Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 263 The Plastic Surgery Twins

"Om—" the seven people were in place, and a mysterious wave suddenly spread among the seven people. At this moment, Agent Eggbreaker was shocked to find that those inconspicuous enemies suddenly became stronger.

Agent Egg Broken faintly felt that these seven people had become a whole, as long as he attacked any one of them, he would be attacked by the other six at the same time.But, so what, it's just a group of bastards who didn't even reach the Yuan Condensation Stage, but he is a majestic master of the Foundation Establishment Stage, even if he is injured, he is not something that a group of Qi Refining Stage kids can deal with.

"A bunch of ants dare to deal with me with just a few broken formations? The formations of your Chinese people all originated from our Bangzi Kingdom, and what you have learned is just superficial!" There was also a mouthful of bad Chinese dialect.

"****, brothers, beat him up!" Su Fei's temper suddenly rose after hearing the other party's words.He waved his hand violently, and the swords of the seven men spread out at once, immediately enveloping Agent Egg Breaker.

Chen Feng, who was fighting with the twin sisters at the side, looked at his apprentice in puzzlement, and said suspiciously: "It's strange, Su Fei was in a good mood just now, why did he lose his temper all of a sudden?"

"Hahaha, aren't you annoyed by Bangzi's words?" Guan Dongfang forced his opponent back, and sneered: "They say that the Dragon Boat Festival belongs to the Bangzi Kingdom, and Confucius belongs to the Bangzi Kingdom. They all belong to the Bangzi Kingdom, so why not the whole world belong to the Bangzi Kingdom in the future?"

"Damn, so shameless?" Chen Feng turned his head speechlessly and asked the twin beauties who attacked again: "Do you really think so?"

"Of course, only the people of the noble Bangzi Kingdom have such wisdom. Not to mention the formation, we have just proved that the legendary alchemy was developed by the Bangzi Kingdom!" Surprisingly, the twin beauties said in unison When he got up, the arrogance in his eyes made Chen Feng's anger suddenly rise.

"Hmph, shameless thing, you should hit it!" Chen Feng punched out angrily, without holding back anything.He fucked, saying that it's not good to say that Bangziguo's work is not good, insisting that alchemy was developed by Bangziguo, aren't you slapping Chen Feng in the face?Ten thousand years of alchemy in the previous life, Chen Feng had an almost persistent feeling for alchemy, and no one could desecrate the sacredness in his heart.


Chen Feng's fist was fast, and before the twin beauties could react, it landed on the bridge of his sister's nose.

"Woo--" There was a low cry of pain, and the twin sister's face was already boiled. The bridge of the nose that was originally tall had been flattened by a punch, and even the muscles of the face were squeezed to the sides.Moreover, after such a heavy punch, this sister didn't even have a nosebleed, which made Chen Feng even more puzzled?

"Could it be that the women in Bangzi Kingdom are so strong that they won't bleed even if they knock down the bridge of their nose?" Chen Feng thought to himself, but his hands kept hitting his younger sister and then his older sister.

Although the twin sisters looked youthful, beautiful and extremely glamorous, Chen Feng didn't have any affection for them at all.In the beginning, I fought with them only to give the reserve members a chance to get close.This time, Chen Feng specially brought the members of the reserve army here for the purpose of training soldiers. The reason why he did not kill the agent who sneaked up on him before was to give these young lads a chance to practice. The base period happened to be the limit of these boys.It's neither too strong nor too weak, and it can let the boys feel the power of the foundation building stage. Where can I find such a good "equipment"?

As for now, the twins are of little value.

"Bang—" Exactly the same as before, Chen Feng's fist landed on the bridge of his sister's nose.This time it was even worse. The bridge of my sister's nose collapsed to the bottom, but there was still no nosebleed.The cheek that was swept by the fist also changed its shape, and the round cheeks moved towards the neck as if on wheels.

"Damn it, what's going on here?" Seeing the twin beauties who were beautiful just now turned into ugly monsters with hideous faces, Chen Feng was finally "shocked".

"Could it be that this is a clever disguise technique?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

When Chen Feng was guessing a lot, the two sisters who had eaten Chen Feng's fist looked at each other, then put their hands on their faces expressionlessly, and rubbed them together.With their rubbing, the deformed face, like plasticine, changed its shape and became as delicate as before.

Then, the twin sisters kneaded at the tip of their noses again, and something even more miraculous happened. They saw that the nose that had been collapsed by Chen Feng's beating gradually bulged up, and after a while, it returned to its previous tall and straight appearance.

Seeing the other party change from beautiful to ugly, and from ugly to beautiful, a word often said on TV jumped out of Chen Feng's mind - plastic surgery! (For the needs of the plot, the plastic surgery is a bit exaggerated.)

According to many phenomena, Chen Feng felt more and more that his thinking was correct, otherwise what else could explain the strange phenomenon just now?

"It's no wonder that the women in Bangzi Kingdom are so eye-catching, and they look so similar, so they were all fabricated." Chen Feng curled his lips, and he didn't have the desire to continue playing with the twins anymore.

At this time, the twin beauties who had recovered their appearance gave another coquettish shout, waving their weapons and pounced on them again.Looking at the two delicate figures, Chen Feng was no longer as pleasing to the eye as it was at the beginning.Thinking of the appearance of the second daughter just now, Chen Feng felt sick.

As a result, Chen Feng's true strength finally exploded, with a powerful attack, the twin sisters in the early stage of foundation establishment couldn't hold on to a few moves before they were defeated and were subdued by Chen Feng.

It's not their food, but the monster Chen Feng is really too strong. Due to the wonder of the "Dragon Desire Xuanhuang Sutra", although Chen Feng is only in the early stage of foundation establishment, his strength of true essence is much stronger than that in the late stage of foundation establishment , coupled with Chen Feng's thousands of years of combat experience and endlessly emerging unique skills, the combat power is even more astonishing.

After solving the twin "beauties", Chen Feng set his sights on a few companions.

Jiang Zixia and Guan Dongfang were still fighting fiercely.But with Chen Feng's vision, these two people have slowly gained the upper hand, and I believe they will be able to defeat their opponents in a while.

However, on Su Fei's side, the situation is not so good.Although there is the blessing of the formation, the strength of the agents in the foundation stage is there after all. If there is no formation to rely on, I am afraid that several people would have been defeated long ago.But even so, several of them were already covered with scars.

"Haha, die!" Agent Eggbroken shouted ferociously, and a pair of fleshy palms slammed towards me, Su Fei.For this blow, he used all his strength.Seeing the twin sisters being subdued and the rest of his companions fighting hard, he was also a little anxious. He must kill the culprit who broke his egg before that man dealt with him!

A full blow at the Foundation Establishment Stage was a piece of cake for Chen Feng, but it was undoubtedly a challenge for these lads who hadn't even reached the Yuan Condensation Stage. complain.

Chen Feng looked at it coldly, without any intention of stepping forward to help.

At this moment, Su Fei straightened his long sword and shouted: "Big Dipper Combined Attack, activate!"

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