Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 237 Hurrying to reincarnate?

"Chen Feng..." Mu Wan'er's face was full of surprise, and then she was full of joy. She didn't know where the strength came from, but the weak Mu Wan'er broke free from Director Lu's hand and ran in front of Chen Feng.

"Why are you here?" Mu Wan'er's eyes were watery, like a deer, she threw herself into Chen Feng's arms.

"Hehe, didn't I miss Wan'er, so I just came to see you." Chen Feng gently wiped away the tears that had fallen from Mu Wan'er's eyes, and said softly.

"Hmph, you just know how to make me happy." Mu Wan'er smiled gently, and gently stroked the short Liuhai on Chen Feng's forehead: "There must be something of your own!"

"En." Facing this intelligent woman, Chen Feng nodded without any denial.

"I know." Mu Wan'er said in a low voice: "You are a god, how can you come to see me, a little girl!"

"Uh, Wan'er..." Chen Feng was about to explain, but he felt his body tense, and Wan'er's soft arms had already hugged him tightly.

"You can find time to visit me, I'm already very satisfied." Before Chen Feng could explain, Wan'er had already buried her head in Chen Feng's chest.

"Hehe..." Chen Feng smiled foolishly, he just felt that his heart was so stable at this moment, as if he had let go of all the hustle and bustle, and vaguely, he felt a kind of sublimation in his heart.

However, this kind of good feeling did not hold. Director Lu who was on the side looked at Chen Feng and Mu Wan'er cuddling together, feeling jealous.

"A pair of dogs and men." Director Lu shook his head fiercely, and walked straight to his car.

Director Lu spoke very loudly, both Chen Feng and Mu Wan'er could hear him clearly.

This is a BMW Z4 sports car, the fiery red appearance is eye-catching, just casually looking at it, there is a sense of sportiness rushing towards your face.

"Your friend is quite rich." Chen Feng said jokingly.

"Isn't there a rich father?" Mu Wan'er grinned, her little nose wrinkled, not to mention how cute it is.

"Haha." Feng Chen said with a smile all over his face, "It seems that your friend is quite hostile to me!"

"Let him go." At this moment, Mu Wan'er put all her heart on Chen Feng, she couldn't control other people's feelings.

It is said that love is blind, she and Chen Feng have no vows, it can be said that she and Chen Feng have never chatted in a real sense, but love is so magical, I don't know that since the mysterious time, Mu Waner's My heart has long been occupied by this man.

During the few months of her business trip for further studies, Mu Waner always lay on the bed alone in the dead of night, recalling every detail of this man. Many rich young masters fought fiercely for her, but Mu Wan'er still had a calm heart. In her heart, she only wanted to keep this piece of purity for Chen Feng.

The two came arm in arm in front of Chen Feng's Santana.

"This is your car." Mu Wan'er wondered.

"Well, someone else arranged it for me." Chen Feng didn't hide it.

"Wow, you're promising." Mu Wan'er's eyes were full of joy: "In just a few months, someone has arranged a car for you!"

In the capital city, because the number of cars is increasing day by day, the number of new cars needs to be lottery. The average person wants a car, and the price is very high. In such a city, someone specially arranges a car for him, and it takes some energy to do it. Arrived, (haha, the plot needs it, if it’s not true, don’t blame it,)

Without answering Mu Wan'er's words, Chen Feng opened the co-pilot's door and invited Mu Wan'er to take a seat.

Mu Wan'er happily sat on it, and as soon as she sat inside, she noticed the difference.

"It's strange, when did Santana's seat become so comfortable." She whispered in confusion.

"As long as you like it." Chen Feng opened the door of the driver's cab and sat on it: "Where do you want to go!"

"Take me for a ride. I've been in the capital for so long, and I haven't looked around yet." Mu Wan'er said full of longing, her two little hands clutching her chest nervously, she was extremely cute.

