Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 101 Storage Bags


The door of the intensive care unit opened, and Chen Feng walked out with a smile on his face.

"Chen Feng, how about Miss Ruo Nan..." Li Li hurriedly blocked Chen Feng, pulled his cuff, and asked in a low voice.

After getting along these days, she and Zhang Ruonan have some feelings.Moreover, she and Zhang Ruonan have a deep friendship because they are both women, and they lived and died together in the previous arrest.She was very concerned about Zhang Ruonan's injury.

"Hehe, you can see for yourself." A smile flashed in the corner of Chen Feng's eyes, then he walked around Li Li and walked away.

"Hmph, so neurotic..." Li Li cursed in a low voice, but walked into the ward without stopping, and looked at Zhang Ruonan on the bed.

"Uh." Li Li's eyes suddenly widened, and the corners of her mouth gradually pulled into an arc. Then, she couldn't help it any longer, and laughed loudly while holding her belly.

"Are you a mummy? Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter." Li Li wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and walked in front of Zhang Ruonan.

At this time, Zhang Ruonan's whole body was wrapped in layers of bandages, only his eyes and mouth were exposed. He really looked like a mummy, which looked extremely funny.

Smiling, Li Li seemed to have sensed her impoliteness, and hurriedly suppressed her smile, took Zhang Ruonan's hand, and whispered, "Sister Ruonan, how do you feel?"

Zhang Ruonan stared at Li Li aggrievedly, and said angrily, "Look at me like this, do you feel better?"

"Uh. I mean, that guy Chen Feng is mysterious, can he really heal your wound without leaving a scar?" Li Li explained.

After returning from the granary, she asked Chen Feng many times how to treat Zhang Ruonan, but Chen Feng always pushed back on the grounds of keeping it secret.Thinking of Chen Feng's mysterious appearance, Li Li became very angry.

"I don't know either. Chen Feng said that it will take three days before the bandage can be removed." Zhang Ruonan said hesitantly, "However, the medicine is really comfortable after applying it on the body."

"Is the medicine on your body?" Li Li was taken aback suddenly: "Did that pervert, Chen Feng, put the medicine on you?"

"En." Zhang Ruonan said in a low voice, his voice was as thin as a mosquito.

At this time, Li Li squinted at the pair of blood-stained underwear at the foot of the bed, especially the pink hood.

"This rascal..." Li Li's eyes flashed with anger.


In the morgue, Yinling Tingting was standing quietly beside Chen Feng, her expression was full of joy.

"Thank you, Shangxian, for avenging me!" Yin Ling Tingting gently bent down, and bowed solemnly to Chen Feng.

"Well. Since your vengeance has to be avenged, go to the underworld to report it. Staying in this world for a long time will not do you any good." Chen Feng calmly accepted her gift and persuaded him lightly.

"Yes, Tingting doesn't dare to stay in the world anymore, so she will go to the underworld to plead guilty tonight." Yinling Tingting said in a low voice, but her face was full of reluctance: "Shangxian, Tingting still has something to ask."

"Tell me, if I can do it, I will definitely fulfill your wish." Chen Feng looked at Yin Ling Tingting, full of sighs.This was a girl in the Mood for Love, but died tragically in a foreign land.

Seeing Chen Feng agreeing, Yinling Tingting knelt down in front of Chen Feng with joy.

"I am from Shan County, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and I have been in hz for more than a year. This time I was killed, because my body cannot be identified, so my parents still don't know about my situation. I also ask Shangxian to tell my family about me, And take my ashes back to my hometown for burial." Yin Ling Tingting thought of those relatives, and suddenly felt sad.

When Chen Feng heard it, he let out a light surprise: "Are you from Shan County, Jiangsu and Zhejiang?"

Yin Lingting Tingting didn't know, but she still nodded.

"It seems that we do have some fate." Chen Feng paused, and continued: "I am also from Shan County, so we are still fellow villagers."

