After dawn, two streamers flew away from Jinji Island rapidly.

These two people, needless to say, are Chen Feng and Lan Xin.They went here to go to Nabao Reef Island, looking for the storage ring that Lan Xin threw into the body.

Last night, under Chen Feng's oppression, the wife of the island owner gave in without much resistance.

The reason why Chen Feng chose not to kill her was simply to let him appease the people of Jinji Island.After all, Lan Gu's influence in Jinji Island is shallow, if Chen Feng doesn't make some arrangements, once the news of the death of the two island owners comes out, Lan Gu will immediately be surrounded and wiped out by the forces of the whole island.This is undoubtedly a huge worry for Lan Xin.

And the wife of the island owner is the most authoritative person on Jinji Island other than the two island owners. As long as she is controlled, it is tantamount to controlling Jinji Island.After all, no one on Jinji Island would dare to disobey the identity of a Xianyun Island disciple.

After solving this worry, Lan Xin set off with Chen Feng in peace of mind, looking for the storage ring.

Baojiao Island is a commercial island overseas, and it has the largest square city in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Here, overseas monks trade magic medicines, treasures of heaven and earth.

Treasure Reef Island is not far from Jinji Island, if Lan Xin were to drive alone, it would be a big deal in a few days.However, she was brought by Chen Feng along the way, and it only took more than three hours to arrive.

After setting foot on Treasure Reef Island, Chen Feng felt a strong market spirit rushing towards him.

Here, countless monks turned into vendors, and the voice of selling was endless.

"Lan Xin, tell me, which direction on Treasure Reef Island is the place where you threw the storage ring?" Chen Feng asked Lan Xin.

Just now, Chen Fengfei had a bird's-eye view of Baojiao Island from the sky, only to find that there are several coconut groves along the coast of Baojiao Island, each of which is very similar to the place Lan Xin described.

Therefore, Chen Feng and Lan Xin decided to go to Treasure Jiao Island and conduct a detailed investigation.

Lan Xin looked at the surrounding environment, frowning deeply.She tried hard to recall the scenes in her memory, and finally determined two locations.

The first location is on the west coast of Treasure Reef Island, and the other one is on the south coast of Treasure Reef Island.

"Let's go, let's go to the west coast which is closer to us first." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he led Lan Xin to the west coast.

The west coast is a small port.

Next to the port, there is a lush coconut grove.However, at this moment, there are quite a few monks shuttling through the coconut grove, as if something happened inside.

"Lan Xin, try to remember, where did you throw the storage ring?" Chen Feng was not interested in the things in the coconut grove at all, but asked Lan Xin in a low voice.

Lan Xin looked around and kept walking on the beach, as if she was positioning herself.

Finally, he stood still at a place close to the coconut grove, and called to Chen Feng: "Senior, this is probably the place!"

Chen Feng nodded, then came to Lan Xin's side, turned his head and looked towards the direction of the sea.

In the distance, the sea level stretches as far as the eye can see, and only a few seabirds soar over the sea in the distance.

"You wait here, I'll go down and have a look!" Chen Feng nodded towards Lan Xin, and then quickly rushed towards the sea.

Soon, Chen Feng plunged headlong into the sea water.

The slope of this beach was very steep, Chen Feng only advanced tens of meters, and he was already on the bottom of the sea.

The underwater world is colorful and colorful, with countless swimming fish wandering around Chen Feng.On the bottom of the sea, countless seaweeds float and dance, like a seabed jungle, densely packed.

In such a place, finding a storage ring is definitely extremely difficult.Moreover, it has been five years since the storage ring was thrown into the seabed, and it may have been submerged by countless sediments.

Fortunately, Chen Feng has a strong sense of immortality. At this moment, Feng Chen's sense of immortality spread out, like a high-precision radar, sweeping across the seabed.

Wherever Chen Feng's immortal consciousness went, from the water plants to the bottom of the sand, every corner appeared in Chen Feng's mind.

However, despite this, searching for a small storage ring is extremely difficult.

Half an hour later, Chen Feng had already searched a range of several nautical miles, but found nothing.

"Could it be that it's not this sea area?" Chen Feng felt a little lost in his heart: "Or, this storage ring has already been picked up by someone!"

"Look for a while, if you still can't find it, then go to the south coast to have a look!" Chen Feng made up his mind and expanded the scope again.

Time passed bit by bit, but Chen Feng still didn't have any clues.

"It seems that this sea area is really missing." Chen Feng thought in despair, and then he controlled his body to float up.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly hit, but it was a giant sea beast.

With a slight movement of Chen Feng's body, he avoided the sea beast's attack.

"Huh, it turned out to be a gold-eating fish." A sudden idea came to Chen Feng's mind: "No wonder I always felt something was wrong just now. It turned out that I didn't find a single bit of metal after searching all the way. With this gold-eating fish , any metal will probably be devoured.”

"Perhaps, that storage ring was swallowed by that goldfish. It's not necessarily true." Chen Feng had a flash of inspiration in his heart.

The next moment, Chen Feng's immortal consciousness fell on the gold-eating fish that attacked him.

All of a sudden, Chen Feng had a feeling.There are many metal particles in the body of this goldfish, probably the metal residues that he swallowed.However, Chen Feng did not find any trace of the storage ring on this gold-eating fish.

"The storage ring is engraved with many complicated formations. It is definitely not digestible by the goldfish. If it is swallowed by the goldfish, it will probably stay in their stomachs. Perhaps it is not this one that swallowed the storage ring. It's other goldfish, I might as well follow this goldfish and go to their lair."

With a thought in mind, pieces of metal of various colors appeared in Chen Feng's hands, and he threw them towards the gold-eating fish.

Seeing the many metals that appeared out of thin air, the goldfish stared wider at the other side's fish eyes, opened its mouth greedily, and swallowed those metals into its mouth.

Soon, the flat belly of the goldfish became round.

"Let's go back when you're full." Chen Feng patted the chewing goldfish on the head and urged in a low voice.

As if it understood Chen Feng's words, the goldfish flicked its tail immediately, turned around, and swam towards the depths of the sea.

"Whether my guess is right or not, it's good to try your luck!" Chen Feng said to himself for a while, and then chased in the direction where the gold-eating fish disappeared.


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