"Okay." Chen Feng sang and shouted, like a buddy in a tea house, making Mu Wan'er giggle.

The Santana started slowly and lost towards the outside of the hospital. Because Mu Wan'er was quiet, Chen Feng didn't give full play to the motivation of this modified Santana.

Without a destination, Chen Feng drove the Santana casually, going where there are few cars. The capital city is indeed the capital city of China. Compared with HZ, it is much more prosperous. Mu Waner stared at the city with big eyes. I don't know how excited I am when I feast and feast.

Before he knew it, Santana had already driven out of the sixth ring road of the capital. After leaving the sixth ring road, there were obviously a lot fewer vehicles, and the road began to narrow a lot.

Maybe it was because she was tired, but the girl Mu Wan'er fell asleep quietly in the cab.

Chen Feng smiled, and looked at the rearview mirror.

In the rearview mirror, a bright red BMW car was following Chen Feng's Santana unhurriedly. Chen Feng recognized at a glance that this BMW car was the car of Director Lu in the hospital.

"Dididi!!" After exiting the sixth ring road, seeing that the number of vehicles on the road decreased significantly, the BMW accelerated immediately and overtook Chen Feng's Santana in no time.

Chen Feng ignored it, and still drove in a leisurely manner, trying to find a hotel for Mu Waner to rest.

Just like this, the BMW car in front seemed to feel impatient, and the brake light suddenly came on, and the whole car slowed down rapidly.

Due to the short distance between cars, Chen Feng's Santana rushed up immediately, and was about to hit the BMW's ass.

At the critical moment, Chen Feng smiled, stepped on the brakes, and turned the steering wheel vigorously. Suddenly, Santana narrowly avoided the BMW in front and came to the opposite lane.

Then, Chen Feng stepped on the gas pedal, and a strong back force appeared. Santana suddenly accelerated as if he had taken a stimulant. Without a breath, he surpassed Director Lu's BMW Z4 sports car.

Director Lu was young and energetic. When he saw a Santana that looked like garbage to him easily overtook his car, he was furious. Before he knew it, he stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the roar of the engine was like a wild beast. The monster sounded like a monster.

The 4t engine of the BMW Z3.0 is indeed a master of acceleration. Amidst a burst of roar, the four wheels ran wildly, and immediately shortened the distance to Santana, and slammed into Santana like a bamboo shoot.

The safety factor of Santana is not high. At such a high speed, once it hits the car, the car must be destroyed. Director Lu thought cruelly that he is not afraid of life, especially in a traffic accident. It's just money, anyway, his family has money.

Chen Feng looked at the approaching BMW Z4 in the rearview mirror, his eyes were full of sarcasm, if it was an ordinary Santana, he would really follow his path, but don't forget that the Santana Chen Feng drives is a special dragon outfit, and its power is comparable to that of the world The power of the top sports car, the BMW Z4, is simply not enough to watch.

"Huh." Just as Chen Feng was about to step up the accelerator and throw off the BMW Z4 in one fell swoop, a sense of crisis suddenly came over him.

Without hesitation, Chen Feng slammed the steering wheel, and Santana immediately came to the opposite lane, startling a car driving in the opposite lane and slamming on the brakes.

"Squeak!!" Chen Feng also slammed on the brakes, and Santana's body trembled, waking Mu Wan'er who was sleeping soundly.

"Squeak!!" The brake performance of the Santana driven by Chen Feng was exceptionally good. After a sound of friction, the two cars stopped facing each other, with the distance only a few tens of centimeters away.

"You're fucking courting death." A head emerged from the opposite cab, cursing.

The BMW Z4 roared past, and Director Lu inside was extremely proud, but he didn't notice that a white light in the sky was shooting directly at his driveway.

"Boom!!" There was a violent collision sound, and the BMW Z4 exploded in a burst of flames.

"This idiot child, rush to reincarnate." Chen Feng looked at the BMW Z4 surrounded by fire, and said helplessly,

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