Earth Emperor

Chapter 99 The Blade Dragon

Updated: 2012-08-21

Just as Zhang Yanxiao was dodging Lin Qing's attack, he suddenly heard a wail. When the two turned their heads to look, it was the soul pet of a member of Zhang Yanxiao's team who was shot by a sharp arrow flying out of the black smoke, flapping his wings towards him. Go down!

After winning Zhang Yanxiao's team this time, Lei Yan didn't bring his usual hidden weapons when choosing equipment, but instead carried a huge bow with ox horns and two pots of specially made Immortal Killing Arrows!

In the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect Grand Competition, it is strictly forbidden to use talismans, spiritual tools and other one-time attack methods, and ordinary arrows are not lethal to monks and physical practitioners, so the Lei family specially equipped Lei Yan with a top-grade monster fire weapon. A strong bow made from the horns of Hitomi's giant horned ox, and specially made two pots of demon-slaying arrows.

The name of the Demon Killing Arrow is a bit exaggerated, but it is a special weapon specially designed to deal with monsters.

The arrow shaft of the Devil Slaying Arrow is made of ebony and is very hard. The arrow is smelted with the leftover metal essence from refining flying knives and flying swords. It is very hard and sharp. Complete, the speed is extremely fast after shooting, and it is designed to break the physical defense of monsters.

Lei Yan chose this pair of bows and arrows to use in response to Zhang Yanxiao's team's oppressive style of play. He originally planned to find an opportunity to shoot and kill the stormy birds that attacked in turn, but he didn't expect Zhang Yanxiao's team to temporarily change their tactics.

At the beginning of the battle, Zhang Yanxiao's team attacked quickly and orderly, and they all had cover for each other. Lei Yan couldn't find a chance to secretly shoot back arrows.

After Lin Qing forced Zhang Yanxiao to dodge everywhere, the team that originally attacked according to the attack formation immediately became confused. Although the other team members continued to use flying swords to attack Lei Lei and the others in the black smoke, they lost their mutual understanding. cover.

Lei Yan took aim at a gap, bent his bow and set an arrow, and shot an arrow. It was also because he was hiding in the black smoke that the outside world could not detect it, so he successfully shot down a giant owl!

Although the Zuotang disciple who fell with his spiritual pet mount was rescued by the elder who enforced the match, he immediately lost the qualification to continue the match.

Seeing this, "Sister Mu" Wu Qionghua immediately scolded, released the red-crowned thunder crane, stepped on it and rushed out black smoke, and manipulated the ancient pine-patterned sword to smash the formation of Zhang Yanxiao's team into pieces!

Immediately afterwards, Yue Songfeng, who had been beaten just now and was almost unable to fight back, also rushed up on the black-feathered bald eagle, with the seven-treasure black water gourd on top of his head, surrounded by a long black dragon of black water, rolling towards Zhang Yanxiao's team majestically. member.

Seeing the reversal of the situation and the loss of the advantage, Zhang Yanxiao did not give up. He dragged Lin Qing as if he was running away, but he made gestures to the followers around him from time to time.

Lin Qing was currently distracted from three tasks. Even though he had practiced the Tempering God Art, his spiritual consciousness was much stronger than that of ordinary foundation-building stage monks, and he was a little overwhelmed for a while. Although he felt that this Yan Xiao seemed to have a conspiracy, he didn't have time to think about it.

While the two sides were chasing, Lin Qing suddenly noticed that although Zhang Yanxiao and the others were out of formation, they were faintly surrounding Yue Lingbo, who was riding a black-feathered bald eagle, in the middle of the movement. It was too late.

The remaining five members of Zhang Yanxiao's team cast spells at the same time, and five thin whirlwinds with a strong golden and iron aura rolled towards Yue Lingbo from five directions.

Thousand blades turn back to the dragon!

This is a gold-type single-body attack technique. If you have sharp eyes, you can see that these five thin whirlwinds are actually composed of countless thin blades composed of gold and iron gas. They are extremely sharp. The whirlwind composed of sharp blades swept in, and the consequences can be imagined.

Although the technique of Thousand Blades Returning to the Dragon is powerful, the hit rate is not high, because the whirlwind released by this technique is composed of the metal and iron aura in the body of the spiritual root cultivator, so it is destined to be only thin A stream, although extremely fast, is extremely easy to dodge.

Zhang Yanxiao is indeed one of the outstanding young disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. He is extremely good at studying the cooperation between team members. When the members perform together, it immediately turns decay into magic, and becomes a powerful group attack formation!

Yue Lingbo had no way to dodge the thousands of blades swirling back and forth from five directions. This fat black man was also a ruthless person. With a roar, he wrapped the Black Water Profound Water Dragon around his body, and headed towards the Dabi Stone Platform Then hit the past.

Yue Lingbo, who cherished his black-feathered bald eagle very much, estimated that his whereabouts would fall on the Dabi stone platform with inertia when the thousand blades returned to the dragon, so he simply accepted his spiritual pet, like a piece of The falling boulders generally hit the stone platform.

Afterwards, two thousand-bladed dragons swirled one left and one right on Yue Lingbo's body-protecting Xuanshui, only to hear the sound of cutting and grinding, which made the roots of the teeth sore, although the black Xuanshui blocked most of them. The thousands of blades turned back, but there were still a small number of whirlwinds of thin blades that tore apart Xuanshui's defense!

