Barry walked alone, completely unaware that there was a malicious person waiting for him to approach outside the door.

This person is naturally Chen Feng.

Perhaps, Barry was too confident in the third son, or he was too confident in his own poisonous mist, so until he walked to the door, he still didn't realize that the crisis was approaching.

The door was opened.

Barry's footsteps stepped out of the door, and he walked down the stairs coherently.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly sprang out from the darkness.

This person is none other than Chen Feng.I saw Chen Feng's anger sank to his dantian, and then he let out a sharp breath.

Immediately, a white mist spewed out, it was the same white mist that Barry poisoned Chen Feng just now.

Even, the white mist at this moment, after being refined by the lavender flame in Chen Feng's body, became more pure, and the toxicity was much more violent.

Barry, as a strong celestial being, has such a quick response.However, Chen Feng came too suddenly, and Barry didn't realize that there would be a surprise attack in his heart.By the time he reacted, Barry had unconsciously inhaled a large mouthful of white poisonous mist.

Suddenly, a burning sensation came from his body.

"Ah—" How could Barry not know the feeling of this poisonous mist?Barry has seen that kind of heart-piercing pain in many people, but he never thought it would happen to him today.

However, while Barry screamed, he didn't panic at all.Heavenly Immortals are strong, their hearts are extremely tenacious, and they are not chaotic in the face of danger.Barry knew that the more flustered he was at this moment, the harder it would be to save himself.

"Fortunately, there are still pills!" Barry was overjoyed, the storage ring flashed, and a pill bottle appeared, obviously, this pill bottle was the antidote to the poisonous mist.

Chen Feng managed to create such an excellent opportunity, how could he succeed?At that moment, the epee stabbed straight, turned into a bolt, and stabbed at the pill bottle all at once.

Although Chen Feng's strength is not as good as this Barry's, but in Barry's current state, it is still difficult to move, how can he resist Chen Feng's sword?

With a ding, the pill bottle was pierced by the epee, and several brown pills splashed out, but were twisted by Chen Feng's sword light, and turned into powder one after another, scattered on the ground, mixed with the soil.

"Ah—" Barry hissed in despair.This bottle of antidote is his only antidote.Now that it is destroyed by Chen Feng, how can he cure the poison of the poisonous mist?

However, in this panic, Barry accidentally inhaled another mouthful of poisonous mist.

Immediately, his throat was poisoned, and he wanted to shout again, but he couldn't make a sound.

At this moment, Chen Feng frowned, and the spirit called the police, indicating that a crisis was approaching Chen Feng.

Chen Feng knew that the third young master must have heard the commotion outside and came out to take a look.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Feng moved his body, turned around and disappeared through a bush.The concealment effect of the bullying scripture made Chen Feng not even lose his breath.

"Who is so bold!" The third young master who heard the sound saw the miserable state of Barry, and was furious in his heart.

After such a short time, Barry's whole body began to fester, blood mixed with stinky body fluids kept dripping down, exuding a foul smell.


However, the third son looked at Barry's palm covered with abscesses, and a look of disgust suddenly appeared on his face.

"Go away, treat me better!" He raised his foot and kicked Barry's hand away hard.

It's okay if you don't kick, but with one kick, Nabali's entire arm was actually broken.At the broken part of the arm, the bones have long been sued, and the muscles have been corroded and turned into a pool of rotten flesh.

"Ah—" Barry raised his head to the sky and screamed miserably, and then seemed to be poisoned, his eyes flickered, and then he lost his breath.

Barry, this celestial powerhouse, died of his own poison in the end.

The third young master waved his hands violently, and suddenly a gust of wind blew up the white mist that filled the entire courtyard and blew it elsewhere.

I don't know if this white poisonous mist is blown to other places, whether it will also cause innocent people to be poisoned.

Soon, the poisonous fog dissipated, leaving only Barry's body lying quietly on the bed.

Looking at Barry's corpse, he was extremely annoyed, and shouted like a wild beast: "Who is it, who is against me?"

However, apart from the cold breeze blowing on the face, where is the figure of the third person?

"It's him, it must be him!" After venting for a while, the third young master calmed down relatively.After thinking for a while, he has confirmed who is the one who made such a murderous move!

While speaking, the third young master walked towards Chen Feng's small building with a murderous look on his face.

The door of Chen Feng's room was ajar. Obviously, Chen Feng never went out at all just now, or after he came back, he once again faked the illusion that only Barry had opened the door.

Looking in through the crack of the door, I saw Chen Feng sitting on the bed with a pale face, and beside him, there was still some white mist hovering, which was Barry's unique poisonous mist.

"It seems that this kid has no time to care about himself, so how can he separate his body and poison Barry?" Thinking of this, the third young master let out a long breath: "If Chen Feng really poisoned Barry, then this Chen Feng is too much." Terrible."

After looking outside the door for a while again, and confirming that Chen Feng was doomed today, the third young master felt relieved.

"Hey, Chen Feng, let you fend for yourself here!" After finishing speaking, the third young master turned and left.

Just as Chen Feng was about to stand up, the spirit in his heart suddenly tightened, making Chen Feng's body stiff, and he still sat on the bed, making an appearance that he was about to die from poison.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the third young master went and returned.He peeked in front of Chen Feng's room again, saw that Chen Feng was still struggling, and finally left quietly.

Now, Chen Feng's spiritual warning finally returned to calm, and he stopped warning.In other words, the crisis is over.


Chen Feng heaved a sigh of relief, a trace of cold sweat still hung on his face.

If the Third Young Master had seen through it just now and made a move, Chen Feng would definitely not be the Third Young Master's opponent.Although he doesn't know the specific strength of the third son, but to make Barry so respectful, he must be much stronger than Barry, at least in the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal.

After resting for a while, the sky outside has brightened up.


A deep voice sounded, but it came from the Li family's martial arts arena.At this time, the younger generation of the Li family will all get up and practice in the martial arts arena.

"It's getting late, I have to go out quickly." Chen Feng stood up and stepped out of the door: "Alchemist Guild, I'll meet you!"

ps: The second update, there will be a third update later.


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