There is a huge fountain on the square of Wanhe Building, which can be regarded as a famous landscape in this area. There is a gap between the fountain and the ground. After Situ Qiang fell into the pool, he was tens of centimeters away from the poisonous fog.

"Mr. Chen." After Situ Qiang fell into the pool, half of his head was exposed, and he looked at the position just now.

I saw that a man was looking up at the black mist all over the sky, like a god of war standing upright, without a trace of fear.

"It's dangerous, Mr. Chen." Situ Qiang shouted hastily, although he knew that Chen Feng was powerful, but the poisonous mist was no small matter at first glance. Whether Chen Feng could withstand the impact of the poisonous mist, Situ Qiang was not sure.

Chen Feng ignored Situ Qiang's yelling, and just quietly looked at the poisonous mist in front of him, as if he was thinking about something.

The poisonous mist completely suppressed it, and the next moment, the boundless poisonous mist was about to drown Chen Feng's head.

At this moment, Chen Feng patted his waist with his hand, and suddenly, a yellow brocade bag flew out from his waist.

"Brush!!" The mouth of the bag suddenly opened automatically, like a big mouth.

"This is it." Seeing this brocade bag, Situ Qiang always felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but at this moment, Situ Qiang didn't have time to think about it. What happened next on the yellow brocade bag made him He was dumbfounded.

I saw that all kinds of objects flew out of the brocade bag and landed on the ground in a pile.

Herbs, clothing, daily necessities, wallets...even a domineering sniper rifle! !The king of sniper.

"Could it be that this is the storage bag in the legend." Situ Qiang opened his mouth, but his brain couldn't react.

After a while, nothing flew out of the mouth of the yellow brocade bag. It just opened the mouth of the bag, quietly suspended in front of Chen Feng, like a little monster that could swallow the world.

"Look!!" Chen Feng suddenly gave a light smack, sliding his fingers, and quickly drew a rune on the storage bag. Following the appearance of the rune, the storage bag suddenly moved.

"Buzz!" The storage bag kept trembling in mid-air, and a huge suction force suddenly appeared.

"Huh!!" The boundless poisonous mist above the head was suddenly attracted by the suction of the storage bag, and turned into a black tornado, which was collected by the storage bag.

The tornado is getting bigger and bigger, gradually becoming thicker than an arm, and then slowly becoming thicker than a thigh... In just a moment, the tornado formed by the black mist has a diameter of several meters. This huge black mist tornado is still He got into the storage bag violently, as if this storage bag was like a hungry wolf that could never get enough to eat, while the black mist above his head was a group of sheep waiting to be slaughtered. The wolves entered the flock and devoured .

After a while, Situ Qiang suddenly discovered that the "dark clouds" in the sky had risen several meters.

"Hahaha, Mr. Chen is indeed a god-man, and he has achieved some results in just a short while." Situ Qiang clapped his palms and smiled, his face full of expectation.

Here, Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. He originally had the mentality of trying it out, but he didn't expect that using a storage bag to collect the poisonous mist would be really effective. It's a pity that this storage bag is not specially used to store poison after all. This battle will definitely be corroded by the poisonous mist, and it can no longer be used.

"If that's the case, then let you explode completely." Chen Feng drew another rune on the other side of the storage bag with one finger.

Immediately, the suction of the storage bag became stronger, and the tornado became much thicker.

Although there is only a small cubic space inside the storage bag, it doesn't mean it can't hold the black mist all over the sky. Don't look at the thick black mist all over the sky, but if it is really compressed, it will probably be a basin look.

Sure enough, as the boundless black mist became less and less, the sunlight in the sky gradually cast down. Finally, the storage bag absorbed the last wisp of black mist in the sky, and then, slowly, the original golden color of the storage bag disappeared. The yellow appearance gradually faded away.

Chen Feng knew that this was because the storage bag was eroded by the poisonous gas inside the bag, and gradually lost its spirituality. After a few years, the storage bag would turn into an ordinary brocade bag. Except for the different material, the other parts were the same as ordinary brocade bags. Bags are generally the same.

"Damn it, you don't hesitate to waste a storage bag to save these irrelevant mortals." Yao Wentao said, his eyes were full of anger: "Now, return my miasma!"

Chen Feng shook the storage bag in his hand, and said with a smile: "How can such an evil thing be returned to you, I will destroy him today, so as not to harm others in the future!"

After all, a fiery red flame suddenly appeared from Chen Feng's fingertips. As soon as the flame appeared, it quickly covered the storage bag.

Under a burst of stench, the storage wombat burned, together with the miasma inside.

Chen Feng's movements were extremely fast and the incident happened so suddenly that Yao Wentao didn't react at all. The power of the earth's spiritual fire was so powerful that by the time Yao Wentao rushed in front of Chen Feng, the entire storage bag had been reduced to a pile of ashes.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you." Yao Wentao finally became angry. This day's miasma is a very powerful miasma. Ordinary people will die if they touch it. However, although it can often be seen in the cultivation world, it is extremely rare in this secular world. It can be seen how precious this cloudy air is, but at this moment it is being captured by Chen Feng. How could Yao Wentao not be angry after being burned?

"Should die." Yao Wentao swung the black dagger in his hand and rushed towards him.

Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat: "This Yao Wentao has finally gone crazy!"

Crazy enemies are the scariest, but they are also the easiest to deal with. On the one hand, crazy people will fight desperately, and the most feared thing is to fight alone. However, when a person is crazy, he will not be able to think calmly, leading to the failure of the battle. , what Chen Feng wanted was this effect.

"Lingbo microsteps." Chen Feng stepped lightly, his body was like a butterfly wearing flowers, shuttling around Yao Wentao.

Yao Wentao kept waving the black short sword in his hand, using a set of sword skills, but he couldn't touch the corner of Chen Feng's clothes at all.

As a result, Yao Wentao's calmness that had just recovered was ignited again, and boundless anger spewed out.

"Go to hell, poisonous dragon drill." Yao Wenjie Zhou Zhong's dagger suddenly spun violently, like an electric drill running at high speed, with infinite power, he lost his mind, and unexpectedly played a wide open and close attack.

"Hmph, it's not certain who will die." Chen Feng snorted coldly, and the Qiushui sword in his hand jumped violently. Every time it jumped, Chen Feng's aura increased.

Qiu Shuijian jumped seven times in a very short period of time, at this moment, Chen Feng's hand finally moved.

"Big Dipper, seven stars cut."

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