Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 119 Shirley's Past

"Xue Li, you indiscriminately killed innocent people and harmed ordinary people. Let me judge you today." Wu Xin released a strong coercion from his hands.

"Burn it, the light of judgment!" As Wu Xin sang, two extremely dazzling beams of light suddenly shot at Xueli.

"Heck, it's this little trick again!" Xue Li smiled coquettishly, but her body dodged left and right, like a civet in the dark, so that Xue Li's white light couldn't catch her figure no matter what.

"Wu Xin, we are classmates, why fight to the death?" Shirley stood in front of Wu Xin delicately and said with a smile.

"You are the blood clan representing evil, and I am the embodiment of light, destined to destroy you." Wu Xin's face was very solemn at the moment, like a holy angel, without any fireworks.

"Since you are the incarnation of light, why didn't you stop me from killing these people?" Shirley was still smiling earnestly, the two naked lumps on her chest trembling lightly, it was indescribably beautiful.

"They are the same as you. They are all evil transformations. It is a kind of relief for you to kill them." There was still no fluctuation in Wu Xin's words.

"Hahaha, what a holy religion, it's just wolves in sheep's clothing." Shirley suddenly laughed, and the laughter was full of sarcasm: "Wu Xin, you and I used to be good sisters, don't blame me Didn't remind you."

"Do you know why I became like this?" Shirley's mood fluctuated, and a strong resentment broke out unabashedly.

"It's you, the so-called holy religion, the clergy who are doing the darkest things in time under the guise of spreading light!"

"It's the pope you worship, that's the one who raped me under the guise of spreading the teachings!" Shirley's voice was so loud that it was almost shouted, and anyone could hear it. How much resentment.

"You are talking nonsense, how could the great pope do such a thing! You are discrediting the Holy See!" Wu Xin's face was a little unnatural, and he was slightly angry.

"Smearing the Holy See? Hahaha——" Shirley laughed maniacally, and two lines of tears rolled down from her eyes. They were red and thick, and they turned out to be two lines of blood tears.


Tears of blood dripped down on her naked pride, making her look even more poignant.

"The Pope, who you call the greatest man under the light of God, played with me recklessly that night..."

"Hehehe, are you surprised? Holy pope, it's so powerful. He raped and raped me all night long, playing with every part of me, in every position you can imagine , has been played by him."

"Hahahaha—your great pope, he used all his holy power to strengthen that thing."

Xue Li seemed to be crying, seemed to be condemning, the strong unwillingness in her words was like a stone thrown into a pool of water, causing Wu Xin's peaceful heart to ripple.

"You're talking nonsense!" Wu Xin protested loudly, "How could the great pope do such a thing!"

"Don't believe me, then look!" Shirley smiled sadly, and slowly took off her pants.The trousers slipped off, revealing a slim body, the slender legs, the dense forest and the looming mysterious area, all displayed in front of Wu Xin at a glance.

"This is..." Wu Xin's pupils shrank, full of disbelief.

I saw that there was a scarlet scar on the thick hair under Shirley.The texture of this scar is most familiar to Wu Xin!

"That's right, this is the cover of the scripture that the great pope never leaves!"


Wu Xin's brain was shocked, and a strong sense of disbelief filled her mind.

"I didn't expect that the pope you worship would use the holy scriptures as a tool to seduce me!" Shirley was full of bitterness: "He burned the scriptures red with holy power, and then branded them on my body. To make me his slave!"

"That's why I fell from a saint to a blood." Shirley seemed to be a little relaxed because she confided.

"No, no, that's not the case. It must be you, a woman, deliberately slandering the Pope!" Wu Xin suddenly yelled crazily, and the original holy temperament was suddenly shattered, but in exchange for it, his face was full of rage.

"How dare you slander the Pope, I will destroy you on behalf of the great God!" Wu Xin said maniacally, and then, her body turned into a series of afterimages, and she rushed towards Shirley. Seeing the amazing momentum, I believe that once in contact, it is the most powerful attack.

"You and I used to be classmates, and later became saints at the same time. It is because I don't want to hurt you, so I have been avoiding you." Shirley looked at Wu Xin who was rushing towards her face, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth: "You are right, from the moment I fell, you and I are enemies."

As he spoke, a black long sword suddenly condensed in his hand.

"Sword of Darkness, cut it for me!"

Xue Li shouted softly, but the black long sword in her hand was mercilessly drawn towards Wu Xin who was not far away.

"Holy Spear!"

Wu Xin's momentum continued unabated, but there was an extra long white light spear in his hand, which suddenly blocked the black long sword.


As soon as the two sides came into contact, there was a violent collision, and the mosaics on the walls of the houses on both sides of the gap were shaken down like rain.


Wu Xin stepped back again and again, staring at the long sword still shining black in Xue Li's hand in disbelief: "You...why are you so powerful!"

"Shocked?" Shirley said with a smile on her face: "My people say that my bloodline is the most powerful among the bloodlines. So, although I have only fallen for one year, it is worth a hundred years for ordinary bloodlines." accomplished."

"Since you said that there is no balance between good and evil. Now, you can go to hell!" Xue Li's eyes suddenly revealed a hint of cruelty, and the long sword in her hand suddenly stabbed at Wu Xin!

"Shield of Light!" Wu Xin yelled softly, and a strong holy power of light surged in front of her, forming a white light shield.

The moment the light shield condensed, Xue Li's black sword had already pierced.

"Bang bang—"

The light shield was like a shattered glass mirror, turning into pieces and dissipating.

The black sword pierced through the shield of light in an instant, and it was about to stab Wu Xin's throat.

"Are you going to die?" Wu Xin looked at the sword with helplessness.She didn't want to die, but she couldn't escape it.

At this moment, a finger suddenly appeared next to Heijian, and landed on Heijian's sword fiercely.


The black sword shook, but it deviated from the original direction, and brushed past Wu Xin's neck, allowing Wu Xin to escape a catastrophe!

"Who are you!" Xue Li looked at Chen Feng seriously.

"As for me, we can be considered friends!" Chen Feng pointed at Wu Xin who was still a little unresponsive, and smiled.

"Okay, since a strong man like you came forward, I'll forgive you today." After saying that, Shirley ran a few steps, grabbed the man who hit the car before, and ran to the other side of the gap go.

Chen Feng didn't catch up, but stood quietly beside Wu Xin, his eyes were a bit serious.I didn't get any benefit from the blow just now!


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