"In that case, I agree to your request. In the future, I will definitely send your ashes back to my hometown, so you can go at ease." After speaking, Chen Feng pointed out, and a golden light hit Yin Ling Tingting's forehead.

Immediately, a pattern of a medicine cauldron appeared between Yinling Tingting's eyebrows.

"When you cross the 'Naihe Bridge', Granny Meng will take care of you when she sees this pattern, and let you be a good family." Chen Feng looked through the skylight into the depths of the starry sky, as if recalling something from the past .

"Thank you, Shangxian." Yin Lingting Tingting kowtowed heavily, full of joy.Then, her body gradually faded, and she slowly plunged into the earth.


At this moment, a ray of golden light suddenly descended from the sky. The roof seemed to not exist, and there was no obstacle to the golden light at all.

"Golden merit!" Chen Feng closed his eyes enjoying himself: "It seems that this secular world is really a good place to accumulate merit. No wonder so many great powers from ancient times entered the secular world to preach and teach."

The golden light of merit this time must have been much shorter than the previous one.However, it still made Chen Feng understand something.This kind of comprehension is miraculous, and it is unclear.

"Finally free, it's time to see my spoils." Chen Feng muttered to himself

While speaking, Chen Feng's waist flashed, and a yellow brocade pouch flew up from his waist, suspended in mid-air.

Unexpectedly, in this mundane world, a small master of Qi training can own a storage bag.

The storage bag, also known as the Qiankun bag, means that there is a universe inside, and it can hold everything.Storage bags are very popular in the cultivation world.Almost all cultivators have one.However, it is very rare in this secular world.

This storage bag is just the lowest kind, with only one cubic space in it.As early as when he just got the storage bag, Chen Feng recognized the owner with a drop of blood.Therefore, he could suddenly conjure up a large medicine pot in the ward.

"Open!" Chen Feng shouted softly.

The mouth of the storage bag suddenly loosened, and one item after another was ejected from the fist-sized storage bag.

"These..." Chen Feng was suddenly overjoyed when he saw some items suspended in midair.


With a move of Chen Feng's hand, a jade bottle in mid-air flew leisurely to Chen Feng's hand.

Pulling out the cork, a faint medicinal fragrance filled the air immediately.

"Yuanyuan Pill?" A happy look flashed between Chen Feng's brows: "Although the quality of this Yangyuan Pill is extremely low, it can be reheated to extract the essence and used as the material of 'Congealing Yuan Pill'." Chen Feng has already felt condensed in his recent practice. The bottleneck of the Yuan Dynasty has been loosened. You only need to take another Condensed Yuan Pill to enter the Yuan Condensed Stage.

Chen Feng made another move, and a yellowed thread-bound ancient book flew into his hand.

""Unraveling the Oxen Knife Technique"?" Chen Feng opened the book, and immediately understood the origin of the storage bag.

It is written on the last page of this book that the owner of this storage bag was originally a cultivator in the Condensation Period. Because of the enemy's pursuit, he fled into the secular world. In the end, he could not withstand the erosion of time and disappeared in the slow world. In slow time.

Later, this storage bag was obtained by Hao Tianlong by chance and coincidence. Relying on the "Xie Niu Dao Technique" and the long knife, Hao Tianlong sat on the **** godfather step by step in the killing, but also because of the accident. Instigated demons, leading to the indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

To others, this "Unraveling the Chopper's Sword Technique" is a peerless secret book, but to Chen Feng, it is just a piece of rubbish.Putting down the "Unraveling the Niu Knife Technique", Chen Feng looked at other things in midair.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Chen Feng called out three hellos in a row, only to see that the rest suspended in mid-air were some medicinal materials.

"With this batch of medicinal materials, the ingredients of 'Condensing Yuan Pill' are amazing. Tonight, let's start the alchemy furnace!"

Chen Feng's voice seemed very carefree, and he stayed in the room for a long time.

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