"Well, today is the weekend, which one of you is free?" After lunch, Chen Feng asked the second daughter expectantly.

"What are you doing?" Li Li's expression brightened, she was straightforward.

Mu Wan'er also looked at Chen Feng questioningly.

"Uh, that, if you are free, you can accompany me to buy a mobile phone." Chen Feng said weakly.

"Yo, our big boss finally got the hang of it and thought of buying a mobile phone." Li Li looked at Chen Feng with a teasing smile.In Li Li's eyes, Chen Feng was a complete miser. He made a small fortune and refused to ask him to pay more rent. He looked like a small farmer.

Just when she was about to continue with some sarcasm, Li Li's cell phone rang.Li Li picked up the phone, and in a blink of an eye, her expression suddenly changed.

"Understood, I'll come right away!" Li Li's expression was serious, and a sense of leanness emerged spontaneously, and she didn't have the rascal look of that little witch.

After hanging up the phone, Li Li said seriously: "Wan'er, you can go with this big gangster, there is another big case in the police force."

Mu Wan'er looked at Li Li worriedly: "What happened again, you have to pay attention to safety."

"Well, that perverted murderer committed crimes in the east of the city again." Li Li said through gritted teeth.

"Ah? It's that corpse-shattering demon?" Mu Wan'er's eyes were full of panic: "Lily, please be careful."

"Corpse demon?" Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat, thinking of the ghost in the morgue: "Tell me about it."

"Didn't you read the newspaper?" Li Li glanced at Chen Feng, and explained: "This murderer is extremely perverted. After raping and murdering the woman, he brutally smashed these corpses into hundreds of pieces. Moreover, judging from the wounds of the corpse fragments, it seems It was slashed with a very sharp knife."

"Oh, that's right." Li Li thought of something again: "One of those corpses should be in the morgue you manage."

"Well, wait for me." Chen Feng thought for a while, then suddenly said to Li Li.Then, Chen Feng walked into his bedroom and closed the door.

"What, it's so mysterious." Li Li muttered dissatisfiedly.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng to come out, only to see that his face was slightly tired.Taking out a yellow talisman and stuffing it to Li Li, Chen Feng said solemnly, "Hide this talisman close to your body."

"Cut. Feudal superstition!" Li Li stuffed the yellow talisman into her pocket nonchalantly, picked up her small bag, and went out.

Mu Wan'er looked at Chen Feng, a strange light flashed in the corner of her eyes.


"Sir, what kind of mobile phone do you want to buy?" At the counter, the waiter looked at the plainly dressed Chen Feng with a smile on his face.

"Well, I want a mobile phone that can make calls." Chen Feng said with a serious face.


The waiter collapsed all of a sudden, her face was flushed, and the corners of her mouth twitched, obviously holding back a smile.

"Hehe." Mu Wan'er beside her covered her mouth and smiled, her silver bell-like laughter made Chen Feng puzzled.

"Mobile phone, isn't it for making calls?" Chen Feng asked weakly. In his previous life, he never used a mobile phone. In this life, as a migrant worker, he never thought of buying a mobile phone.After coming to this big city, I got up early and worked greedily every day, so I didn't care about the change of my mobile phone.Therefore, Chen Feng is still at the level of making phone calls when it comes to understanding mobile phones.

The waiter took out a prototype with a smile and said: "Every mobile phone has a phone function, but the function of a mobile phone is not only to make a call, but also to surf the Internet, watch movies, play games and so on."

Chen Feng listened, and suddenly understood in his heart.Suddenly, he pointed to a prototype placed in a conspicuous place on the counter and said, "I want that one."

"Well, sir, you have a good eye. This is the latest fruit company's sixth-generation fruit, and it is one of the most advanced mobile phones in the world." The waiter explained with a smile: "The current market price is 8888 yuan. In our store, you can buy You can also give me your number."

"Cut, even a poor boy can afford six generations of fruit?" A disdainful voice came, Chen Feng turned around and saw a non-mainstream man with yellow hair walking towards a woman in scantily dressed clothes, with an arrogant expression on his face .

Suddenly, his eyes straightened.

Pushing away the woman beside him, this non-mainstream man came to Mu Wan'er with a charming smile on his face, and said briskly: "This beautiful lady, would you mind going for a drink with me?" Said Then, he stretched out a finger, stroked the bangs on his forehead, and said proudly: "My dad is the director of the police station in the east commercial district of this city, and all the brothers on this road should respectfully call me 'Guo Guo'." elder brother'."

As if to verify his words, the exposed woman posted it up again with a coquettish smile, and said charmingly: "Brother Guo, you are so bad, if you have a new one, you don't want the old one." His hands kept groping on Guo Ge's body.

Disgust flashed in Mu Wan'er's eyes, she turned her head and ignored it.

But that brother Guo still persisted in entanglement: "Beauty, what's the future with this poor boy, you should follow my brother. Brother promises to let you fuck, and you will never leave me again." Brother's eyes were full of lewdness, he looked at Mu Wan'er's chest, and swallowed.

Suddenly, a sense of humiliation flashed across Mu Wan'er's face. Since she was a child, she had never been treated so frivolously.

However, the next moment, her body was suddenly hugged into someone's arms, and then he heard Chen Feng's voice: "Brother Guo, right? This is my girlfriend, you better not make up your mind." His hands tightened, making Mu Wan'er's whole body stick to his body.

The masculinity that hit her face made her face flush.Being hugged by this man like this, Mu Wan'er surprisingly didn't resist.

"What's wrong with me?" Mu Wan'er asked herself secretly.

"Hmph!" Guo Ge's eyes suddenly turned cold: "Boy, I give you one minute to leave this beauty immediately, otherwise, I will immediately let you go to the police station and have a prison meal." In his opinion, as long as his As soon as these words are said, the man in front of him will immediately walk away. At that time, with his means, won't it be a piece of cake to get this beautiful woman?

When Chen Feng heard this, his face immediately turned cold, the feeling of being threatened made him very unhappy.However, afterward, he smiled in the blink of an eye, moved his big mouth closer, kissed Mu Wan'er's face with a "boo", and said affectionately: "Wan'er, don't worry, I will never leave you alone .”

Suddenly being attacked by a wolf's mouth, Mu Wan'er's face was red enough to drip water, and she stared at Chen Feng reproachfully, without saying a word.

However, in the eyes of Brother Guo, this look was regarded as the young couple flirting and the feeling of being ignored, which made him furious and shouted fiercely: "Huh, boy, you are shameless, let's walk Look!" As he said, he hugged the exposed woman and left in a hurry.

"Big gangster, don't let go!" Mu Wan'er blushed and said softly.

Chen Feng seemed not to have heard Mu Wan'er's words, but hugged him a little tighter, and said righteously: "Well, show me that fruit six-generation mobile phone."

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