade" like a slippery eel, and slapped Lin Qing's back with her backhand.

With the "Slaughtering Blade" in his hand, Lin Qing would not be afraid of Mo Sanniang, he didn't use magic tools or magic spells, he just wanted to use Mo Sanniang to hone his Sky Splitting Nine Strikes, so he turned to Mo Sanniang with the knife Sanniang sliced ​​off the right hand that came over.

"Oops!" Mo Sanniang exclaimed, but she was a bit overwhelmed just now, and wanted to grab the back of the ugly "Slaughter Blade" with her hand. When she was about to touch it, she suddenly felt the "Slaughter Blade" The cold and murderous aura of the blade turned his grasp into bullets, and he flicked the "Slaughter Blade" away with four pointed fingers. Even so, Mo Sanniang's fingers were also shaken in severe pain.

After realizing that what Lin Qing was holding might be a magic weapon, Mo Sanniang finally stopped being careless, and retreated to a distance away from Lin Qing like a snake, raised her hand and whipped a long pink whip at Lin Qing. .

This "Peach Blossom Broken Soul Whip" is Mo Sanniang's famous weapon. It is about one foot and five feet away and covered with sharp barbs. The most powerful thing is that there are countless holes in the main body of the whip, which are filled with A drug called "Taohuasan".

While the long whip was waving, strands of pink smoke enveloped Lin Qing. If it was an ordinary physical training, if he persisted for more than ten breaths at most, he would be fascinated.

Although Lin Qing was careful, she also inhaled a mouthful of "Peach Blossom Powder", and suddenly felt a sweet and greasy feeling that made her limbs sore, so she hurriedly held her breath, and used her kung fu to expel the inhaled drug from her body.

Mo Sanniang didn't know that Lin Qing was a Qi trainer who could hold her breath, so she said triumphantly, "Little boy, do you still not fall?"

Seeing that Mo Sanniang's weapon was very vicious, Lin Qing had no intention of practicing the sword, and struck out with a "Moon Wave Slash" with his left hand, and the yellow crescent wave blade hit the unsuspecting Mo Sanniang's whip. On the right hand, Mo Sanniang let out an "oops" and fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Immediately after Lin Qing used the "Thousand Shadows" movement technique, Mo Sanniang saw dozens of Lin Qing rushing towards her from all directions in a series of phantoms. He stomped his chest lightly and fell to the ground.

Mo Sanniang's cultivation has actually reached the state of forging, her muscles and bones are extremely strong, even though she was hit twice by Lin Qing, it didn't matter, she just rolled over on the spot and got up.

Mo Sanniang had already seen that Lin Qing was a Qi trainer with spells in her body, she knew that she was invincible, and was about to turn around and run away, when Lin Qing raised her hand and made a formula to release the "green radish and thorn rope", directly tying Mo Sanniang He fell firmly to the ground.

This wood-type magic weapon "green radish and thorn rope" is quite difficult to manipulate. Lin Qing, who has a spiritual root of the earth attribute, has a strong spiritual sense, profound mana, and a first-class magic trick like the "controlling equipment formula" of the Wanshou sect. Can't make it work as you like.

In the fight with monks, Lin Qing couldn't use the "green radish and thorn rope" as a magic weapon anyway, but at close range, it could still be used to tie people up.

Especially to deal with physical cultivation without magic spells and magical weapons, although the "green radish and thorny rope" may seem overkill, it is also extremely suitable.

Mo Sanniang, who was lying on the ground, still didn't give up. She tried to break the "green radish and thorns" with all her strength. After finding it was futile, she shrunk the bones of her whole body, and even turned her arms and body to incredible angles. Obviously, she had changed her body. The structure of the skeleton wants to be drilled out of the "green radish and thorny cord".

How do you know that the "green radish and thorn rope" is a genuine high-grade magic weapon, no matter what methods Mo Sanniang uses, it will be tightened and tightened, and finally the whole person bound by Mo Sanniang will be bent back into a bow shape, without any trace Can't move.

Looking at Mo Sanniang who was tied up on the ground with unevenness, especially her chest that was strangled like a bamboo shoot and the shallow ditch of her lower body protruding at the maximum angle, Lin Qing not only evilly thought, could it be that this is the legendary "rope rope"? art"?

"Hee hee, brother, you like this tune. I told you earlier, my sister likes to be tied up and played." Feeling hopeless to break free, Mo Sanniang simply gave up struggling, licking her upper lip exaggeratedly with her scarlet tongue, using a kind of Said the extremely seductive voice.

It's a pity that Lin Qing was completely uninterested in Mo Sanniang, who was in her thirties and still liked to pretend to be a girl, so she said in a cold voice:

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm asking you something, if you don't tell the truth, I'll kill you right now!"

Xiao Lian, who was behind him, wanted to come up to persuade Lin Qing to let Mo Sanniang go, but when she saw that Lin Qing seemed to be a different person, with a murderous look all over her body, she timidly took two steps back and stopped talking.

"Among the women you train, is there anyone with the surname Wan?" Seeing that Mo Sanniang didn't speak any more, Lin Qing asked directly.

"Among the women I trained and sold, there is absolutely no surname Wan." After Mo Sanniang realized that her tricks would not work against Lin Qing, seeing Lin Qingwen raised her eyebrows as if she wanted to do something immediately after hearing this, Then he changed the subject very simply and neatly, "But I know what you are looking for are Wan Yujiao and Wanying, mother and daughter."

"How do you know, there are very few people with the surname Wan in Zhao Guo?" After being caught by Mo Sanniang's words, Lin Qing was taken aback for a moment.

"Who else can a woman surnamed Wan who can let you, a young expert who cultivates both dharma and body, infiltrate evil desires and rescue them, besides these two mother and daughter Hua who are famous in the later Zhao Kingdom?" Mo Sanniang's tone There was a hint of sarcasm in it.

Lin Qing didn't care about Mo Sanniang's attitude, and said in a slightly slower tone: "Where are the Wan's mother and daughter hidden now?"

"I don't know." Mo Sanniang's answer was still very straightforward: "That Wan Yujiao was born a vixen, and Tie Guduo was fascinated at the first sight, and now the mother and daughter are his slaves, no one knows Where is he hiding it?"

Lin Qing saw that Wan's mother and daughter disconnected just after they got a clue, and said solemnly: "If you don't know, you have no reason to live."

As he spoke, he held the Tu Mie Blade tightly and walked towards Mo Sanniang who was lying on the ground.

"It's not that I don't want to say, I really don't know." Mo Sanniang understood Lin Qing's meaning, and hurriedly explained: "Tie Guduo is very suspicious, no one can trust him, and he seems to be genuinely moved by Wanyu Jiao, He's always been very protective of what could be his weakness."

"You still haven't said anything that can change your life." Lin Qing had already walked to Mo Sanniang.

Mo Sanniang was completely intimidated by this suddenly ruthless young man, she had no doubt that Lin Qing would raise a knife at any moment in the next moment, so she said very quickly: "I know that Tie Guduo will always be in love every once in a while. Time will secretly meet with Wan Yujiao, but it is up to you to follow him to find Wan Yujiao's hiding place."

"Aren't you and Tie Guduo sworn, and the horse bandit rumored that you two had an affair, why do I hear that you don't like him?" Lin Qing suddenly asked gossip.

"Tie Guduo is kind to me, but after so many years of being an ox and a horse to him, he has almost paid back. Our seven leaders are all pawns in his hands and objects to be used. So you should understand?" At this time Lin Qing had relaxed the "green radish and thorny cord" a little, and Mo Sanniang was much more relaxed when answering the question.

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