"They were all poisoned by the corpse." Chen Feng's face was solemn: "It seems that this hz city is about to become unsettled."

"Tingting, back off!" Feng Chen shouted.

After finishing speaking, his right hand moved violently, and in mid-air, a golden talisman flashed golden light out of thin air.

"Ah." Even though Yinling Tingting backed away a long time ago, the aftermath of the golden light still made her scream, and a puff of black smoke rose slowly from the place illuminated by the golden light.

Ignoring Yin Ling's situation, Chen Feng's face was serious, and he said in a low voice, "Scatter it for me!"

In an instant, the golden talisman in midair suddenly shone towards the morgue.Suddenly, a puff of blue smoke rose, and the corpses trembled suddenly, with hideous expressions on their faces.


A shrill and terrifying cry sounded suddenly.I saw that the dead body suddenly opened its eyes, and those green eyes stared straight at Chen Feng, full of ferocity, as if it wanted to swallow this man alive.There were also abnormal noises in the other mortuary cabinets, as if something was struggling violently inside.

However, immediately, the green light in his eyes disappeared, and in a blink of an eye, the round eyeballs suddenly flattened, forming two holes.

The several corpses calmed down immediately, the evil energy on them had dissipated, and the fangs in their mouths were also gone.

"What's going on here?" Yin Lingting Tingting was a little panicked, the hostility that erupted from those corpses just now made her feel terrified.

Chen Feng's face was a little ugly: "My 'Golden Light Evil-Breaking Talisman' wiped out the corpse nature in their bodies. Unexpectedly, these people's corpse nature is so strong."

"Corpse?" Yin Ling Tingting asked in confusion.

"Corpse nature is a characteristic unique to zombies. After a person is infected with zombie corpse poison and dies, this corpse nature will gradually increase, and finally, under the control of this corpse nature, they will become new zombies." Chen Feng said : "The corpse nature of these corpses is so strong, it shows that the zombies that spread the corpse poison have already cultivated a bit."

After a pause, Chen Feng looked serious: "This time the corpse poison erupted so violently, it is obviously a manifestation of the evilness of the zombies, and it is beyond the hospital's ability to solve it."

At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps came from outside.Yinling Tingting disappeared with a "hoo".

Chen Feng walked out the door and saw two people running towards this side in a hurry, they were Dean Li and Vice President Wang.Seeing Chen Feng, Dean Li didn't even have time to wipe off the sweat on his forehead, and repeatedly shouted: "Mr. Chen Feng, go and see those patients. Two more patients lost their lives this moment."

Vice President Wang also looked at Chen Feng expectantly. There were so many strange cases that suddenly occurred today, they were at a loss what to do when they were used to seeing big winds and waves.

Chen Feng looked at Dean Li who was begging, and nodded.Since the old man Situ was rescued last time, this Dean Li often came to the mortuary to greet him, and offered him a change of job many times, but Chen Feng rejected them all.After all, in the morgue, I have a lot of time to practice.However, even though Chen Feng did not accept Dean Li's kindness, he remembered this affection.Now, when Dean Li came to beg him, it was naturally not easy to refuse, besides, he really had to take care of this matter.

Zombies do not harm people simply by birth, old age, sickness and death. Ordinary people can no longer handle it. Only people with cultivation like Chen Feng have this ability.

Following Dean Li, who was in a hurry, came to the emergency building.

As soon as he walked through the gate, Chen Feng confirmed the seriousness of the matter even more.The sickbeds had long been saturated, and the floor of the entire hall was covered with bedding, and many patients with darkened faces were lying on them with desperate faces, full of lifelessness.The family members around, as if they already knew the ending, wept silently.

Seeing Dean Li, several family members immediately rushed over, knelt down at his feet, kowtowed and cried: "Dean, please, please save my child, he is only 12 years old what……"

Dean Li hurriedly helped these people up, tears gleaming deep in the corners of his eyes.In the heart of the doctor's parents, even Dean Li, who had already gone on another path, couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Ah, ah!" Suddenly, in a distant ward, a young man struggled violently, as if in great pain, and let out a sharp cry.His fists were clenched tightly, his nails were deeply embedded in the flesh of his palm, and a little bit of black blood dripped down.

"Well, there is one person who is about to lose it." Everyone looked at him silently, and some patients buried their heads deeply in their clothes and sobbed softly. They didn't know that the next attack would be It won't be him.

"Xiang'er, you have to hold on!" A crying female voice cried out feebly, holding the hand of the struggling man tightly with both hands.Next to him, a tall and mighty middle-aged man sat aside without saying a word, only his eyes were full of reluctance.

"Mr. Chen Feng, look!" Dean Li asked in a low voice.

"Go and have a look!" Chen Feng didn't say much, he stepped forward first, and walked to the side of the struggling young man, without saying anything, he slashed at the man's neck with his palm knife.

Suddenly, the young man's slightly green eyes turned white, and he fell onto the bed, motionless.

"What are you doing!" The sad middle-aged woman roared anxiously when she saw Chen Feng's movements, and dug at Chen Feng's face with both hands.

What kind of woman is the most powerful?Women who protect children can often exert several times their strength.

However, Chen Feng didn't move, because a pair of big hands had already blocked the woman's grasp like lightning.

"Chen Hui, calm down." The majestic male voice was a little tired, and the tall man sitting on the side immediately supported the woman, and at the same time, looked at Chen Feng and the others with a questioning face.

Seeing Dean Li, the man moved his head, but asked, "Dean Li, what's going on?"

Dean Li looked at this man, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Su, don't worry, this Mr. Chen Feng is an expert, he might be able to save Mr. Su's life."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was overjoyed immediately, and took a deep look at Chen Feng: "Mr. Chen, my wife offended me just now, please don't take offense."

The middle-aged woman even knelt down in front of Chen Feng: "Mr. Chen, please save my child, I kowtow to you for what happened just now." As she spoke, she really wanted to kowtow.

Chen Feng's eyes moved, and without waiting for the woman's movement, he helped the woman up, and said repeatedly: "Madam is serious, so I'll take a look for the young master." Then he walked to the side of the unconscious young man.

When the middle-aged man saw Chen Feng's actions, a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes. He stood quietly and watched Chen Feng do what he did.

The young man looked talented. Although his face was full of black air, he still couldn't stop the sharp curves and handsome appearance.Chen Feng opened the man's eyelids, and saw that the man's eyeballs had already turned green, and they were getting thicker at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Vice President Wan, you are a Chinese medicine doctor, but you have golden needles." Chen Feng turned to look at Vice President Wang.

"Yes, yes, it's in my office!" Vice President Wang said hurriedly, "I'll go get it right away!" As he spoke, his figure turned into a gust of wind and ran towards his office.At this life-threatening moment, Vice President Wang's slightly obese body unexpectedly exploded with extraordinary strength.

Chen Feng walked to the side, saw the paper and pen, and began to write. It took only a minute for the white paper to be filled.

Passing the paper to Dean Li, he ordered: "Take the medicine according to this prescription, drink a bowl for each person, and the symptoms should be relieved."

Dean Li was overjoyed immediately, took the prescription and went to the Chinese pharmacy.

"Sir, the golden needle is here!" Vice President Wang came back panting, and handed a needle bag to Chen Feng.

"En." Chen Feng opened the needle bag, and saw gold needles neatly lined up together, no more, no less, exactly eighteen pieces.

Pulling out one, Chen Feng stabbed at the young man's chest without thinking.

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