"Attention everyone, the enemy is probably inside, so be careful!" Xing Yuan said in a low voice with a serious face.

Needless to say, all the team members were already ready, the pistols on their waists were held in their hands one after another, the inspection machine and ammunition clicked in unison, and then stopped in unison.

Only Feng Tao's face was not very good-looking.Just now I was still sneering and sarcastic, who knows that they really discovered the entrance of the secret base not too long ago.Isn't this a naked slap in the face?

However, now is not the time to worry about these, right now, how to save your life in the next action.Feng Tao has always been a selfish person, he came to this team only to be gilded.His family has already arranged a path for him, and after working in the team for two years, he can naturally become a master.Therefore, saving his life was his primary goal.

"Let's go in now. Maybe Dr. Dai and his wife are below. As long as we rescue Dr. Dai and his wife, our mission will be completed." Xing Yuan ordered: "Long Linger and Feng Tao stay outside, and the others follow me!"

Xing Yuan knew Feng Tao's purpose of joining this team, so naturally he would not let him take risks.On the one hand, the power behind Feng Tao is relatively large, if there is a mistake, the whole team will be in a lot of trouble.On the other hand, although Feng Tao's strength is good, he doesn't have much actual combat experience. If such a person goes, it may cause chaos.

As for Long Ling'er, she was the only female player in the entire team, so she naturally needed special care.

"Captain, I..." Long Ling'er said hastily.

"Obey orders!" Xing Yuan snorted, his eyes extremely sharp.

"Yes..." Seeing the resolute look on the captain's face, Long Ling'er had no choice but to agree dejectedly.

"Okay, wait for me to come back!" Long Yang knew that although his sister seemed weaker, she was actually a very strong person in her heart.He patted his younger sister on the shoulder, signaling her to be careful, and Long Yang followed Xing Yuan into the dark secret passage.

In the entrance of the secret passage, there is a long ladder, and when one steps on it, there are bursts of squeaking sounds, obviously it is some years old.

The ladder is not high, only four or five meters.After reaching the ground, under Xing Yuan's gesture, all the team members immediately found the bunker.

Without knowing what was going on inside, Xing Yuan adopted the most conservative method, step by step, groping, advancing, and falling into the encirclement of the enemy.

The layout of the secret base was similar to that of a parking lot, with dim lights and turbid air.The only difference is that walls have been built between the load-bearing columns in this secret base, and doors have been installed to form rooms one after another.

Xing Yuan is obviously a person with an extremely gifted command. Under his command, everyone moved forward in an orderly manner. Along the way, they searched several remodeled rooms, but found nothing.

But Xing Yuan did not expect that their figures had been clearly captured by the miniature camera on the wall.

In the surveillance room of the secret base, two blond men were staring wretchedly at the direction Xing Yuan and the others were heading.

"Hahaha, just a few more steps forward, and we can make dumplings." A Jinfa person said.

"Hurry up and report to Captain William." Another person picked up the walkie-talkie and reported the current situation.

After a while, a majestic male voice sounded from the other end of the walkie-talkie: "Don't worry, let the bastards from the island country try the water and live in our secret base in the United States. How can it be so easy?"

The two blond men looked at me and I looked at you, with smiles in their eyes.

"Yeah, there are those dog legs from the island country, let's consume some of their strength first." After speaking, the two finally burst out laughing.


Xing Yuan, who was walking, suddenly raised his hand and stopped the team from advancing: "There are people in front, and the voice should be from the island country."

All the team members were stunned for a moment, and then listened intently. Sure enough, they heard a very soft voice coming from not far away. It was the language of the island country, and it smelled obscene.

"It seems that our enemies should be these people from the island country." Not only did Xing Yuan not panic, but he licked his lips with great excitement: "That's it, let's fight the devils today!"

For some unknown reason, after hearing that the enemy was an islander, everyone cheered up and looked eager to try.

"Long Yang, you and Liu Dazhi attack from the left side."

"Chen Datong, Fang Jiewei, the three of you attacked from the right side.

"The rest of us will attack head-on, remember, you must pay attention to Dr. Dai and his wife, and don't accidentally hurt them." Xing Yuan ordered in a low voice: "Attack!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the team members ran towards the source of the sound like ferocious cheetahs, not hiding the sound of their footsteps at all.

Although there was a short distance, under the rush of these team members, it took only a few seconds to reach the destination.

This is a dance floor-sized hall with several sofas and a TV.The TV was showing a picture of um, huh, huh, ah, which made the pulse of the islanders on the sofa agitated. How could they pay attention to the situation outside.

When Xing Yuan rushed in with his people, these people realized that they were going to take the weapons they had in hand.

However, before they left the sofa, a bullet flew over Xing Yuan and his team members, killing two of them on the spot, while others were slightly injured.

Xing Yuan wanted to shoot the second shot, but those islanders who were injured just now stomped their feet and disappeared instantly.

"Hold on, be careful!" Xing Yuan raised his nerve to the highest point and shouted.

"Oops, these spies actually endured it, it's dangerous now." At the same time, Xing Yuan and his team members thumped in their hearts.

For a moment, the team members all took out their housekeeping skills to prevent them from being hurt by those who were hiding in the dark.

However, someone will always be tricked.Seeing the flash of the knife, Zou Jijiang felt chills on his neck, knowing that the gun he was holding back was coming.At the critical moment of life and death, Zou Jijiang hastily used his hands to stop the enduring samurai sword.

With a bang, half of the right palm was cut off in half by the sharp katana.

Zou Jijiang is also a tough guy. Facing the fact that his palm was cut off, he didn't even care. The strength in the Qi training period burst out, and he turned his head to avoid the second knife that was endured and returned.

"I'll wipe your sister." Zou Jijiang yelled furiously, his left hand was filled with true energy, and he slapped hard.

This palm just hit the ninja's chest.Enduring a scream, he fell to the ground.


After two bullets passed, the patient lay motionless on the ground.

These ninjas were not overbearing, and they were all eliminated in a short time.

In fact, it was also Chen Feng's fault. That night, Chen Feng seriously injured the strongest member of the group, Liu Shengsheng, and sent him back to the island country for treatment that night.The rest of them are all little bastards with mediocre strength.Because he does not have strong strength, he is afraid that spies from other countries will attack him, so he has the cheek to live in the secret base of the United States.Who wants their island country to be a dog behind America's ass?

"Attention all, the enemy has been wiped out, and then search around for the whereabouts of Dr. Dai and his wife." Xing Yuan ordered loudly.

At this moment, footsteps came from all directions, and a group of blond foreigners surrounded him with weapons in their hands, showing a murderous look.

"Dear Chinese friends, if you come today, don't leave."


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