Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 213 People like you, damn it!

On the [-]th floor of Wanhe Building, the soldiers of the Black Eagle Squad were looking ferociously at a fat man with big ears and eyes full of hatred.

It was this man who left the more than 30 members of the Black Hawk team with only five or six of them today. More than 30 fully armed elite soldiers were almost slaughtered by this man.

"Captain, what should we do, what should we do." A soldier said to the blood-stained person beside him full of hatred.

"Retreat, I'll hold him back." The captain firmly held a blood-stained pistol with his only remaining hand, and said resolutely. His other hand was gone. Shockingly distorted, the white bones were broken violently, the fractures were uneven, and the sharp bony spurs protruded straight out, making it indescribably hideous and terrifying.

"No, captain, you lead the brothers to run. My foot is broken and I can't run away at all, so let me hold him for you." A soldier beside him said in a low voice, his right leg was drooping, limp, without A little strength.

"Hahaha, I still want to run, none of you can leave today." The fat man with big ears croaked strangely, and walked towards the remaining members of the Black Hawk team with a sneer.

"I'll fight you." The team member with the broken leg screamed, and the assault rifle in his hand spewed out a burst of bullets, shooting towards the fat man.

Facing the powerful bullets, the big fat man didn't panic at all, let alone dodge in any way, he just walked with his fat chest upright.

"Da da da,!"

The bullets hit his chest one by one, but there was no scene of entering the flesh. The fat that looked soft and sagging all over his body was like a piece of steel plate. The bullet hit it, just like setting off firecrackers. There was a loud noise, but they couldn't get in at all, and bounced around one after another.


The big fat man patted his stomach, dusted off the smell of gunpowder smoke remaining on his body, and smiled mockingly at the soldier with a broken leg who shot. Straight towards the broken leg warrior.

"Ah!!" The soldier with the broken leg howled, and the next moment, his head was crushed violently like a watermelon, blood spurted wildly, his brain burst, and the red and white stains covered the fat man's hands. yes.

The big fat man squeezed a few times on the cracked head with great enjoyment, and then let go of his hand, allowing the twitching body of the soldier with a broken leg to fall at his feet. Then, he raised his hand and carefully examined the The red and white liquid in his hand was full, and he greedily stretched out his tongue to lick it. The big fat man licked it very attentively, not wanting to waste any, and from time to time his mouth made a satisfying "tsk tsk" sound.


Several members of the Black Hawk team couldn't bear it any longer and retched violently. Although it was not the first time they had seen such a scene, it still made them unbearable.

"You're a devil, bastard." The captain looked at the fat man angrily, holding the pistol in one hand, and the bullets on the pistol burst out, but the violent shooting still failed to break the fat man's defense. Not even a white mark was left.

The strafing of bullets still made the big fat man frown, he stopped sucking the red and white thing on his palm, and walked towards several people again.

Fatty's footwork was not strong, and his pace was fast, but his forward speed was astonishingly fast.

"Hurry up, I'll block him, hurry up, hurry up." The captain roared hoarsely, and suddenly stepped heavily, and rushed towards the big fat man. In order to create a chance for the team members to survive, he resolutely chose to die.

"Captain, don't!!" The team members cried out in pain, but quickly retreated towards the entrance of the corridor. They couldn't let the captain's painstaking efforts go to waste.

"Quack quack, run, run as much as you want, as long as you don't leave this building, you won't be able to escape from my grasp." The fat man quacked with a smile, like a jackdaw in the cold wind and rain, with an indescribably piercing ear .

At this moment, the captain had already rushed in front of the fat man. He had already thrown away the pistol in his hand. He held a sharp tactical dagger in his hand and stabbed the fat man's eyes with his backhand.

"I don't believe that your eyes are also invulnerable." The captain howled, all the strength of his body was concentrated in this stab.

"Hahaha, let me show you how powerful my King Kong is." The big fat man laughed, not only stopped the movement of his hands, but even opened his eyes wide in coordination.

While speaking, the captain's dagger finally pierced King Kong's eyes.

"Ding!" The dagger hit the pupil, and there was a sound of gold and iron.

The captain's face was full of astonishment: "Unexpectedly... I can't stab it in." As the captain of the Black Hawk team, he naturally knows that there are some people in this world who have practiced horizontal kung fu, which is invulnerable and extremely powerful. He even heard that However, some people who practice horizontal kung fu can fight against the explosion of small cannonballs. However, every person who practices horizontal kung fu can't do it in a few places, and this eye is one of them. However, this King Kong Even the eyes can be invulnerable, what kind of concept is this?

"Hahaha, after seeing how powerful I King Kong is, you can die with peace of mind." The King Kong waved his big hand, repeating the old trick, and slapped the captain's forehead with a huge slap.

The captain closed his eyes, but he didn't have any fear. Those boys should run away...

Feeling the big hands on his head getting tighter and tighter, at this moment, he seemed to see the scene where his head was blooming.

"Hmph, don't let go yet." A soft shout sounded, and the captain felt his head loosen, feeling unspeakably relaxed. He opened his eyes suspiciously, and saw the Vajra King staring at a figure, standing there with a dignified expression. In the distance, there was a blood hole in the joint of his right arm, and blood was flowing.

"This is..." The captain's eyes were fixed: "Isn't this the chief, why did you come in person!"

"Chief, be careful. This man is called King Kong. He is invulnerable from head to toe. He can even block bullets. All my team members died at his hands." After thinking about it, the captain reminded eagerly. He was afraid that the chief who appeared suddenly would ruin the opponent's hands without knowing it.

Chen Feng nodded and gave him a relieved look.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect there to be a master like you." King Kong licked his tongue, full of excitement: "It's just right, I want to taste your brains, is it as delicious as those people just now!"

"Eating people's brains, losing humanity, people like you, damn it." There was no emotion in Chen Feng's tone, and a strong killing intent erupted.

Affected by this murderous aura, King Kong's feet softened unconsciously, his face changed drastically, and a strong uneasiness came to his heart.

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