Earth Emperor

Chapter 90 Loli Warm Up

Updated: 2012-08-12

During the first round of the New Quiz Tournament, Lei Ying, the little girl who was following Lei Zhensheng's patriarch, clearly witnessed the whole process of the competition.

Lin Qing's indomitable courage when facing Han Rufeng whose cultivation level was obviously one level higher than her own, deeply impressed this little beauty who had not experienced much in the world.

Different from those Bai Fumei who grew up in a family of cultivators, Lei Ying who grew up in Zhao Guowan's parents is actually an ordinary girl full of beautiful fantasies. She liked to read all kinds of legendary novels since she was a child. , At the age when love first opened, I was full of admiration for those so-called "immortal masters" who could soar through the clouds and ride the fog and have high mana.

The reason why Lei Zhensheng took Wan Yujiao as his concubine was to experience the joys of life of ordinary people, so when he was with Wan's mother and daughter, he never used any spells. Girl, she hadn't seen any decent spells before meeting Lin Qing.

When Lin Qing took Lei Ying away on the ghost-faced four-clawed owl, Lei Ying woke up from her sleep, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself being hugged and sitting on a huge strange bird by a strong boy in a white Taoist robe, surrounded by white clouds. Blossoming, the rising sun, and picturesque mountains and rivers below him, this strong sense of freshness and excitement made Lin Qing imprint an unshakable tall image in the heart of Little Mei Niu from the very beginning.

In the subsequent contacts, Xiaomei Niu, who learned that her mother was dead and was full of fear about her future life in Lei's house, had unintentionally regarded Lin Qing as her biggest reliance in her heart.

In the first round of the new quiz competition, Lin Qing stepped on the star with the moon and saw the wolf tooth, wielding the mighty and unparalleled axe, and the majestic appearance when he was chasing Han Rufeng through the air, it made Xiao Mei Niu's heart ache even more. Spring water ripples, love is infinite.

After Lin Qing was injured, the little beautiful girl cried unabashedly, it hurt everyone, because Lin Qing was sent back to Lei's practice room soon, and the little beautiful girl didn't come to tell Lin Qing A warm word.

Today, Lei Ying learned from her elder brother Lei Lei that Lin Qing's injury has recovered, and she hopes to continue playing with Lei Lei's team tomorrow. While she was happy, she thought of secretly persuading Lin Qing. Rest for two days.

When she walked to the door of the training room, Lei Ying hesitated. After all, her father and elder brother had warned her not to disturb Lin Qing, but she thought that Lin Qing had suffered such a serious injury and had to go out to fight again after only six days of recuperation. Lei Ying strengthened her mind again, and resolutely pushed the stone door open.

After entering the training room, Lei Ying, who was afraid of being seen by others, gently closed the stone door, and then looked around, but there was no Lin Qing on the rattan bed for training, and the somewhat confused little girl walked in again After taking two steps, he saw Lin Qing who fell to the ground on his back.

At this moment, Lin Qing's eyes were closed tightly, his face was livid, his naked body was purple in color, and the injured part of his chest was covered with black and purple blood that had frozen into ice.

Little Mei Niu screamed in fright, but she ran away without turning around. She looked up and saw a small blue jade bottle containing pills on the rattan bed, and hurried over to take the only three "Fire Dragon Pills" left in it. They all fell on the crystal-like jade hands.

Feeling the surging firepower contained in the elixir in her hand, Little Mei Niu didn't hesitate any longer, ran to Lin Qing's side, opened his mouth forcefully, and actually stuffed all three "Fire Dragon Pills" into Lin Qing's mouth!

Lin Qing, who was trying his best to resist the extremely yin energy, felt that someone had opened his mouth, thought it was Lei Lei and others rushing over, so he opened his mouth obediently, but three "Fire Dragon Pills" were stuffed into it!

"Ah—!" The "Fire Dragon Pill" melted in the mouth, turning into a scalding stream of heat rushing down. Caught off guard, Lin Qing yelled in pain, and didn't have time to open her eyes to see what happened, so she had to guide the stream of heat to dispel it with all her strength. The extreme Yin Qi that is still raging.

The eruption of extreme yin qi today is very abnormal. It is more ferocious and tenacious than when it erupted for the first time. The medicinal power of the three "Fire Dragon Pills" can only be matched. Fight inside.

The reckless little beauty twisted her fingers nervously, watching Lin Qing's body suddenly turned red and hot, and then turned blue and purple in an instant, and the cold air was like ice.

According to Lin Qing's experience in dispelling the extreme Yin Qi a few days ago, the power of this "Fire Dragon Pill" should not be too much. It mainly relies on absorbing the spiritual power from the outside world to resist the extreme Yin Qi. The rattan bed was too far away, and Lin Qing couldn't ask the people who came in to send him to the rattan bed, so he could only rely on the medicinal properties of these three "Fire Dragon Pills" to fight against the extreme Yin Qi.

Between the extreme alternation of cold and heat, Lin Qing, without the Ziluo Qingxin Vine to calm his mind and calm his mind, has entered a state of confusion, and his whole body even twitched.

"Hold on, you must hold on, don't faint!" The only trace of clarity in Lin Qing's heart kept reminding herself that the thick soil formula in her body was automatically operating, urging the medicinal properties of the "Fire Dragon Pill" to erode the extremes. Yin Qi.

