Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 117 The Weird Car Accident

"Okay, okay, I'll be right back!" Li Li cried helplessly, then hung up the phone.

Li Li looked at Chen Feng bitterly, and shouted: "Bad guy, I'm leaving!" Chen Feng's hateful behavior just now made his teeth itch with hatred, especially after the waiter caught him in an ambiguous position. There was an urge to strangle Chen Feng to death.

"What's the matter, so urgent?" Chen Feng asked, looking at Li Li's cute and shy face.

"It's my mother." A bitter look flashed in Li Li's eyes: "My mother has already called her good sister's son home, and now she is waiting for me to go back and introduce him to us."

"Isn't that very good?" Chen Feng looked at Li Li amusedly, and joked again.

"Hey, what are you talking about, you big bastard?" Li Li yelled angrily, "You need to know who you are now. You'll be my boyfriend all day today!"

"Yes!" Chen Feng saluted with a snap, pretending to obey the order.

"Pfft——" Li Li was suddenly amused by Chen Feng's sudden action, and couldn't help but chuckled: "I never thought you, a big villain, can have humor."

After finishing speaking, Li Li stood up, picked up her satchel and smiled at Chen Feng: "Big villain, I'm leaving." After walking a few steps, she couldn't help but turn around again, with a warning all over her face: "Chen Feng, if you don't Come, I will... bite you to death!"

"Bite me to death?" Chen Feng suddenly showed an ambiguous smile when he looked at Li Li's rosy lips pursed in warning. Li Li's words reminded him of the definition of the word "bite" on the Internet recently. .When women, especially beauties, say they want to bite a man to death, the man subconsciously will automatically read the word "bite" apart and read both sides, and then flirt.However, Chen Feng naturally wouldn't tell Li Li about such an evil idea.

"What are you thinking? You're smiling so obscenely!" Li Li couldn't help asking, seeing the mean smile on Chen Feng's face.

"'s nothing." Chen Feng straightened his face hastily, and said solemnly, "I'm thinking about what presents I should prepare when I meet my future mother-in-law this time."

"Who is your future mother-in-law!" Li Li blushed, but she cursed viciously: "You have to realize your status, you are just my temporary boyfriend! Be careful, it's temporary!"

With that said, Li Li turned around and quickly left the box.The moment the box door was closed, Li Li's voice came in again: "Your salary in the mortuary is not high, so don't buy such expensive gifts."

Then, the door slammed shut.

"This girl..." Chen Feng couldn't help but chuckled lightly, but his heart felt warm.Although Li Li has never had a good temper with herself, she always thinks about herself.

As soon as Li Li left, she was left alone, so naturally she didn't have the mood to sit down. After paying the bill, under the ambiguous eyes of the waiters, Chen Feng left to make coffee.

After leaving the cafe, Chen Feng called Situ Qiang, hoping that he could help him get the driver's license.

Chen Feng had plans in mind to buy a car, so he naturally needed to apply for a driver's license.Even though Chen Feng's driving skills are amazing, driving without a license will still cause a lot of trouble in this hz city.

As the chief of the Public Security Bureau, Situ Qiang is naturally related to him. It must not be difficult for him to get a driver's license.

Sure enough, after Chen Feng explained his needs, Situ Qiang patted his chest and said that he would do it for himself as soon as Monday came to work.

After exchanging a few words with Situ Qiang, Chen Feng hung up the phone.


At this moment, a piercing sound of brakes sounded not far from Chen Feng.Then, I heard a "bang".

"I killed someone, I killed someone!" A burst of shouts came, and I saw a circle of people on the road behind Chen Feng, all of them looked panicked and pointed.A high-end BMW car was parked not far away, the entire front of the car was dented, and it seemed that the collision was serious.

Walking forward quickly, Chen Feng arrived at the scene of the incident.

In the middle of the crowd, a man with disheveled hair was lying upright on the main driveway without making a sound.

The BMW owner was anxiously trying to explain to the side.

