"Ah, I slept really well!" Chen Feng yawned and walked out of the room.

"I'm up. Just in time, I made porridge, let's have breakfast together." Wearing an apron, Mu Wan'er came out of the kitchen with a large bowl of porridge.Seeing Chen Feng smiled and said hello.

"Okay." Chen Feng agreed with a smile, quickly went to the bathroom, washed up, and then came to the dining table.

In front of the dining table, Mu Wan'er was not there, presumably still busy in the kitchen.Only Li Li sat there.Seeing Chen Feng, she lowered her head and started to eat.

"Uh, good morning." Chen Feng timidly glanced at Li Li, who was hard at work, and greeted cautiously.

"Hmph!" Li Li snorted coldly, turning her face away from Chen Feng.

"Big gangster!" Vaguely, Chen Feng heard the woman call out indistinctly.

Chen Feng rubbed his nose, couldn't help but teased and said, "Oh, isn't it because I'm not ready, why are you so angry?"


As soon as the words fell, Chen Feng felt a black shadow suddenly grow taller.I saw Li Li standing beside him, with her hands on her hips, one foot "bang" on his chair, and growled viciously: "You big rascal, say it again! See if grandma doesn't take your clothes off!" Light, throw it into the street!"

Chen Feng shrank suddenly, looking frightened.This woman is so tough, maybe she can really do such a thing.

After squinting at Li Li, Chen Feng's expression suddenly became weird, and a wicked smile immediately permeated his face.

"Okay, you still dare to laugh!" Li Li immediately became angry when she saw Chen Feng's expression, and couldn't help but want to give him some color, but she saw Chen Feng pointing at something with a smirk on his face.

Li Li looked down, her face turned red instantly.Under the anger just now, I forgot that I was wearing a short skirt today.The current posture just happened to present the scenery in the group unreservedly to Chen Feng for viewing.

"Pink..." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he giggled.

"Ah, you rascal! How dare you eat aunt's tofu!" Li Li hurriedly retracted her right foot, grabbed the cushion on the seat, and slapped Chen Feng fiercely.

"You two, you two are Huanxi's enemies. You can make such a fuss within less than a day!" Mu Wan'er took a plate of instant food and went out of the kitchen. Seeing the two of them arguing again, she couldn't help it Sighed.

"Who is Huanxi's enemy with him?" Li Li returned to her seat with a "hum", grabbed a steamed bun and bit it down fiercely. Then, watching Chen Feng gnash his teeth, he seemed to regard the steamed bun as a Like Chen Feng.


Today is Monday, and Chen Feng followed Li Li and Mu Wan'er out after they went to work.Chen Feng, who lost his source of income, had to find a new job to support his life.He didn't think Li Li, a domineering woman, would support him for nothing.Besides, this is not Chen Feng's style.

This time is the rush hour for work.The bus was very crowded, and the space in the entire compartment was completely filled with passengers.

The summer in hz is extremely hot, although the morning is cooler than the noon, but in such a car, due to the lack of ventilation, and the bus rarely turns on the air conditioner in the morning, the whole car is very stuffy .

Suddenly, there was a commotion from behind the carriage.

"Driver, stop quickly! Someone has fainted!" Someone shouted loudly, appearing very anxious.

The driver heard it, turned right and waited hastily, and then slowly stopped in a safe place.

"Swipe—" The door of the bus opened, and the passengers on the bus got off one by one, and the compartment suddenly became empty.The scene behind the carriage also appeared in everyone's eyes.

I saw an old man with gray temples lying upright on the ground in the back row of the carriage, his face pale and sweating profusely.

"Call an ambulance!" A steady voice came, and the middle-aged man came in front of the old man. "Everyone, step aside and let the surrounding air circulate." The middle-aged man looked serious and examined the old man's body carefully.

"No, this old man has an acute myocardial infarction. It's very dangerous!" The middle-aged man suddenly changed his face, and hurriedly shouted: "Driver, it's too late to wait for the ambulance, drive directly to the hospital!"

"Isn't that Dr. Wang? He's the vice president of the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine." Someone had already recognized this middle-aged man.

"Okay!" The driver is also straightforward, and hastily started the car.However, for some reason, the car that was fine just now couldn't start at this time.The driver was sweating profusely, and tried various methods without success.

Dr. Wang has used all the first aid measures available at the moment, but the old man's symptoms are still not relieved in the slightest.

"I can't help it, I can only try it." Doctor Wang's face became serious, and he saw his right hand suddenly pressed on the old man's chest, and then, centering on the old man's chest, slowly began to make irregular movements. From the movement, people could vaguely feel that there seemed to be some kind of magical power produced in the hands of this middle-aged man.

"Tongjing activating hand!" Chen Feng immediately recognized the name of this hand massage.However, right away, he shook his head: "It's obvious that you haven't learned anything by just being similar in shape!"

Sure enough, after a while, this Dr. Wang sat down on the ground dejectedly.

At this moment, the old man's breathing became heavy, and the old man's eyes were wide open, he was touching his neck vigorously, and his body was constantly shaking!

"No, this old man's condition is getting worse and worse!" Dr. Wang looked at the old man's symptoms and sweated profusely: "If the ambulance doesn't arrive, this old man will be in danger."

"Let me try it!" Chen Feng smiled and walked forward, looking at the middle-aged man.

"You?" Doctor Wang glanced at Chen Feng suspiciously, and asked in surprise, "Are you a doctor?"

Chen Feng shook his head.

Dr. Wang's eyes were angry, and he said, "Then don't make trouble." Then, he put his right hand on the old man's chest again. Whether it's useful or not, it's better than waiting stupidly.

Chen Feng looked at what Dr. Wang did, and he admired it.A doctor must put life first, no matter whether he can be cured or not, he should go all out.

"The strength on Tanzhong acupoint is a little stronger, yes, that's it. The strength of Mastoid acupoint is stronger, small three points, why are you so stupid? Press Tianshu acupoint with five-point force three times, you lost one..." Chen Feng Sometimes he mentioned a few words, and sometimes he cursed a few times, leaving the people in and out of the carriage speechless for a while.The young man actually taught Dr. Wang a lesson.

But these words, to Dr. Wang's ears, are like enlightenment.Following the young man's guidance, he unexpectedly discovered that his "hand that clears the meridians and activates collaterals" produced an extremely unusual fluctuation. It seemed that the blood in the old man's body was under his control, and he wanted to let him flow Wherever it is, it will flow there.

Under this force, a certain blood vessel that was originally blocked was instantly flushed away.In an instant, the old man's energy and blood returned to normal, and his pale face gradually turned red.

Finally, when Dr. Wang finished the last movement, the old man's breathing also returned to calm.Dr. Wang breathed a sigh of relief, the old man's life was finally saved.

Then, Doctor Wang saluted Chen Feng very respectfully, and said sincerely: "Sir, thank you for your guidance, which made me master this 'relaxing tendons and activating hands' thoroughly."

Chen Feng waved his hands, but didn't speak.

"Huh?" At this moment, a slightly old figure came over, and then, the old man opened his eyes.

ps: My friends, it's already on the leaderboard, let's work hard together, tickets will fly over.The contract should be coming soon, and it is estimated that the signing seal will be stamped soon!Tickets and chapters support it.

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