Earth Emperor

Chapter 77 Blood Bat Tu Temple

Updated: 2012-07-29

Lin Qing saw that although the human-eyed blood bat was not hit by Tie Guduo, it was difficult to bite the target under Tie Guduo's impenetrable defense. After sending an order to the leader of the human-eyed blood bat, he began to put on a posture to charge Moon Wave Slash.

After the Iron Guduo defended against the attack of the human-eyed blood bat flying up and down, he was worried that this weird bat would attack Wan Yujiao, but when he saw that they were all coming towards him, he relaxed and defended with all his strength.

Being overwhelmed, the attacks of these blood bats suddenly stopped. Tie Guduo, who thought he had an opportunity, was about to pounce on Lin Qing who was waving his arms as if punching the air. Flapping his wings, there was a maddening scream in his ears, and his eyes blurred for a while.

Lin Qing here saw that after the human-eyed blood bat launched a sound wave attack, Tie Guduo's eyes suddenly lost their light, and immediately launched the "Moon Wave Slash" with all his strength, and saw the yellow crescent-shaped wave blade spinning like a substance After the shot, it directly hit the chest of Tie Guduo who was caught off guard!

Although this Tie Guduo is an individual cultivator, he is a deep-minded and determined person after all. After Lin Qing hit the moon wave blade, he has recovered his sanity. After recovering his vision, the moon wave blade has no time to dodge.

Tie Guduo, who hadn't put Lin Qing in his heart at first, had already been aroused fiercely, and even shouted after practicing his body protection, and directly received the moon wave chop with his chest!

After the muffled sound of "Boom!", Tie Guduo was beaten back a few steps, and his back slammed against the wall before he stabilized himself. He raised his hand to wipe the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. Saying that, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his thigh, and when he looked down, he saw two smaller human-eyed blood bats biting the back of his thigh, one on the left and one on the right.

Seeing the two furry, flat-haired beasts with human eye patterns staring at him sucking their own blood, Iron Guduo, who had been devoured repeatedly, finally went completely crazy, and he roared "ho ho He rushed towards Lin Qing, forgetting even the basic defense of throwing his fists, as if desperate to fight Lin Qing.

The rest of the human-eyed blood bats swarmed up and bit Tie Guduo's body from all directions. Wan Yujiao who was next to her was so startled that she covered her eyes and screamed sharply, never daring to look up again.

Between the lightning and flints that Tie Guduo rushed towards, the slaughter blade instantly appeared on Lin Qing's right hand, and then lifted up obliquely from the bottom to the top. The arms that Tie Guduo swung over were almost cut off at the root, blood Immediately, Lin Qing was sprayed all over his head and face, but Tie Guduo's castration remained undiminished, and his body still slammed into Lin Qing heavily.

Fortunately, at this moment, the toxin in the mouth of the blood-faced blood bat finally took effect, and Tie Guduo's whole body was numb and stiff, unable to change the direction of action. Lin Qing bowed his back and dodged Tie Guduo, turning behind him.

There was only a loud "bang" sound, and the iron bones were loaded on the door unabated. I don't know how the door and the wall were made so strong that they didn't collapse. Only the wall next to the door There are a few big cracks on it.

Tie Guduo, who was lying on the ground, whimpered in his throat and didn't know what to say, but because the muscles in his throat were also numb, he couldn't pronounce normally.

Lin Qing could see very clearly that Tie Guduo's body was shaking, and his eyes desperately looked in Wan Yujiao's direction. He wanted to try his best to take another look at his tender lover just now, but Wan Yujiao lowered her head and sobbed. Take another look at Tie Guduo.

Lin Qing secretly sighed in her heart, this Tie Guduo may have truly fallen in love with Wan Yujiao, who is capable of causing disaster to the country, but she is just a confidant, and good fortune tricks others, if Wan Yujiao really has affection and righteousness for Tie Guduo, she may have already thrown herself away by now. It's on Tie Guduo's body.

"Tie Guduo, I think you are also a man, let you die to understand, I am Lin Qing, a blue-clothed disciple of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, and I was entrusted by Lei Zhensheng to kill you today. Since you provoked this woman, Wan Yujiao, I have Today's result is doomed, accept fate!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Qing took a step forward, raised a knife in his hand, and chopped off Tie Guduo's head. The human-eyed blood bats that had been flying up before Tie Guduo hit the wall all jumped up again, sucking the only meat on Tie Guduo's body. Saved blood.

Tie Guduo, whose head was cut off for no apparent reason like this, can be said to be dying. The physical training method he practiced is called the Golden Body Art. It has always been powerful and the most difficult to deal with, but who would have thought that it would be so easily killed by a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment.

Tie Guduo, who is in the forging state, does not wear the combat armor of soldiers, and his physical defense is comparable to that of ordinary high-grade monsters. If Lin Qing used the Tyrant Ax to resist the attack, I am afraid that he would not be able to use his arms so neatly. Cut and break.

Speaking of which, it was unlucky for Tie Guduo to meet Lin Qing. The two things that this unremarkable and strong young man used to deal with him were just things that could restrain him to death.