"I wasn't driving fast, it was the man who hit me in the self-forgetful car!" The owner of the car was obviously a little anxious by the collision, and he danced while talking.

"Who are you lying to?" Someone immediately questioned.

"That's right, if you don't drive fast, can the front of your car hit like this?"

"He sent it here to hit you? Is he a fool?"

For a moment, everyone shouted one sentence at a time, but obviously, no one believed what this man said.

"En?" Chen Feng observed the scene, and suddenly a question flashed in his heart.

This crash is so weird.Everyone seems to have not noticed some details.

Looking at the front of the BMW, Chen Feng concluded that without a speed of 100 yards, such a deep dent would absolutely not be possible.However, this is a main road in the urban area, there are many vehicles, and the scene is located near the commercial area, and there are many people crossing the road, so no car dares to go 100 yards.

Moreover, even if the owner of the car really went as far as 100 yards, under such an impact, everyone's bones should be broken and blood spurted wildly.However, Chen Feng observed the victim on the ground, and found that although his clothes were torn, his face was pale, and he was not breathing at all, there was no scratches or bleeding all over his body, as if he had just fallen asleep in the middle of the road.

Weird, so weird.

Puzzled, Chen Feng controlled his mind to sense the past on the victim on the ground.

From Chen Feng's perception, this person did not have breathing and heartbeat, but there was a hidden power lurking in his body.

With this discovery, Chen Feng suddenly became curious.

"By the way, I have a driving recorder, and I'll show it to you!" The BMW owner suddenly thought of something, turned around and got into the car for a while.

The driving recorder can record the image of the place where the camera is aimed at when the vehicle is driving, just like a video recorder that shoots the whole process.

At this time, the owner of the BMW car held a tablet computer in his hand and shouted at the crowd: "Look, everyone, this is the video of the crash."

I saw that on the tablet computer, the scene of the impact was being played.The above shows that the speed of the car at that time was only about [-] yards, which is a normal speed on this road.When the vehicle reached this section of the road, the person who was hit suddenly rushed out from an alley not far away, then ran straight to the road, and rushed towards the BMW in the opposite direction. The speed was unimaginable.

What's more, Chen Feng clearly saw in the video that the victim didn't have any fear on his face at the moment he was hit, but... a face full of relief.

As soon as the video on the driving recorder was played, everyone started discussing again. It seemed that things were not as simple as they thought.

At this moment, a beautiful figure separated from the crowd and came to the victim.

Immediately, those who were talking a lot stopped involuntarily, and all stared blankly at this woman.

This is an incredibly beautiful woman, with her slender figure and her vigorous breasts, it infinitely attracts everyone's attention.

"Is it good..." Many men's eyes were full of fascination, unaware that their saliva had drawn a long line and dripped down.

"I'm sorry, this is a patient who escaped from our mental hospital and made everyone worry." The woman smiled apologetically at everyone.It was this smile, which seemed to have boundless allure, which made the eyes of these men even hotter.

After the woman finished speaking, she bent down, patted the victim's face a few times, and called softly: "Wake up, my child."

Strange to say, as soon as the woman finished speaking, the victim on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the woman in horror. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't make any sound.

"Okay, my child, come back with me. Since you are already one of us, you can never change it." The woman said softly, but she stood up holding the victim with both hands.

Without saying hello to other people, under the stunned eyes of everyone, he helped the person who was hit and left lightly.

After the woman left, Chen Feng saw two groups of people following her.A group of people are a group of people who look like gangsters. Looking at their faces, it is obvious that they have no good intentions.Another wave of people, actually only one person, is a woman.

Chen Feng didn't see the woman's face clearly, but from the back, she looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

It wasn't until the woman left for a while that all the people present suddenly came to their senses, and there was a lot of discussion, full of inconceivable.

All of this seemed unreal, and a person who was obviously killed by the collision actually stood up again.

And the BMW driver looked at his deformed car with a wry smile on his face.After a while, the traffic police came, how should I explain?

It can't be said that the person who was hit was hit and run, right?

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