Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 1296 Not Chen Feng?

Huaxian Pond exudes a strange spiritual power.This feeling was something that Chen Feng could not describe.It's like the feeling of a child in the mother's placenta.

"Okay, the people who will enter Huaxian Pond this time have been confirmed, and the rest will come here next month." The monk in white glanced at the surrounding monks lightly and said.

Immediately, every monk had a regretful expression on his face.

However, no one left the Immortal Transformation Pond according to the words of the monk in white.Everyone raised their necks, quietly looking at the final ten places.

Huaxian Pond is not only a treasure to transform immortal essence, but also a touchstone that can test a person's aptitude.The shorter the time a person stays in the Immortal Transformation Pond, the faster the cultivator's true energy can be transformed, that is to say, the person's talent is superior to others.Conversely, the slower the conversion, the slower the qualification.

There are ten quotas every month, those monks with excellent aptitude are often invited to serve in Baiyun Villa, which is a steady rise, comparable to the existence of elite disciples among the various sects.

Although these people have no chance themselves, it is extremely exciting to witness the appearance of such a character.

"There are no special rules for entering the Immortal Transformation Pond. You will know when you go down." The monk in white waved his hand, and with a strong force, pushed Chen Feng and others into the Immortal Transformation Pond as if trying to chase ducks away.

Chen Feng didn't want to resist.If he resisted, he would be able to withstand the pressure of the monk in white.

"It seems that my real strength has definitely surpassed that of the Earth Immortal." Chen Feng thought to himself, but his body threw himself into the Immortal Transformation Pond.

Immediately, an extremely refreshing breeze came up, which shocked Chen Feng's heart.

So comfortable.

The next moment, Chen Feng's body suddenly felt a wave of fairy power seeping into his limbs and bones from the spring water of Huaxian Pond, causing his body to fall into an unprecedented and wonderful state.

This kind of Guangtai seemed to be detached, Chen Feng's spirit seemed to be separated from his body, and he watched every slight change in his body with cold eyes.

In Chen Feng's field of vision, he could only see the Dragon Desire Xuan Huang Sutra revolving violently in his body, and strands of true energy were changing from the original golden yellow to purple gold as the Dragon Desire Xuan Huang Sutra circulated.A deeper aura slowly came out.

"Is this my immortal essence?"

"The power of Xianyuan is really different. If the real yuan in me is completely converted into Xianyuan, my strength will definitely be raised to another level. At that time, what level will I reach? " Chen Feng thought in his heart, faintly agitated.

At this moment, there is nothing more gratifying than being strong.Chen Feng wanted to start a career in the fairy world, but without a strong backing, how could he do it?

"Now, let me absorb it at full speed. According to this speed, in just five days, I can complete the result that would have taken more than ten years." Chen Feng immediately calmed down, ignored other things, and concentrated on transforming.


Outside Huaxian Pond, all the monks looked forward to it.

A burst of discussion sounded.

"I don't know who will be the most powerful person this time?" Someone whispered.

"It's hard to say. According to the results of previous years, those who rank high may not necessarily be the most talented. In many cases, it is the latecomers who come first."

"That's not entirely true. Strength and talent complement each other. Although the situation you mentioned exists, it is always a minority. In my opinion, the person with the best talent this time is the one who has just ascended. With his strength, even if More than enough to hit the first chair."

"That's right, that person's strength is indistinguishable, but his speed is extremely fast and his physical strength is terrifying. He is most likely the most talented."

"I think so too!"

More and more people began to cast their hopeful eyes on Chen Feng.However, Chen Feng didn't pay attention to it at all, but concentrated on transforming.

Time passed bit by bit, and in a blink of an eye, it was almost an hour.

"It's almost an hour, why hasn't anyone come out of Huaxian Pond yet?" Someone cried out full of regret: "It seems that no one can break the record of this Huaxian Pond this time. You know, before The fastest person only took an hour to convert the true essence."

"That's not the end yet, that senior is also a cultivator who has just ascended, and his true energy has not been converted in any way, and these people, except for the person on the [-]rd, have not already transformed a considerable part of them in advance It's real money."

At this moment, a splash of water suddenly rose from the bottom of the water, but a monk was seen protruding from the water.

"Isn't this the big brother Liu Ruofeng? Sure enough, he is the one who sits firmly in the first trade, and his talent is really extraordinary. Although an hour has passed, this talent is extremely rare. As long as you practice it, you will definitely become a master. .”

The monk in white looked at the first monk who got up, and a flash of relief flashed in his eyes.

Perhaps feeling the gaze of the monk in white, Liu Ruofeng's body couldn't help but stand upright.

This white-clothed monk is not only a master of Baiyun Villa who maintains Huaxian Pond here, but also an examiner in charge of inspecting casual cultivators.As long as talented monks are invited by him, they can enter Baiyun Villa.

Therefore, Liu Ruofeng began to feel a little complacent.

"With the first one, who will the second be?" The crowd began to guess again.

"I see, it must be number two. Look at him, his body is rolling with immortal essence, and he is the one who is about to finish."

"That's not necessarily the way, isn't the No. [-] cultivator also extremely monstrous. Maybe the reason why he didn't complete it is because he hasn't transformed some true essence like the others." Someone immediately argued dissatisfied.

However, this justification came to a halt for the time being following the second figure out of Huaxian Pond.

The second person who jumped out of the Immortal Pond was the monk sitting on the second chair.

"It seems that this time the talent will come according to the ranking. I can guarantee that the third one to get up must be No. [-]!" The monk who supported Chen Feng was still extremely unwilling, and made a wrong judgment, as if to make him lose everything. lost face.

"That one is not necessarily, maybe, this person will be at the bottom?" Immediately, someone retorted in a strange way.


At this moment, there was a sound of water, and a figure jumped up to the shore of Huaxian Pond.

"What, it's the monk in the fourth chair, why not number three!" The monk who supported Chen Feng suddenly let out a mournful cry in his heart, deflated like a deflated ball...

ps: Come back from a wedding, it’s late, so hurry up and update.There will be no less today, no matter how late!


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