This man, without a piece of hair, is like a mummy, withered, his skin is like dry bark, as if a pineapple will fall off at any time.All over the body, the only thing that makes people feel a little bit bright is his pair of eyes.

A pair of blood red eyes!

At this moment, the man's blood-red eyes scanned the audience coldly, and there was a strong evil breath in his eyes.

In the end, his eyes fixed on Xu Yi.Just now Xu Yi was hit by Tong Gaozhuo's palm and hit the stone house, and suffered serious injuries. Now seeing this haggard man looking towards him, a strong sense of unease rose in his heart.

Before the withered man, several zombies had already approached Xu Yi, and they were about to pounce towards Xu Yi with their teeth and claws open.


At this moment, the haggard man let out a loud roar, and that voice was somewhat crueler than that of a wild beast.

Hearing the haggard man's roar, the zombies trembled and retreated tremblingly.

At the same time, the haggard man's feet moved suddenly and quickly, and he came to Xu Yi in an instant, looking down at the seriously injured Xu Yi.

Xu Yi gritted her teeth, trying to struggle.This haggard man put too much pressure on him.


However, the haggard man didn't give Xu Yi any chance at all.Hearing a roar, a pair of claws protruded out instantly, grabbing Xu Yi's shoulders at once, and the sharp claws penetrated deeply into Xu Yi's muscles and bones, making the latter unable to move at all.

"Do not--"

Finally, amidst Xu Yi's desperate cry, the haggard man opened his mouth wide and bit Xu Yi's neck.

From a distance, Chen Feng could clearly see that in the withered man's mouth, the two sharp fangs were extremely white, and traces of blood seemed to be sucked into the withered man's body along the fangs.

"Could this be the result of the drought?" Chen Feng was extremely surprised: "Those dead disciples of Baiyun Villa must be the masterpiece of this monster!"

Judging from the current situation, only Nasu Yi had no bad intentions towards Chen Feng, but Chen Feng did not go to save him.

It's not that he doesn't want to save it, but because he can't save it at all.The siege of Tong Gaozhuo and the others made Chen Feng miserable.The trauma on his body at this moment almost seemed to have delayed him all over again.If it weren't for Chen Feng's strong will, I'm afraid he would have been unable to support it.

"How many benefits did Guo Sheng give you three, so that you are willing to betray Baiyun Villa and kill me!" Chen Feng slammed left and right, but he couldn't break free, and he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Actually, Chen Feng didn't panic much.The existence of Tiandan Immortal Mansion gave Chen Feng the capital to protect himself.But once the Tiandan Immortal Mansion is used in front of these three people, it is bound to cause endless troubles.It won't be long before Chen Feng will become a huge treasure house, coveted by others all day long.

Therefore, before the moment of life and death, Chen Feng did not want to use the Heavenly Pill Immortal Mansion.

"Hehehe, betrayed Baiyun Villa? No, no, we didn't betray Baiyun Villa!" Tong Gaozhuo sneered: "Who would know that we killed you. Everyone will think that you died at the hands of this Hanba, and we, He is the hero who avenged you!"

"Despicable!" A deep mockery flashed across Chen Feng's face.


At this moment, the Hanba suddenly roared, dropped Xu Yi in his hand, and rushed towards Chen Feng and the others.

At this moment, Xu Yi's body is like a dead old tree, extremely withered, without a trace of moisture, just like those killed disciples of Baiyun Villa.

"Damn it!" Tong Gaozhuo caught a glimpse of Han Yan rushing up, and couldn't help but feel irritated.

Seeing that Chen Feng could be beheaded in a short time, this Hanba was actually interfering, it was really annoying.

"You two kill him quickly, I will deal with this Hanba!" Tong Gaozhuo snorted coldly, raised his sword and charged towards Hanba.

Han Yan's strength is not at the level of a fairy, and even weaker than Tong Gaozhuo.

But as soon as the two sides fought, Tong Gaozhuo was almost at a disadvantage.I saw the earth fairy sword in Tong Gaozhuo's hand slashing on Han Yan's body, sparks splashed everywhere, but it couldn't break Han Yan's skin at all.Instead, Tong Gaozhuo didn't notice for a while, and Han Yan's fingernails cut his clothes, leaving five bloodstains on his chest.

"Damn it! There is poison on Hanba's fingernails!" Tong Gaozhuo gritted his teeth, his heart filled with anger.He felt the burning pain from the wound on his chest, as if there was an evil force constantly invading his body.If he hadn't found out in time to suppress it with the powerful immortal essence, he might have been poisoned to the heart and lungs already.

"In that case, let me kill you monster first!" Tong Gaozhuo gritted his teeth, flickering the fairy sword in his hand, and stabbed wildly at Hanba's vital points.

Not to mention, in this way, Tong Gaozhuo really let Tong Gaozhuo find several air valves of this Hanba, especially the position three inches below Hanba's armpit. An expression of extreme pain.

Ever since, Tong Gaozhuo's long sword flickered frequently, all of them were attacking at that air gate, and all of a sudden, Hanba beat the ground and wailed again and again, retreating steadily!

Looking at all this, Chen Feng couldn't help feeling anxious.

He wished Hanba could kill Tong Gaozhuo, and then participate in his own battle.As long as Hanba can entangle either of Song Liangao and Shang Hanhai, Chen Feng is sure to kill one of them.At that time, after desperately killing the other one, and then using the Tiandan Immortal Mansion to escape, there is no need to be afraid that the secrets of the Tiandan Immortal Mansion will be exposed.

Watching Tong Gaozhuo fight more and more bravely, Song Liangao and Shang Hanhai's offensive suddenly intensified.However, for Chen Feng, without Tong Gaozhuo's participation, no matter how fierce the two men's offensive was, he could barely resist it.

Chen Feng was also waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to turn defeat into victory!

"Hahaha, you monster, die quickly!" Suddenly, Tong Gaozhuo roared loudly.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and he realized that Han Yan was forced by Tong Gaozhuo to the side of the stone house at this moment, and there was no way to retreat.And Tong Gaozhuo's fairy sword was stabbing fiercely at the valve in Han Yan's armpit at this moment.If this blow is solid, Han Yan will be seriously injured even if he does not die, so that there will be no suspense in the next battle.

"Huh? There's a problem!" Chen Feng's eyes flashed suddenly, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly fell from his heart.

From the bystanders, Chen Feng clearly saw the deep poison hidden in Han Yan's frightened blood-colored eyes.This viciousness is like the feeling of a hunter staring at his prey.

Could it be that this Hanba actually understands human nature and knows how to lure the enemy deep?

Chen Feng thought of it with incomparable fear.


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