Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 1306 Rescue in Desperate Situation

"Small tricks, die for me!"

A cold voice that seemed to come from the Nine Serenity Hell sounded beside Chen Feng.At the same time, a sharp pain came from Chen Feng's waist.


The heavy cut failed because there were no enemies in front of him.

Enduring the severe pain in his waist, Chen Feng tried his best to get his body out of place.

The fresh blood kept falling, dyeing the pure white and flawless snow red, like plum blossoms in full bloom, so coquettish and beautiful.

It's just that Chen Feng has no time to appreciate this kind of beauty, just because his life is suffering an unprecedented crisis.

A pitch-black figure followed behind Chen Feng's figure like a shadow, like a poisonous snake, ready to strike more deadly at any moment.

"Sword that breaks the sky! Kill me!"

Chen Feng, who was retreating suddenly, stared suddenly.A crazy momentum rose into the sky.

At this time, if there is any reservation, it will no longer be used.

Chen Feng didn't think about what would happen to him after his weakness after the Potian sword strike.He only knew that if he didn't drive away the Zuo Dharma who was like a maggot attached to his bones, he would be angry with him in the next moment.

"call out--"

The soaring sword intent suddenly cut towards the side.Although Chen Feng couldn't figure out where the left protector was hiding, but in his consciousness, he had a kind of guidance somewhere, as if someone was telling him that the left protector was right beside him.

This feeling is very similar to the premonition of the crisis before, as if it is a person's sixth sense, but it is clearer and more thorough than the sixth sense!

A sword that breaks the sky, breaks the sky and opens the earth, and it is its sword intent to go forward indomitably.In front of Potian Yijian, even the world will be shattered!

Suddenly there was a sound of gasping from the side, and then, the direction from which the sound came was submerged by the sword intent of Potian Yijian.

Chen Feng's premonition was indeed correct, the left protector was really by his side, waiting for the opportunity to move.

A figure was bombarded out of the void in embarrassment.He flew upside down and fell to the ground, buried in the thick snow.

Chen Feng panted heavily, his eyes were as sharp as his sword intent!

"What, Guardian Zuo was actually defeated!" There were bursts of exclamations one after another.At some point, the empty land outside the mine was filled with Ice Sect disciples who had heard the news.They all looked at Chen Feng in surprise, as if they were looking at a monster.

Guardian Zuo can be said to be the best in the first echelon below the celestial beings in Heiyunling, and one of the group of people who are closest to the celestial beings.Such a person was actually defeated!

Not only was he defeated, but he was also alive or dead!

Chen Feng looked around quietly.

He is surrounded.There were Ice Sect disciples everywhere, they had already surrounded him tightly, and the entrance of the mine was also tightly guarded.

Er Niu and the others didn't know what would happen after they entered the mine.Chen Feng had no time to care about all of this.Now, he is already unable to protect himself.

Desperation, real desperation.Even when Chen Feng was surrounded by a boundless army of shadow demons in the Tomb of Immortals in the realm of comprehension back then, he did not have such despair.At that time, he was still able to fight bravely with the shadow demon army, but at this moment, he had no room to fight back.

Because, the huge weakness told him that he was powerless to fight anymore.

"Hehehe!" Chen Feng cracked his mouth and laughed lightly, this laughter was especially loud in this quiet environment: "Come and kill me, I have no strength to resist."

No one dared to respond.Chen Feng's powerful sword just now proved his strength.Even Zuo Hufa, an expert at the peak of the Earth Immortal, can defeat with a single sword. Can they resist such a person?

"What a bunch of cowards!" Chen Feng shook his head mockingly.

He took a step forward, but the crowd surrounding him suddenly retreated.

Suddenly, the left guardian slowly climbed up from the snow, and shouted weakly: "Everyone, kill him!"

"I knew I couldn't kill him!" Chen Feng looked at Zuo Hufa's pale face, and sighed: "It seems that we can only use the Heavenly Pill Immortal Mansion. I hope that there are no knowledgeable people here who can guess it. "

The circle of encirclement slowly shrinks amid the venomous shouts of Zuo Dharma.Forced by the majesty of Guardian Zuo, they had no choice but to step forward bravely.

Chen Feng stood in the snow with his chest upright, his head held high, with a sneer on his face all the time.On his waist, blood slowly flowed from the horrible wound on the left protector, dripping continuously along Chen Feng's trousers.

The end of the hero is probably like this.At this time, Chen Feng still had a fearless smile on his face, which made people feel awe.

"Brothers, kill, it looks like he is really at the end of his battle!" Someone suddenly shouted, and the Ice Sect disciples rushed forward like cats that had seen a fishy smell.

Chen Feng's mind was hooked to Tiandan Immortal Mansion, as long as his mind moved, he could escape into it.

At this moment, a sigh suddenly sounded, and an old man fell from the sky and landed beside Chen Feng.

Where did this old man come from? Chen Feng didn't notice at all, as if he was supposed to be standing there.

However, what shocked Chen Feng was not the old man's disappearance, but because he actually knew the old man.

Isn't this the old man with a big nose that Chen Feng saw when he was promoted?However, compared with the old man with the big nose at this moment, his demeanor is completely different.

Back then, the old man with the big nose wore ordinary clothes, as if he was a servant.But at this moment, he was wearing a gorgeous robe, with a few white clouds embroidered on it, making the robe look even more special.

"Boy, long time no see." The big-nosed old man looked at Chen Feng with a smile, his eyes full of jokes: "I didn't expect you to hide it so deeply, kid."

Chen Feng smiled bitterly speechlessly: "Compared to a celestial being like senior, what am I?"

"Hehe, you do have some knowledge." The old man with the big nose didn't deny it, but said to Chen Feng with a smile: "Boy, it's rare that you let me see it well. I'll save you today."

"Then thank you very much, senior." Chen Feng smiled, secretly grateful in his heart.No matter what the purpose of the old man with the big nose is, it is a great kindness for him to save himself today and avoid the exposure of Tiandan Immortal Mansion.

"Hey, it's too early to say thank you." The old man with the big nose said haha, "Whether I can save you or not doesn't depend on whether I can save you, but on whether the other party is willing to let you go."

ps: Today's update is late, and there is another update, so go to sleep if you can't wait, and watch it tomorrow.


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