Yue Lingbo's cassock was immediately twisted into rags by Qian Ren's remaining energy, and blood spurted out from all over his body. The severe pain made Yue Lingbo scream again and again. He passed out directly.

Everyone looked at Yue Lingbo lying on the stone platform in a large font, and it was too horrible to look at. In just a short moment, his whole body was bloody and bloody, and even bones were exposed in several places where the skin was thinner.

The reason why Zhang Yanxiao chose Yue Lingbo as the attack target was because this big black man's defense was not as good as Lin Qing's strange armor, and his movement speed was much slower than that of "Sister Mu" Wu Qionghua. The key person, after being eliminated, can directly affect the overall strength of Lei Lei's team.

After beating Yue Lingbo unconscious on the stone platform, Zhang Yanxiao led the team members and did not stop, but circled and roared towards "Sister Mu" Wu Qionghua. It seemed that they were going to make the easier ones before the harder ones, and finally solve the final problem. The difficult Lin Qing.

Seeing this, Lin Qing didn't have time to check Yue Lingbo's situation, so she quickly leaned towards Wu Qionghua. If Zhang Yanxiao and the others gave "Sister Mu" another trick of "Spinning the Dragon with Thousand Blades", "Sister Mu" who didn't have the body protection of Xuanshui "The end will definitely be worse.

Two members of Zhang Yanxiao's team immediately controlled the flying sword to stop Lin Qing, and the other three even spread out to block "Sister Mu" from returning to the stone platform.

Taking advantage of the fact that Zhang Yanxiao and the others had no time to take care of the three of Lei Lei on the stone platform, Lei Yan hurriedly carried Yue Lingbo back to Lei Lei, took out the elixir to stop bleeding and fed him.

Wu Qionghua urged the red-crowned thunder crane, and the ancient pine-patterned sword released cold lights, rushing from left to right and trying to rush back to the stone platform, but they were all stopped by members of Zhang Yanxiao's team.

Zhang Yanxiao commanded the team members under him, like a precision machine, successfully separated Lin Qing and Wu Qionghua in an orderly manner, without revealing any flaws, and the encirclement circle of Wu Qionghua was getting smaller and smaller.

At this moment, Lin Qing's position is enough to rush back to the stone platform, but how could he have the heart to leave "Sister Mu" in the encirclement, Lin Qing, who was afraid of the tragedy happening again, was already in a hurry and couldn't help but want to fight crazily up!

At this extremely critical moment, Lei Lei's Lei Fa was ready and finally made a move!

"Imperial order!" Following Lei Lei's light slap, five blue-purple lightning lights fell from the sky and struck towards Zhang Yanxiao.

This is also when Lei Lei saw that Zhang Yanxiao's team was attacking viciously, he was afraid that "Sister Mu" would be injured, so he directly used the most powerful "five thunders" among the thunder techniques he now knows.

Seeing that the long-awaited Thunderbolt finally appeared, Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief. According to past experience, once Leilei's Thunderbolt came out, it was almost time to end the battle. He didn't think Zhang Yanxiao and the others would be able to sacrifice any more. A magic weapon to defend against lightning.

At the moment when Lin Qing thought that the competition could be over, Zhang Yanxiao's followers proved that their combat quality was definitely the best among all the teams participating in the Wanshouzong New Competition.

The moment the thunder and lightning appeared, Zhang Yanxiao and his followers stabbed the nearest thunder and lightning with their flying swords between the lightning and flint, and directly led the thunder and lightning that fell down to themselves!

In this way, the five thunderbolts that originally struck Zhang Yanxiao himself were borne by the five members of the entire team, and the power of the lightning transferred through the magic weapon has been weakened, and then transmitted to their respective spiritual pets through the human body. Five monks and five-headed spiritual pets jointly took charge of Lei Lei's "Five Thunders"!

Although Zhang Yanxiao and his followers were all trembling from the shock, their hair stood on end, and two followers with weaker skills almost fell off the giant storm, after all, the power of Lei Lei's blow Being dispersed, Zhang Yanxiao's team blocked Lei Lei's most powerful killer at the cost of minor injuries to all of them!

Being able to block this blow shows that Zhang Yanxiao's team has been paying attention to Lei Lei's team before, and has learned from the previous successful experience of Lei Lei's opponents, so that they can successfully block Lei Lei's blow.

It is really not easy to achieve this. All members of Zhang Yanxiao's team must maintain formation while driving the storm giant to move at high speed, to prevent Wu Qionghua from escaping back to Shitai, to complete the attack, and to pay attention to Lei Lei , Beware of thunder and lightning that may appear at any time, all of this is absolutely impossible to do without strict special training.

Moreover, today's battle brought a dangerous signal to Lei Lei's team, that is, Lei Lei's thunder method is no longer a decisive means of omnipotence. Even if he wins today, other opponents of Lei Lei's team will definitely use this in the future If there is no way to resist Leifa's attack, Leilei's road to promotion will become more and more difficult.

Taking advantage of Zhang Yanxiao's team being overwhelmed by the lightning, Wu Qionghua and Lin Qing rushed out of the siege, returned to the Dabi Stone Platform, and joined Lei Lei.

Soon, the recovered Zhang Yanxiao led the remaining four followers to sweep again, and a new round of flying sword attacks started like wind and rain.

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