Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 1250 Lan Xin Missing

"I will wake up, mortal, are you willing to become my slave and be loyal to me forever? I will give you endless life and infinite power!" A deep and domineering voice sounded in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, as if To crush all of Chen Feng's willpower!

Chen Feng's spirit was ignorant, but he couldn't think of any resistance under this voice.

In other words, Chen Feng subconsciously wanted to stand up and resist, but that voice instantly blocked all his thoughts, so that Chen Feng could only watch helplessly as his mind sank.

Regarding this, Chen Feng could only smile helplessly.He couldn't even raise his mind, how could Chen Feng resist?

At this moment, at the core of Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, a cyan sword shadow suddenly shot up into the sky, like a lightning bolt piercing the sky, causing Chen Feng's thoughts to throb.

"No, I am me, I am Chen Feng, I will not submit to anyone, let alone become someone's tool!"

"Strength, I can cultivate myself! Life, I can fight for it myself! I, Chen Feng, why do I need others to give me what I want?"

Once this idea arises, it is out of control!

Chen Feng only felt that a vast will suddenly surged out of his sea of ​​consciousness, and this will was exactly Chen Feng's most profound thoughts.

"Don't want me to fall under your evil thoughts. Now, get out of my territory for anything I don't like!" Chen Feng's thoughts burst into riots, as if an ancient giant shouted to the sky, causing The world changed color for it!

Under Chen Feng's strong thoughts, all the evil thoughts seemed to be swept up by a strong wind, and dissipated in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness all at once.

The next moment, Chen Feng instantly recovered all his willpower, and his body was once again under his control!

At this moment, Chen Feng only felt that his sense of immortality was stronger. In the confrontation with his evil thoughts, the strength of his sense of immortality was greatly improved!

"That green sword shadow must be in green clothes. This time, if it wasn't for her, I'm afraid I would really fall into this evil thought and never be able to extricate myself!" Chen Feng thought in his heart, and the next moment, his thoughts were In the sea of ​​consciousness, he found the figure in green.

At this moment, the green clothes, curled up next to Chen Feng's Sea Consciousness True Spirit, seemed to be an extremely weak little girl, which made people feel pity.

"Lvyi, are you alright?" Chen Feng looked at Lvyi worriedly, and asked softly.

"Chen Feng, I seem to be going to sleep for a while." Lv Yi said softly, as if he didn't even have the strength to raise his head.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng's heart trembled, and he couldn't help asking anxiously.

"Just now I cut a crack in that evil spirit, which hurt some of the origin. For a long time to come, I will start to fall into a deep sleep, and I may not be able to help you." The voice of the green clothes was still very soft. Light, with a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Lvyi, how long are you going to sleep?" Chen Feng looked at the petite woman in front of him, full of self-blame.

Luyi said that he hurt some sources, but in fact, is it really just some?

Obviously not!

"I don't know, unless you can refine a peerless elixir that enhances the power of the soul or find a treasure of heaven, material and earth that has the same effect." After Lvyi finished speaking, his body gradually became illusory.

"Lvyi, don't worry, I will definitely let you recover." Chen Feng said solemnly as he looked at Luyi, which had turned into a shining green light and scattered in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.


After checking his own state again, Chen Feng's consciousness escaped from the sea of ​​consciousness and returned to the outside world.

At this moment, the gold-eating fish had stopped struggling, and the surrounding stomach wall also stopped contracting, obviously dead.

"Unexpectedly, there is a magic eye hidden in this small storage ring, but at this moment, my heart is like a rock, and the magic thoughts in this magic eye can no longer control me." Chen Feng held the storage ring, Said lightly: "Yi Tianzong must have seen the magic eye and thought that this magic eye would endanger the cultivation world. But I don't know how he broke free from the temptation of this magic eye?"

After thinking about it, Chen Feng was relieved.Everyone has their own opportunities, maybe Yi Tianzong will have his own opportunities in these years.

With a wave of sword energy casually, Chen Feng ripped open the goldfish, opening a huge gap.Afterwards, Chen Feng escaped from the gap.

The surrounding goldfish had already disappeared without a trace due to the riot of the giant goldfish. In the vast ocean, only the bodies of Chen Feng and the goldfish remained.

Chen Feng thought for a while, then put the corpse of the goldfish into the storage ring.The gold-eating fish was mutated under the influence of the evil thoughts, and it was inevitable that some of the evil thoughts would be tainted on its body.If its corpse is eaten by other sea beasts, it may cause other sea beasts to mutate, indirectly affect this sea area, and endanger the monks passing by.

Although Chen Feng was not a compassionate person, he couldn't see the monks around him suffering because of his carelessness.

After collecting the goldfish's body, Chen Feng confirmed the direction and returned to the way he came.Since he didn't need to use his sense of immortality to search, Chen Feng returned extremely quickly. In just over a minute, he had already arrived at the coast.

However, Lan Xin, who was originally waiting on the beach, disappeared at this moment.

"Where are people? Logically speaking, Lan Xin would never run around at will!" Chen Feng frowned, looking around, searching for Lan Xin's trace.

However, on this vast beach, where is Lan Xin?

"Could it be that Lan Xin is in danger?" Chen Feng looked down, and sure enough, he saw that Lan Xin's footprints were messy on the spot where she was standing just now. Although the sea water washed away from time to time, these traces were still not completely erased.

"It seems that Lan Xin is really in danger!" Chen Feng's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, but his eyes couldn't help looking at the coconut grove beside him.

I remember that when I came here just now, the coconut grove was very lively.But at this moment, except for a large area of ​​collapsed coconut trees, Chen Feng did not see anyone.

"Eh?" Chen Feng suddenly let out a light snort, but with his immortal consciousness, he noticed that there were still a few auras in the coconut grove, but these auras were dying, as if they had been seriously injured.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Feng jumped into the coconut grove.

In front of him, four men were hung on several coconut trees. They were naked and their true energy was sealed. They looked very embarrassed.

Seeing Chen Feng appearing suddenly, the four of them were startled.But then, these four people looked at Chen Feng beggingly, and cried out bitterly: "My fellow Taoist, we are the disciples of Xianyun Island, please let us go, we will definitely be rewarded!"

Xianyun Island disciple?

Chen Feng frowned suddenly. When did the disciples of Xianyun Island become so embarrassed?

ps: In the trough period, the code word is like constipation. I know how to write it, but I just can’t write it.It's been several days, when will this constipation-like day end.


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