Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 1412 Slaves and subordinates

This person's eyes are extremely sharp, like a sharp sword, piercing people's hearts.

Seeing this look, Chen Feng's brows twitched suddenly.

There is a strong sword intent in this person's eyes, which shows how powerful this person's sword comprehension is.This made Chen Feng feel as if he had met a bosom friend.

"What's your name!" Chen Feng looked at the slave and said with a faint smile.

"Jian Chen!" The slave stood up, his body straight, like a sword rising into the sky.

"Jian Chen, do you know your current situation!" Chen Feng looked at Jian Chen and continued.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Jian Chen's upright body seemed to have been hit hard, and suddenly became slumped a lot.

Especially when he saw a delicate token in Chen Feng's hand, Jian Chen's face suddenly became extremely lonely.

This token is a magic weapon to control the slaves, and it contains a trace of the soul of the slaves.The person who holds the token, no matter how weak his strength is, can order the slaves he owns to do anything as long as he refines the token.

Otherwise, the person refining the token can torture the slave to death with just a thought.

At the beginning, because Jian Chen was too rebellious, he suffered a lot from the token.He still remembers the pain the token brought him.

"I heard that you are a descendant of an ancient sword sect, is this really the case?" Chen Feng asked with a smile in his eyes when he saw Jian Chen was hit.

Sure enough, when Jian Chen heard Chen Feng's question, he was startled.

"It's true that I am your slave, but please don't think that you can completely control me with this token. When necessary, I would rather die in front of you than reveal the slightest information." Jian Chen gritted his teeth Looking at Chen Feng, he hissed and growled.

Jian Chen at this moment is like a wild beast that has not been fully tamed, as if it will pounce on you at any time and bite you.

The smile in Chen Feng's eyes was even bigger.

What he wanted was not slaves, but subordinates.If it is a slave, there must be some servility, and these servility will gradually obliterate the nature, and finally become a task tool for obedience.Although this kind of slavishness will obey you everything, it is not what Chen Feng likes.

In the previous series of actions, Chen Feng was actually testing how much Jian Chen's nature had been lost.What made Chen Feng happy was that although Jian Chen had been tainted with some servility these days, it was extremely thin. Just a few more words, this servility will disappear completely.

"Are you not afraid that I will make you want to die but you won't be able to die?" Chen Feng interjected, his tone extremely relaxed, as if letting Jian Chen die was a matter of little effort.

"Don't be afraid of death!" Jian Chen said sternly, "If it wasn't for the Fallen Leaf Merchant Guild imprisoning me all the time, I would have wanted to die a long time ago."

"As a sword cultivator, you should be upright and upright, holding a green blade, soaring upwards, and fighting fiercely for nine days. But now you have fallen into the sky and become a first-order slave. It is better to die." Jian Chen said here, with tears in his eyes.

"It's been a fierce battle for nine days. A man should have such a heart when he is alive!" Chen Feng couldn't help clapping his hands and laughed loudly: "Jian Chen, are you willing to be my subordinate, and accompany me in this life's fierce battle, and you will never give up!"

"What difference does it make if you don't ask about this matter?" Jian Chen smiled wryly, "I am your slave. If you want me to do something, you can just order me. Why bother?"

"No, I, Chen Feng, don't want slaves, but loyal subordinates!" Chen Feng said seriously: "My subordinates have their own thoughts, their own opportunities, and their own lives. When I need him, he will To be able to stand up at the first moment and fight side by side with me. When the smoke of gunpowder ends, singing to wine, what a life! "

Jian Chen listened carefully, with fascination in his eyes.After becoming a slave, he fantasized about living such a life again all the time.But every time I wake up from my fantasy, I feel endlessly lonely.

Soon, Jian Chen's face was filled with anger: "It's nice to say, you control my slave token, but I still don't have freedom, I can only be called a slave, not a subordinate... "

Speaking of which, Jian Chen's words stopped abruptly, just because he was stunned by Chen Feng's actions.

Between Chen Feng's hands was a token, which was his slave token.

Then, Chen Feng exerted his hands slightly, and a stream of pure immortal energy surged out and squeezed towards the token.

In an instant, the token turned into a pile of dust, floating down from the fingers.

At the same time, a thought suddenly rose in Jian Chen's heart: "I'm free!"

After feeling it carefully, I found that all the restrictions in the original body disappeared with the destruction of the token.In other words, from now on, he, Jian Chen, became a free body again!

"Why?" Jian Chen looked at Chen Feng, his eyes were full of doubts and inquiries.

"I said before that what I want is subordinates, not slaves." Chen Feng said lightly: "This is my sincerity!"

Jian Chen stood on the spot in a daze, his head sank into a blank.

My subordinates have their own thoughts, their own opportunities, and their own lives.When I needed him, he was able to stand up for the first time and fight by my side.When the smoke of gunpowder ends, singing to wine, what a life!

Chen Feng's words played back over and over again in his mind, knocking open the door of his heart bit by bit.

At first he thought that Chen Feng was just talking casually, but now he realized that what Chen Feng said seemed to be true.Otherwise, why did he destroy the slave token?

"This is my sincerity!"

Chen Feng's words became more and more heavy in his mind, and in the end, it was as loud as a Hong Zhong.

"Okay, if you can take my sword, you are qualified to let me be your subordinate!" Finally, Jian Chen opened his eyes and said solemnly: "How dare you?"

"Why don't you dare?" Chen Feng laughed, his face was full of calmness and fearlessness: "Just let the horse come over!"

While speaking, Chen Feng had already set his posture, waiting for Jian Chen to make a move.He also wants to see what kind of means this person who can comprehend the attribute of swordsmanship before the gods.

"Well, my sword is very fierce, don't blame me if you die!" Jian Chen's face darkened when he heard this, and a strong sword energy suddenly condensed in his hand.The sword energy condensed in his hand like a substance, as if he was holding a real sword!

"This sword is called Myriad Guku!" Jian Chen muttered in a deep voice, the sword light in his hand swirling around, casting out a vast curtain of light.

Thousands of miles on the battlefield, gold and iron horses, one will be successful!

Chen Feng stared at the sword intent coming towards his face, his eyes couldn't help but a flash of amazement: "It's such a move, this is the sword of conquest, it is really fierce!"

Although he said this in his mouth, Chen Feng's hands did not stop at all, and he also condensed a sword of sword energy, attacking and killing them head to head! !!

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