Just when Lin Qing was about to be unable to hold on anymore, a warm and soft body pounced on top of him, and then a small pink tongue like a lilac petal gently licked open his tightly closed jaw and sent it into his mouth.

It turned out that this was the little beautiful girl Lei Ying who couldn't stand it anymore. She remembered that when she was a child with a cold and fever, the nanny hugged her warm body to relieve the symptoms. After hesitating for a while, Lin Qing's convulsions seemed to have disappeared Unable to hold on, he didn't care about being shy, and hurriedly took off his clothes, and threw himself on Lin Qing wearing only a pink undershirt.

This Lei Ying is just a 13-year-old little loli, after throwing herself into the arms of Lin Qing, whom she has been in love with for a long time, hugging his strong and sturdy body, she can't help but kiss Lin Qing with her tongue.

Strange things happened instantly!

The Thick Soil Art in Lin Qing's body spontaneously used spiritual power to engulf the medicinal power of the "Fire Dragon Pill" and the extreme yin energy encountered into Lei Ying's body, and Lin Qing unconsciously put her arms around the little beauty. The smooth jade back and the turbulent wave of spiritual power formed a subtle circulation in Lei Ying and Lin Qing's bodies, flowing in them non-stop.

Although Lei Ying is a double cultivator of Dharma and body, and her physical condition is far superior to that of ordinary monks in the qi training period, the spiritual power filled with cold and heat pouring into her body is beyond her ability. Instinctively operated the "Leiwang Town Baji" boxing formula.

This "Lei Wang Zhen Ba Ji" boxing formula can actually be regarded as an alternative basic Qi training method. After running at full strength under the impact of Lin Qing's spiritual power, Lei Ying's body unexpectedly showed a trace of blue. Purple lightning!

These weak thunder-type spiritual powers that were originally scattered in the muscles and meridians of Lei Ying's body, under the stimulation of the spiritual power rushing over from Lin Qing's body, actually gathered together like a stream, forming a stream that originally required three to five years of hard work. A trickle of spiritual power that can only be gathered together after years.

In this way, the earth-type spiritual power in Lin Qing's body, the thunder-type spiritual power in Lei Ying's body, the fire-type medicinal power of the "Fire Dragon Pill", and the ice-type cold power in the extreme Yin Qi gathered together to form a strange The incomparable tide of spiritual power circulated back and forth in the bodies of Lin Qing and Lei Ying who were tightly embracing each other.

With the excessive circulation of the meridians in Lei Ying's body, the brutal cold and heat finally dropped to a tolerable range, and Lin Qing's sanity gradually came to his senses, but he didn't have time to find out what happened right now. You can only concentrate on using this delicate circulation to get rid of the extreme Yin Qi in your body as soon as possible.

This thunder-type spiritual power is indeed worthy of being the first-class and overbearing thing in the world. Although it is only a thin strand of spiritual power in the weak Lei Ying's body, it can swim into Lin Qing's body and unceremoniously clear the meridians. All the non-substantial things hidden in the acupoints and orifices, and the extremely yin energy that was originally hidden in the deepest between the interstitial veins and bone crevices have all been pulled out one by one.

Lin Qing felt the place where the wave of spiritual power passed by, as if being struck by a small electric current, it was a little numb and felt extremely comfortable.

Thunder produces all things, and the thunder magic power is actually on the other side of domineering and tyrannical. Its nourishment and nourishment to the meridians and acupoints of the human body is also incomparable to other magic powers. The endurance of mana is different, so it is difficult to grasp how not to cause harm to the human body.

It was also due to Lin Qing's luck that the strength of the lightning magic power in Lei Ying's body just reached the standard of nourishing and moistening the meridians and acupoints in his body without causing excessive damage. In the constant cycle of spiritual power, Lin Qing's body As if after another purification like hair cutting and marrow washing, all kinds of small impurities that could not be removed by the foundation building pill were swept away, and the strength and toughness of the flesh, muscles, bones, meridians, acupoints, and dantian were greatly improved.

Compared to Lin Qing, Lei Ying, the little beauty, actually benefited the most.

Lei Ying has the attribute of middle-grade Lei Linggen, and she is taking the route of cultivating both dharma and body. Although after returning to Lei's house, Lei Zhensheng has used various elixir to help her improve her physique and remove impurities in her body, but The spiritual power in her body has not been able to gather together, and the meridians and acupoints have not been opened.

This time the external spiritual power invaded Lei Ying's body, which aroused the characteristics of protecting the master of the thunder system mana. These thunder system mana, which would have taken a long time to gather together, not only converged into a trickle of spiritual power in advance, but also The surge of powerful spiritual power broke through all the meridians and acupoints that had not been opened up before, and helped Lei Ying reduce at least ten years of hard work.

These benefits alone are equivalent to shortening nearly 20 years of penance training time, and the biggest benefit Lei Ying has obtained is that her thunder magic power has absorbed all the remaining extremely yin energy in Lin Qing's body!

Everything in the world is divided into yin and yang, and women's bodies are yin. Therefore, the thunder magic power cultivated by Lei Ying is different from Lei Lei, which belongs to Yin Lei.

Yin Lei naturally likes to absorb all kinds of Yin and cold energy, but with Lei Ying's weak cultivation base, it is impossible to provide any powerful Yin and cold energy for Yin Lei to absorb.

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