Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 1398 The Strengths of Spiritual Insects

The door opened, and the old man of the Li family was already standing outside the door, welcoming Chen Feng.

"Li Chang, thank Master Chen for saving his life!" The old man said sincerely to Chen Feng.

"It's absolutely impossible, the old man has just woken up, so let's go back to the room and talk!" Feng Chen personally lifted the old man's arm and led it into the room.

Seeing that Chen Feng was so unassuming, the old man's eyes flashed with emotion.

Although the old man was grateful to Chen Feng, it didn't mean that the old man didn't have his airs.As a figure like the patriarch of the Li family, he has his own arrogance.

If Chen Feng really accepted Shi Shiran's gift, the old man wouldn't say much, but there was always some lump in his heart.Now that Chen Feng behaved like this, the old man felt relieved for a while.

"Master Chen, Feihong must have told you. Don't worry, as long as my old man is still alive, I will guarantee your safety!" The old man said solemnly.

"Then I would like to thank the old lady for taking care of me!" Chen Feng said gratefully.

"You don't need to thank me." The old man laughed, and Lu asked ambiguously: "I wonder what Chen Feng thinks of my Li family?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Naturally it is excellent. The Li family is thriving under the leadership of Patriarch Chen, and now the cancer has been wiped out. Presumably it won't be long before they can dominate Fallen Leaf City."

"Then you are willing to stay in my Li family. My Li family is willing to treat you as a guest elder and enjoy the offerings of the Li family." The old man looked at Chen Feng solemnly, his eyes full of seriousness.

Chen Feng smiled helplessly: "Chen Feng appreciates the old man's kindness. But the man's ambition is everywhere. Besides, I still have many things to do. I'm afraid I won't stay in Fallen Leaf City for a long time."

"Then what if I betroth that girl Qing'er to you?" The old man said anxiously: "Qing'er has been extremely intelligent since she was a child, and with her beautiful appearance, she can be regarded as the number one beauty in Fallen Leaf City. I will betroth Qing'er to you." You, would you like to stay in Li's house?"

As soon as these words came out, a beautiful figure appeared in Chen Feng's mind, it was Li Qing.To be honest, at this moment, Chen Feng really wanted to agree immediately.Li Qing is also someone who has a feeling for the "Dragon Desire Xuanhuang Sutra", if he double cultivates with him, it will be extremely beneficial to Chen Feng.

However, at this moment, faces suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's mind.Xiao Lin, Li Li, Bai Muxue, Liu Yiyi...

"Old man, forgive me for not being able to agree!" Chen Feng said with a wry smile: "Miss Qing'er is indeed excellent, but Chen already has her own heart, so she can only live up to the old man's good intentions."

"Since that's the case, then I won't force it!" The old man sighed, "I'm tired, Feihong, take Master Chen to Luoye City for a good stroll."

"Then Chen Feng will leave." Chen Feng clasped his fists and followed Chen Feihong to turn around and leave.

"Qing'er, did you hear everything?" After Chen Feng left, the old man said helplessly to a wall of the study.

"Grandpa..." The old man answered with a cry of grievance.I saw a girl rushing out of that wall and threw herself on the old man.

This girl is Li Qing.

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have agreed to your request and let you eavesdrop." The old man said lovingly: "Don't worry, this person is not a thing in the pool. You and him are two worlds after all. people!"

"But, I can't forget him!" Li Qing moaned with red eyes, "I just can't forget him!"

"Love is a word that hurts people." The old man sighed: "You are very similar to your mother, you dare to love and hate. I didn't stop your mother back then, and I won't stop you today. Qing'er, If you really love him, catch up with him so that he can't give up your existence!"

"Catch up with him? Make him unable to abandon me?" Li Qing stopped crying and muttered thoughtfully: "Grandpa, I think I understand!"


Chen Feng did not follow Chen Feihong to visit Fallen Leaf City, but returned to his room again.

The past few days have been extremely busy, coupled with the three consecutive days of teaching alchemy, Chen Feng already felt a little exhausted.

Back in the room, Chen Feng directly entered the Tiandan Immortal Mansion, found a comfortable place, and fell asleep with his head buried.

This sleep was a full five hours of sleep.

After waking up, Chen Feng felt refreshed and uncomfortable.

"Master!" At this moment, a little boy's voice sounded weakly beside Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked back, only to see Ling Xiaohu, the newborn weapon of Tiandan Immortal Mansion, looking at him anxiously, pleading.

"What's wrong?" Chen Feng couldn't help but stepped forward and touched Xiaohu's head.

"Master, where did you get such a big bug!" Xiaohu complained bitterly, "My weapon spirit is about to be tortured to death by him!"

While talking, I saw a white shadow shooting like lightning, the target was Xiaohu's head.

"Is it a spirit worm?" Seeing this, Chen Feng's eyes were full of surprise: "This spirit worm, why is it so fast?"

Jian answered that the spirit worm suddenly attacked, and Xiaohu's hair stood on end in fright.Not caring about complaining to Chen Feng anymore, Xiaohu dodged to a distance of [-] meters, trying to avoid the sudden attack of the spirit-loving insects.

However, the spirit-loving insect also twisted its fat body, like a white frightened bird, turned its direction, and "chase" towards Xiaohu!

Just when Xiaohu had just gained a firm foothold, the spirit worm landed on Xiaohu's head with a thud and refused to come down.

"The speed of this spirit-loving insect is so fast. Even if I drive it with all my strength right now, I'm afraid it can't compare to half of the speed of this spirit-loving insect!" Chen Feng opened his mouth so wide that he could almost stuff a goose egg into it.Immediately, a burst of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face: "Wow, haha, it's done, it's done!"

"Master, save me!" Xiaohu yelled in the distance with a mournful face.

"Don't be afraid, little tiger, this spirit worm is playing with you!" Chen Feng laughed and said, "If you want to blame it, you have too much hair on your head. The spirit worm is going to make a nest on your head."

Even though he said that, Chen Feng still summoned the spirit addict back.

Since Chen Feng had already imprinted his own imprint on the mind of the spirit-loving worm, as long as Chen Feng had a thought, the spirit-loving worm would be able to receive instructions and complete them perfectly.

"Then try how outrageous your speed is!" Chen Feng's heart moved, and an order was sent out.At the same time, the body of the psychic worm shot straight out like a sharp sword...

After a while, looking at the spirit addict lying quietly on the palm of his hand, Chen Feng was extremely satisfied.

The experiment just now allowed Chen Feng to figure out one of the strengths of the spirit-loving insects, that is, their speed.

It turned out that the speed at which the spirit addict flew towards Xiaohu just now was not its limit.Chen Feng reckoned that the extreme speed of the spiritual worm at this moment might be comparable to that of a general Da Luo Jinxian.

With such a speed, if it is used suddenly in a chaotic battle, what a powerful weapon it would be!

ps: The fourth change, the first is to make up for yesterday's chapter.If you like this book, you can add the qq group number: 40871703, and Xiao Huang sweeps the couch to welcome you.


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