Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 260 Law Enforcement Elder

"Hahaha, the young man is good, I like it!" Kuangmang didn't even look at Murong Lingfeng, but walked up to Chen Feng with a laugh, and put his arm around Chen Feng's shoulder.

"Damn it!" Immediately, Chen Feng felt goosebumps all over the floor.

"Uncle, I'm not interested in men!" Chen Feng said solemnly, and his body hurriedly got out from under the hands of the reckless.

"Oh, hehe." Kuangmang also seemed to realize his faux pas, and scratched his hair in embarrassment, with a naive look on his face.

Looking at the reckless and naive look, Chen Feng was a little surprised.The arrogance at this time is completely different from when he rescued him just now.It's hard to imagine that such a powerful man just now has such a side.

"Haha, I was the one to be rude." Kuang Mang's expression turned serious, and he even slightly bowed towards Chen Feng.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of other people, they were stunned.

"Damn it, the most unreasonable arrogance of the dragon group actually apologized to people, am I not dreaming?" Someone exclaimed.

"Ah—" the man suddenly exclaimed, and shouted to his friends, "Why are you pinching me?"

"Didn't I just want to prove if I was dreaming?" the friend said innocently.

"Then you pinch yourself, why pinch me?"

"It hurts to pinch yourself!"


"Kangmang, do you really want to embarrass me?" Murong Lingfeng was so angry that he even spoke tremblingly.What happened today ruined his reputation, all because of this Chen Feng.However, now that Kuang Mang is protecting him, it is obvious that he has no chance to do it again.

"Boy, look at me letting go of my narrow-mindedness." Kuang Mang said to Chen Feng with a smile, and then he turned around slowly.As he turned around, the smile on his face quickly retreated, and when he faced Murong Lingfeng directly, there was no trace of a smile on his reckless face, only a strong sense of arrogance and indifference.

"I'll just protect him, what's the matter? Do you want to practice?" After finishing speaking, he burst into unrestrained arrogance, like an explosive black bear.

"Hmph! Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Murong Lingfeng's eyes were fixed, and he was also ready to go.

Chen Feng looked at these two people quietly, their styles were completely different.If you want to compare it, reckless is an enraged violent bear, arrogant, violent, and desperate.And Murong Lingfeng is a highly poisonous cobra, dark but with hidden murderous intentions, if one is not paying attention, he will pounce on him and launch a fatal blow.

The two seem to be comparing each other, their aura is getting stronger and stronger, neither of them wants to be weaker than the other, and a conflict is about to break out.However, Chen Feng was not worried at all. He knew that this battle would never be won.

Although Chen Feng's cultivation base is low, but the Dao heart cultivated for thousands of years is not a little watery. With his strong mental power, Chen Feng has long sensed that besides the two masters Kuang Mang and Murong Ling Feng, there is another one more powerful presence.

"Enough!" Just as Chen Feng thought, a low voice came as promised.

Following the shout, Kuang Mang and Murong Lingfeng were stunned, their aura instantly dissipated, and their expressions became respectful.

On the dark stairs, an old man with white beard and hair walked down slowly.The old man was dressed in an ancient costume, with a blue robe, black cloth shoes, and a simple sword on his back. Coupled with his gray beard and hair, he looked like a fairy.

The expression on the old man's face completely destroyed his image.Cold, ruthless, and murderous, his face was full of vigor, and he looked like a battle-tested figure.

"Elder Law Enforcement!" The moment the old man appeared, all the disciples who watched the excitement bent down in unison, even Kuang Mang and Murong Lingfeng were no exception.When Chen Feng saw this, he also pretended to bow down to say hello, Chen Feng naturally understood the truth of keeping a low profile.

The old man looked around for a week, nodded with satisfaction, and said loudly: "You don't need to be too polite!" When everyone straightened up, he straightened his face again, and cursed at Murong Lingfeng and Kuang Mang: "You two It's a shame to be a model of the dragon group, to fight in public!"

Hearing the old man's words, Kuang Mang put on a smile on his face: "Elder Law Enforcement, I know I was wrong. But I can't blame me for this matter. If it wasn't for this Murong Lingfeng bullying the newcomer, I wouldn't bother to talk to him."

Chen Feng looked at Kuang Mang with a charming smile on his face in surprise, and cursed secretly in his heart: "What a scoundrel, this change of face is really fast!"

"Obviously it was Chen Feng who bullied my men first!" Murong Lingfeng was provoked by the reckless words, and immediately jumped into a rage, loudly defending himself.

"Hmph! Shut up!" The law enforcement elder's face darkened, and Murong Lingfeng's fierce eyes made Murong Lingfeng shut his mouth immediately, not daring to speak again.

"I already know about Chen Feng. Yu Hao committed crimes against the captain. He deserves it! Put him in the confinement room for ten days, and he is not allowed to eat or drink!" The voice of the law enforcement elder was like a morning bell, which filled everyone's heart. The smell of warning.

"As for Chen Feng." Speaking of this, the eyes of the law enforcement elders immediately locked on Chen Feng, like a deep black hole: "Although it is true that the shot should not be made, but because he just joined the dragon group and didn't understand the rules, it was Yu Hao who made mistakes first. If there is a next time, I will not be held accountable. If there is a next time, I will definitely be punished!"

"Thank you, elder!" Chen Feng thanked him with cupped hands.

"Elder Law Enforcement, how could he be so cheap!" Murong Lingfeng realized that for some unknown reason, he had lost his original calm today, and when he heard the Elder Law Enforcement's verdict, he refuted it without even thinking.

"What?" The law enforcement elder frowned: "Do you have any objections?"

At this moment, Murong Lingfeng felt a boundless pressure overwhelming him, crushing his nerves like a steamroller.In just one breath, Murong Lingfeng's back was drenched in cold sweat.

"Ling Feng dare not..." Murong Lingfeng hurriedly stood with his hands down, not daring to say any more.

"Okay, let's go!" The law enforcement elder waved his hand, which relieved the onlookers of the dragon group members. They scattered eagerly, not daring to make a sound.

Chen Feng was about to leave, but was stopped by the law enforcement elder.

"Chen Feng, although Yu Hao and the others are all injured, the mission is still important. You can choose the corresponding number of ordinary members of the dragon group to continue the mission." After the elder law enforcement finished speaking, he quietly walked down the stairs.

"Haha, little brother is unusual. It's the first time for you to choose your own teammates in the dragon group." Kuang Mang laughed, patted Chen Feng on the shoulder and left.

At the scene, only Chen Feng, Jiang Zixia, Guan Dongfang and Murong Lingfeng were left.

"Brother Chen Feng, I will accompany you on this mission." Guan Dongfang chuckled.

"Brother Guan's swordsmanship is unmatched. With you joining, the chances of winning this mission will be greatly increased." Jiang Zixia smiled and stroked his palms. Then he suddenly thought of something, and said with a sad face: "However, it depends on the three of us." , it's still too little."

"It's okay, I have my own staff." Chen Feng smiled confidently, and greeted the other two to leave as well, leaving only Murong Lingfeng who was deliberately ignored by the three.

"Chen Feng, this debt will be returned to you sooner or later with interest!" Murong Lingfeng looked at Chen Feng's leaving back, his eyes were full of viciousness.

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