Human-eyed blood bats can ignore the physical defenses of all monsters, and directly bite through them to suck blood. Although Tie Guduo's golden body art is powerful, it is only comparable to high-grade monsters after all, and cannot resist the sharp mouth of human-eyed blood bats at all. .

As for the Slaughter Blade, it is a heaven-defying magic weapon. Although it cannot be used as a magic weapon, the unrivaled sharpness is not something Tie Guduo's arms can bear.

At this time, footsteps suddenly came from outside the house, Lin Qing opened the door and jumped out of the house, it turned out that several monks in the front yard rushed over with various weapons in their hands when they heard the sound from the back yard.

These monks are Tie Guduo's confidantes, and they are stationed here to protect Wanyujiao's mother and daughter. Just now, they suddenly heard a muffled sound coming from the always quiet backyard. come over.

Lin Qing didn't want to talk nonsense with these minions, so he raised his hand and released all the human-eyed blood bats. Dozens of ferocious and terrifying human-eyed blood bats rushed up, and those reckless horse bandits quickly fell to the ground screaming. However, none of them could rush to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing, who didn't want to chase down the missing people one by one, waved his hand, and those human-eyed blood bats who got the order flew around, killing all the living people in the temple on the top of the mountain except Wan's mother and daughter and Lin Qing. Sucked and fucked.

Lin Qing, who was covered in blood all over her body, turned around, and slowly walked towards Wan Yujiao, who was leaning against the door frame, with the Slaughtering Blade still dripping blood. Just like the human-eyed blood bat that just flew out of hell, against Lin Qing, it's like a killing god descending into the world!

At this time, Wan Yujiao had already put on the long white dress. What was unexpected was that Wan Yujiao, who seemed to be terrified just now, looked at Lin Lin coldly as if nothing had happened. lightly said:

"Since you were sent by Zhensheng, you should know who I am, why don't you salute to Mrs. Ben?"

Lin Qing who had already walked in front of Wan Yujiao stopped, and looked at the woman indifferently without answering, as if she was looking at a dead person.

Wan Yujiao, who thought that Lin Qingding was Lei's supporter, saw that the prestige of the second mistress was not easy to handle, and the originally arrogant and majestic expression on her face turned into a sad look without any bluntness, and two lines of tears flowed from her almond eyes. Rolling down like jade beads:

"I know that I'm just an outsider with no status, and I don't deserve your respect, but I have also raised Zhensheng's flesh and blood. We, mother and daughter, fell into the hands of this horse bandit who deserves to be hacked into pieces. I don't know what to do. Protecting the innocence of Lei's daughter, how can I be worthy of Zhensheng?"

If Lin Qing hadn't re-watched the live Huan Ai show from the beginning tonight, she might have been confused by Wan Yujiao's performance as if her true feelings were revealed by now. The image of a great mother who protects her daughter's innocence.

"Since Tie Guduo entered the room, I have heard everything you two said." Lin Qing's voice squeezed out between his teeth was as harsh and unpleasant as cutting metal.

Wanyu's delicate and graceful face froze for a moment, but immediately became helpless:

"We poor women are the playthings of you men after all. Whatever you like to hear, we will say; what you like to watch, we will do; what you like to play, we will accompany you, isn't it? ?"

Gently pulling a strand of messy hair behind her ears with a sultry style, Wan Yujiao exudes a tenderness all over her body, making any man who sees it unable to bear the desire to hold her in her arms and take care of her idea.

"I have enough food and clothing, but I am still a woman after all. I need a strong man who can always take care of me and love me. Is there something wrong with that?"

Before she knew it, Wan Yujiao's neckline loosened a lot, revealing half of the snow-white jade pear and a seductive deep groove.

In an instant, Lin Qing seemed to be shaken.

With a swipe of his hand, the human-eyed blood bats flying all over the sky were silently put into the spirit beast bracelet, and the murderous aura that permeated the whole body seemed to have disappeared.

At this time, a gap was suddenly opened in the thick clouds in the sky, and a gloomy moonlight lightly fell on Wan Yujiao in front of the door, an incomparable beauty instantly bloomed.

Unlike Mo Sanniang, who likes to look innocent, Wan Yujiao never seems to deliberately hide her age. On the contrary, she is showing the mature charm of a woman in her thirties to her heart's content.

Apart from wearing a white dress, Wan Yujiao has no other decorations on her body, but she always gives people a bright and charming, indescribable feeling.

She is very clear that for the ignorant teenagers of fifteen or sixteen years old, they are more eager to feel the charm of mature women, so she has a very good sense of proportion, and easily stabilized Lin Qing who was originally full of killing intent. .

Wan Yujiao believes that as long as Lin Qing is tempted to get on her body, this apparently young boy will never be able to leave her again, and the secret between her and Tie Guduo will not be in danger of being exposed for the time being. If I can see Lei Zhensheng alive, the future is beyond Lin Qing's control, and it is easy to set up a small game to silence this person.

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