Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 1285 Crush them!

Chen Feng's name is the best summoning order.

With Chen Feng's call, all the Kyushu sects were dispatched.

The mighty team is much larger than the one that wiped out more than a dozen sects more than a year ago.

The Heaven and Earth Sect, which has burned, killed and looted for 5000 years in the cultivation world, has already aroused everyone's resentment, and there is only one person who can lead a large-scale counterattack.

For thousands of years, no such person has appeared.And at this moment, Chen Feng is such a person!

A mighty army of monks surrounded the main altar of the Heaven and Earth Sect like an iron barrel. Unless the monks inside had the ability to teleport, they would have no way of escaping from the siege.

However, even though the monks were filled with righteous indignation, Chen Feng did not speak.They dare not make any changes no matter what.

Standing on the high platform, Chen Feng looked at the densely packed crowd on the main altar of the Heaven and Earth Sect, with a hint of thought in his eyes.

Kill it?

With his own strength and countless monks, it would be easy to destroy the main altar of the Heaven and Earth Sect in front of him.However, in that case, the casualties would be extremely tragic.

"Chen Feng, most of the monks of the Heaven and Earth Cult inside are forced to do nothing. If we can save them, we can save them." Beside Chen Feng, Guo Chang warned in a low voice: "Thousands of years have passed, and the realm of comprehension has been lost. How many monks, if these people can break free from the shackles of the Heaven and Earth Sect, they might not be chivalrous people."

"Master is right!" Chen Feng nodded, and readily agreed: "Indeed, I have lost too many talents in the cultivation world. If these people are willing to accept the Demon Breaking Pill, it can be regarded as strengthening the strength of the cultivation world. "

Guo Chang looked at Chen Feng with satisfaction.Although this apprentice is incredibly powerful, he is still a person who is good at accepting advice.

Only such people can go further.

"It's just that they are all imprisoned in the main altar of the Heaven and Earth Sect, surrounded by protective formations, and they can't get out at all. How can they be rescued?" Guo Chang frowned and asked.

"You don't have to worry about this master, I have my own way!" Chen Feng smiled brightly: "Master is optimistic."

While speaking, a small shuttle appeared in Chen Feng's hand.

"This is..." Seeing the talisman in Chen Feng's hand, Guo Chang's brows twitched: "Could it be that this is the legend that the formation cannot be made?"

"Master, you have good eyesight." Chen Feng nodded, and said with a smile: "I got this formation shuttle by chance in the past, and I have re-refined it before, but now it comes in handy again. "

"Master, wait a moment, I'll come as soon as I go." When Chen Feng moved his body, he had already arrived outside the main altar of the Heaven and Earth Sect.

"Listen people inside, sticking to the heavens has the virtue of being good at life, I will give you one more chance, and anyone who is willing to take the Pomo Pill to get out of the sea of ​​suffering, I will give you one last chance!" Chen Feng's voice was layered, through The big formation of the Heaven and Earth Sect General Altar penetrates through but is still clear.

Immediately, there was a lot of discussion in the main altar of the Heaven and Earth Sect.Many monks whispered to each other, obviously extremely excited.

"Hmph! Chen Feng, don't think that you can do whatever you want because of your supernatural powers. The formation of the main altar is arranged by the master of the formation. If you can't get in, we can't get out. How can you give us a chance!" Right above the main altar, A Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal looked at Chen Feng and cursed loudly.This person is the deputy head of the Tiandi Sect. After Yuan Fang left, he became the largest in the Tiandi Sect.

"Are you sure I can't come in?" Chen Feng looked at the Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal with a half-smile, a hint of misery flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Chen Feng's expression, the Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal felt apprehensive for no reason.Based on his analysis of Chen Feng, he knew that this person generally would not speak outrageous words.

"Could it be that this Chen Feng has a way to come in?" While the deputy leader was puzzled, he quietly caught a glimpse of the small formation shuttle in Chen Feng's hand, and his face immediately changed wildly, and he couldn't help shouting sharply: "All the disciples of the Heaven and Earth Sect, listen up!" , who dares to betray the Heaven and Earth Sect, kill Wushe! With my strength, I can completely kill you all before you get the Demon-Breaking Pill!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of those cultivators who were discussing secretly darkened, and they immediately fell silent.The deputy leader was right, he could kill them before he got the Demon-Breaking Pill.Besides, who knows if Chen Feng is using words to deceive them.

"Hmph, what a bold tone!" Chen Feng smiled slightly: "You can't stop me from doing anything I want to do!"

While speaking, the formation shuttle lightly waved, and a strange energy descended instantly, quietly cutting a hole in the formation above the main altar of the Heaven and Earth Sect.

As soon as Chen Feng moved, he was already in the formation.

He looked down at the monks of the Heaven and Earth Sect below from a high position, and said coldly: "Within ten breaths, those who are willing to abandon the darkness and turn to the light will come behind me."

Seeing Chen Feng entering the formation, many of the Heaven and Earth Sect members who were already in despair had their hope rekindled in their hearts.They were eager to fly and fly to Chen Feng's side.

"Who dares!" The deputy leader gave an order, and many diehard loyalists attacked and killed those who were about to make a move.

"Hmph, be quiet!" Seeing this, Chen Feng didn't panic, he just roared like a lion with luck in his dantian.

This loud roar, like thunder on dry land, exploded in the ears of those loyal monks, making their will blur for a while, not to mention attacking those monks of the Heaven and Earth Sect who wanted to turn to the light.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, other Heaven and Earth Sect cultivators hurriedly flew up and flew towards Chen Feng's direction.

"How dare you!" The deputy leader and many senior leaders of the Heaven and Earth Sect couldn't stand at all. If these people were allowed to defect, the battle would be lost.

"You guys also give me peace for a while." Chen Feng said lightly: "I'll clean you up later!"

While speaking, the deputy leader and all the senior leaders of the Heaven and Earth Sect froze, unable to move again.

"How could it be so powerful!" The deputy leader trembled in his heart, and an unprecedented panic rose up.

Chen Feng, just relying on the air mechanism to lock him, made him, the Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal, unable to move.How powerful does this have to be to be able to do it?

After a while, countless monks gathered behind Chen Feng. At a glance, there were one-third of the original number.

Seeing that no one came, Chen Feng finally said, "I'm very happy to tell you that you are about to be free." As he spoke, Chen Feng swiped the formation shuttle in his hand, and immediately cut a big hole in the formation: " Go out, the people of Huichun Hall will greet you."

Everyone rushed out and ran towards the camp of Huichun Hall.After a while, they all got the Pomo Pill as they wished.

"Now, it's time to settle with the Heaven and Earth Sect." Chen Feng's eyebrows suddenly turned cold, and he waved his big hand: "Crush them!"

ps: The third update will be released around ten o'clock.


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