Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 1376 Breakthrough

Chen Feng didn't want to meddle in the Li family's affairs at all.To put it bluntly, as Li Qing's personal alchemist, his duty is only to protect Li Qing's safety in terms of pills and food.

Therefore, Chen Feng didn't ask Wei Yi and the others about anything about the Li family, but sent Wei Yi and the others away on the pretext that he needed to retreat.

Coincidentally, Wei Yi and the others were unwilling to spend time with Chen Feng.They were already at odds with Chen Feng, if Chen Feng really asked them to take a tour of Li's house, they would naturally find an excuse to leave.

Seeing that Chen Feng took the initiative to send them away, Wei Yi and the others felt at ease.

A warning formation was arranged around the house, and Chen Feng entered the Tiandan Immortal Mansion.

It has been more than half a year since he entered the middle stage of immortality. If it was changed to the time within the Tiandan Immortal Mansion, Chen Feng had already stayed in the middle stage of immortality for more than twenty years.

Although Chen Feng spent most of his time healing his injuries, the ghost spirit crystal in his body was constantly strengthening the immortal essence in Chen Feng's dantian.In the long run, Chen Feng's cultivation is also steadily advancing towards the late stage of human immortality.

In the past few days, Chen Feng felt that a breakthrough was not far away.

Sitting cross-legged in the Heavenly Pill Immortal Mansion, a large number of immortal stones hovered above Chen Feng's head, and the Time Acceleration Formation slowly unfolded. The fifty-fold time acceleration made Chen Feng seem to be trapped in a time vortex.

When he was in Heiyunling, Chen Feng got the storage rings from Tong Gaozhuo and the others, so he was not as nervous about accumulating immortal stones as before.Fifty times the time acceleration formation requires a lot of fairy stones, but Chen Feng can barely afford it now.

In the time-accelerating formation, the aura on Chen Feng's body climbed higher and higher, and Chen Feng's body, like a human-shaped fireball, radiated scorching heat.

In the time acceleration formation, three months have passed.During these three months, Chen Feng absorbed the power of Ghost Spirit Crystal crazily, much more than all the previous days combined.

It is precisely because of this that the strength of the immortal essence in Chen Feng's body has also reached a peak.In the late stage of human immortality, there is only one step away, and with just one step, one can enter the human immortal stage naturally.

However, Chen Feng was not in a hurry.A breakthrough in cultivation is extremely easy, but a breakthrough in physical strength is extremely difficult.However, at this moment, Chen Feng had seized an opportunity, an opportunity that could increase the strength of his physical body.

Possessing a powerful immortal essence, but his realm is still only at the early stage of human immortality, which makes Chen Feng's body in a state of explosion at the moment.This kind of power was overwhelming, and it most directly acted on Chen Feng's body.It's like an inflated balloon that might explode at any moment.

Chen Feng's immortal essence is not weaker than the middle stage earth immortal, and even comparable to the ordinary late stage earth immortal.However, Chen Feng's physical strength has only reached the realm of a Human Immortal Artifact, which is comparable to the peak of a low-grade Human Immortal Artifact.

Along the way of cultivation, the physical strength often cannot catch up with the realm of cultivation.This is a common problem in the fairy world, and it is also an inevitable process.

In the fairy world, many earth immortals may not have the physical strength of human immortals, and [-]% of monks' physical strength is stuck at the quasi-immortal level.It is absolutely unique for Chen Feng to have a body with the strength of a low-grade human immortal weapon at this very moment.However, Chen Feng was not satisfied with this.In his opinion, the cultivation of the realm and the strength of the physical body go hand in hand, which is the kingly way.Only a strong enough physical body can cultivate the realm to [-]%, that is, to exert [-]% of it.

Therefore, it is imminent to make your physical body stronger.

Enduring the powerful celestial energy impacting his body, Chen Feng clenched his gums.Although he knew that as long as he took that step at this moment and became a late immortal, he could make such pain disappear invisible.But the persistence in his heart made him keep improving and improving, suppressing and suppressing.

The body was impacted by the terrifying immortal essence, and every inch of muscle was agitated.Chen Feng's skin seemed to float like waves, making him look extraordinarily weird at the moment.

Fresh blood seeped out drop by drop along the pores, dyeing Chen Feng into a blood man.

"Ah, what a pain!" Chen Feng grimaced and roared in a low voice, "But this bit of pain can't break me down! I, Chen Feng, can't be beaten down by anyone!"

As if to confirm this sentence, Chen Feng's whole body seemed to burst into a burst of fried bean-like sounds, like firecrackers set off on New Year's Eve, constantly ringing.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly felt a heavy aura, like a rock, indestructible.

Chen Feng's eyes burst open, and there was a strong joy in his eyes: "Well, it's really hard work, my physical strength has finally improved."

"Next, I don't need to suppress my cultivation anymore, let's make a breakthrough!" Chen Feng's face changed, and the next moment, his aura suddenly became deeper.

Half an hour later, Chen Feng opened his eyes again.

"In the late stage of human immortality, the strength in my body has increased by at least [-]%. Now I can completely crush the strong man in the late stage of earth immortal head-on. Even the strong man at the peak of earth immortal can still fight. Even if he loses, he can save his life But I'm sure." Chen Feng clenched his fists, feeling the much stronger power in his body, and a flash of confidence flashed in his eyes.

Time accelerated and the formation was withdrawn, Chen Feng stood up with a relaxed expression.

"Unexpectedly, this breakthrough took me more than four months. Well, counting it, three days have passed outside. I haven't seen me in these three days, and I don't know if that girl Li Qing will Worried." Chen Feng smiled slightly, and couldn't help joking in his heart: "Hey, what do I care about a little girl so much? Could it be because the throbbing of the Dragon Desire Xuanhuang Sutra failed last time?"

Thinking of the sudden throbbing of the Dragon Desire Xuanhuang Sutra last time, Chen Feng fell into deep thought.

At this moment, a feeling grew in Chen Feng's heart.

"Hey, someone has touched my early warning formation. I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend!" With a thought in his mind, Chen Feng's mind moved, and a wave of immortal consciousness overflowed the Tiandan Immortal Mansion silently, and went to explore outside.

Outside Chen Feng's residence, three figures approached silently.The faces of these figures were blurred, obviously they were deliberately changed with Xianyuan.

"Two late-stage Earth Immortals and one peak Earth Immortal, it seems that these people really think highly of me." Chen Feng's face turned cold, and murderous intent flashed in his heart.

These three people are obviously not good people.That being the case, Chen Feng naturally wanted to "entertain" them well.

The next moment, Chen Feng's body disappeared into the Tiandan Immortal Mansion.

ps: March is really busy, and the leaders have to come to check again in the past few days, and all kinds of preparations and materials have to be prepared.When will China be able to stop such formalism and educate people in a down-to-earth manner.There is only one update today and tomorrow, not being lazy, you know that I work until one in the morning these days, and get up at six in the morning.


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