Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 216 Laser Array

Even though the Qiushui sword is as thin as a cicada's wings, it is surprisingly heavy. For a strong man like Captain Black Eagle, it takes a lot of effort to hold it firmly.

"No, you just promised not to kill me, you villain." King Kong screamed in horror, his fat body writhed on the ground, but all the joints of his body had been removed by Chen Feng , unable to exert strength at all, this twisting made him look like a fat worm, which was extremely ridiculous.

Captain Black Eagle's remaining right hand held the Qiushui sword, and it wobbled against King Kong's fleshy chest. The sharp point of the sword pressed against the fatness of King Kong's chest, and it sank, but it did not pierce his chest. skin.

King Kong's many years of horizontal practice has actually resisted the sharpness of the Qiushui sword itself. This was originally a matter of great pride, but now the King Kong is not at all happy. If the man uses a little more force, his chest will be pierced.

Frightened, he cried loudly: "Don't kill me, spare me, I know I was wrong..."

Hearing his cries, Captain Black Eagle actually lifted the Qiushui sword. Without the pressure from the tip of the sword, the fat man's fat bounced back. However, where the tip of the sword was pressing just now, there was a red The point is striking, a drop of blood is slowly overflowing.

"You shouldn't die so easily." Captain Black Eagle's words made King Kong even more desperate. He was about to open his mouth to continue begging for mercy, but Captain Black Eagle swung the Qiushui sword violently. The weight of the sword slashed fiercely on the fat man's plump right palm.

There was no sound of the weapon entering the flesh, only a flash of green light, and the fat man's right palm flew out. The whole palm was covered with blood, and it was unclear whether it was his own or those Black Eagle soldiers who died just now.

The huge pain made the King Kong scream terribly, but the miserable cry did not stop Captain Black Eagle from moving.

The green light reappeared, and another thing left King Vajra's body...

Chen Feng watched indifferently while Captain Black Eagle tortured and killed the King Kong King, but he didn't feel the slightest pity in his heart. For such a vicious person who eats human brains raw, a thousand cuts are not enough to absolve his crime.

After a while, King Kong's cries gradually stopped, and his body also stopped twitching. It looked like he was dead, but Captain Black Eagle still didn't stop his movements. He used this method to vent his anger. The hatred and sadness in my heart, I use this way to comfort my comrades who just died tragically.

"That's enough, the person is already dead." Chen Feng sighed, and grasped the edge of the Qiushui sword. The Qiushui sword had already been sacrificed by Chen Feng, so naturally it would not hurt Chen Feng.

"Woo!!" Captain Black Eagle, like a deflated ball, loosened the Qiushui sword weakly, then squatted on the ground, covered his face with his only right hand and cried bitterly.

The man did not shed tears, but he did not go to the sad place.


"Stop." Xing Yuan raised his right hand abruptly, organizing the team's advance.

"Captain, what's the matter? According to the signal, Dr. Dai and his wife are not far ahead." Long Linger said while holding the signal display screen.

Xing Yuan looked around with a cold face, did not answer, there was no one around, let alone a sound, the surrounding was as quiet as a pool of stagnant water, so quiet that it was frightening.

Long Ling'er is also a smart person. Now that she calmed down and took a look, she immediately felt that the surroundings were unusual.

"Just now we walked all the way and encountered countless obstacles, but when we got here, there was no resistance suddenly. There must be something wrong." Zou Jijiang frowned and analyzed.

"Be careful, everyone, and be ready for battle at any time." Xing Yuan snorted, and his true energy shone.

"Captain, look." Long Yang who was on the flank suddenly pointed to the wall in front and said.

When everyone looked around, they saw a row of fine holes on the top of the wall in front of them. If you don't look carefully, you really can't find it.

Xing Yuan pondered for a moment, then suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist and threw it forcefully.

The dagger fell to the ground where the rows of fine holes were, making a "dangdang" impact sound.

Before the sound of the landing was over, the small hole on the wall suddenly burst into flames, and countless bullets shot out from the hole, hitting the ground and the wall. For a while, stone chips flew and smoke Diffuse.

Seeing this scene, the members of the combat team all shuddered. If it wasn't the dagger that was under the gun just now, but themselves...

"Damn, this is not a building, it's like a military base." Zou Jijiang swallowed, and said with a look of fear.

It took a full 5 minutes for the gunhole to stop shooting. From a distance, the scene was in a mess. The lime cement on the wall had been completely peeled off, and the hideous red bricks were exposed, and the surface was cut by bullets. After going to the first floor, the ground was even more miserable. The original bright floor tiles had been broken into powder, and the cement under the floor tiles was riddled with holes. There were still some black steel bars exposed, and the handle The dagger that was thrown over had already been beaten so hard that it didn't know where it went.

Xing Yuan took the dagger of the soldier next to him and threw it over again. This time, after the dagger landed, no more bullets were fired from the hole in the wall. However, Xing Yuan cautiously threw a few more things, and finally confirmed that there was no danger before keep going.

"Captain, if you walk through this aisle, you should be where Dr. Dai and his wife are detained." Long Linger took out the layout of the building for comparison and analyzed.

"We still have to be careful, the enemy will definitely not let us rescue Dr. Dai so easily." Xing Yuan frowned deeply, and a bad premonition weighed heavily on his heart.

"Tat Tat Tat!!" Suddenly, there was an urgent sound of footsteps ahead, and everyone couldn't help but look forward, only to see a few people suddenly appearing around the corner, with guns in their hands, shooting at everyone.

Facing the surprise attack, the combat team was not at all chaotic, and avoided the wave of bullets with a single dodge. Then, they all drew their pistols and were about to fight back.

However, those few people looked at each other after a wave of shooting, and then ran back without looking back.

"Chasing." Xing Yuan frowned, and shouted loudly: "Catch the alive!"

Everyone is a master, the speed is astonishing, only a few can't breathe, they passed through a distance of tens of meters, and came to the back of the few people just now, Long Yang kicked them to the ground one by one, The team members immediately stepped forward and grabbed these people with their backhands.

"Quickly tell me where Dr. Dai is being held now." Long Yang grabbed one person's hair and turned his face towards him.

However, the face that caught the eye was full of sarcasm and despair.

"Not good, go back quickly." Xing Yuan shouted when he saw it.

However, beams of red light suddenly blocked their way, like a huge cage, trapping several people inside.

"Damn, laser array." Zou Jijiang swears, everyone can hear, his voice is full of worry,

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