Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 254 Li Li vs. Gangsters

Li Li was very anxious. She originally wanted to scare her good friend in this corridor, but she was taken a step ahead.

Hearing a good friend's call for help, and then as if something happened, it stopped abruptly. Li Li was so anxious that she ran wildly on the stairs, and in a blink of an eye, she reached the floor where Mu Wan'er was.

When Li Li arrived, Qiangzi was opening the door.However, because there were several keys on Mu Wan'er's key chain, Qiangzi couldn't insert the key correctly all of a sudden.And the boss holding the knife had his own use, one grabbed Mu Wan'er's hand, the other covered Mu Wan'er's mouth, but watched Qiangzi open the door with his eyes.

Therefore, when Li Li jumped up, the two men didn't realize it for a while. When they heard Li Li's cry and wanted to fight back, Li Li's foot had already kicked the boss's head hard. on the wrist.

Li Li's father runs a martial arts gym, so she has been very popular with Xingyiquan since she was a child.In particular, Chen Feng gave advice from time to time, which made Li Li improve a lot and become stronger.

At this moment, Li Li's kick immediately made the big man's wrist red and swollen, and he couldn't use his strength for a while.

Mu Wan'er, who was already struggling, suddenly found an opportunity, and stomped hard on the boss's instep.Taking advantage of the moment when the boss was in pain again, Mu Wan'er broke free with all her strength, ran down the stairs "thumpingly", and hid behind Li Li.

"Wan'er, you haven't been bullied by these people, have you?" Li Li frowned, her expression extremely unkind.

"No." The panic in Mu Wan'er's eyes hadn't calmed down yet, she hurriedly shook her head when she heard Li Li's question.

On the other side, the boss and Qiangzi took out their daggers and pressed towards the two girls, especially the boss, whose eyes were full of murderous intent.Li Li's kick just now made his left hand almost lose consciousness, so he was very angry.

"Police, don't move!" Li Li yelled again, and a certificate appeared in her hand like lightning.Although it is not a certificate from the capital city, the police badge on it still shines brightly.

I thought that after revealing his identity, the gangster would definitely be caught without a fight.Unexpectedly, when they heard Li Li's policeman's identity, instead of retreating because of this, the two gangsters' eyes became even more fierce, and the sharp knives in their hands suddenly pierced towards them.

These two people were originally lifeless fugitives from the three northeastern provinces. They studied martial arts together in Shaolin Temple in the early years, but they were kicked out after breaking the precepts.With dozens of lives on his hands, he is the most wanted criminal in the country.Among those who died at their hands, besides ordinary people, there were also many police officers who arrested them.Therefore, facing the police will only arouse their fierceness, and will not make them afraid at all.Especially, the policeman in front of him is still a little girl.

The cold light on the dagger was shining, and it directly pierced Li Li's stomach.It is conceivable that with their strength, as long as Li Li is stabbed, she must be heartbroken.

After all, Li Li was an elementary school martial artist, she was only slightly taken aback, then dodged to pass the two daggers, and suddenly launched Xingyiquan.The fist was full of meaning, empty and full, and immediately covered the two of them.Although both of them have learned kung fu in Shaolin, they are both superficial and superficial, so they can't compare to Li Li's Zhenger Li's Xingyi Quan.After a while, two muffled groans were heard, and the two of them fell to the ground with bruised noses and swollen faces. How could they still have the fierceness just now.

Li Li clapped her hands and smiled proudly at Mu Wan'er: "It's done!"

"Be careful, Lily!" The moment Li Li turned her head, Mu Wan'er's face changed drastically, and she called out loudly.

At the same time, an intense sense of crisis hit Li Li's heart instantly, and she suddenly turned to one side.

"Bang—" There was a burst of explosion, and a red bloody light exploded on Li Li's arm.

Li Li shook her body, but forced herself to stand still, turned her head angrily, and looked at the boss behind her.The boss held a gun in his hand, a pistol he modified himself.At this time, he shook the pistol in his hand with a grin, and said wildly: "Haha, aren't you very good at shooting, come up if you have the ability."

The boss's eyes were full of madness: "At first, I wanted to play with you, but the gunshots will definitely attract the police, so I can only send you on the road." After speaking, the boss pressed the trigger of the pistol in his hand again.

"Bang—" the pistol sounded again, but the expected bullet did not come out.I saw that the barrel of the pistol was crooked, and the hand holding the gun was also red from the shock.As a policeman, Mu Wan'er naturally knew what was going on. The pistol she modified was already unstable, but now it exploded.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Li held back the bleeding wound on her arm, leaped forward, and kicked the boss just in the chin.

The boss's mouth full of teeth were knocked out abruptly, falling bloody to the ground, and the boss himself, his eyes turned white, and passed out.To be on the safe side, Li Li quickly searched Qiangzi's body again, and after making sure that there were no pistols or other weapons, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tatatatat——" hurried footsteps came, and a few policemen in police uniforms rushed up quickly, seeing the scene in front of them, they couldn't help being stunned.

When Li Li was fighting with the gangsters just now, Mu Wan'er had already called the police. These policemen happened to be patrolling nearby, and hurried over after receiving orders from the headquarters.

"Who reported to the police, what's going on?" the policeman asked with a straight face.

"Comrade police, it's like this..." Seeing the police coming, Mu Wan'er's heart was relieved immediately, and she told the police what happened in a few words.

"You mean, these two gangsters were subdued by her?" A policeman pointed to the boss who was limp on the ground, and said in disbelief, "When the gangsters still have guns?"


"What? Failed?" In a spacious office, a bald man roared angrily: "They are all trash, even a little girl can't handle it!"

The bald man was Lu Liangcai, the father of Director Lu who died in a car accident.In front of him, a lean middle-aged man was lowering his head, his face full of fear.

"Patriarch, it was a foolproof thing, but suddenly a woman jumped out of nowhere, and knocked down the person I arranged with three punches and two kicks." The middle-aged man buried his head, not daring to look at Lu Liangcai.

"You go ahead and find a professional killer this time, and you must kill this woman!" Lu Liangcai was full of resentment: "How is that Chen Feng doing now?"

"The shooter is ready, just wait for him to show up."


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