Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 28 Fragrant Treatment

"Pervert, don't come here!" Zhang Ruonan yelled in horror.

"Uh, girl, don't be afraid, brother is a good person." Chen Feng felt depressed, smiled wryly, and thought to himself, am I just like a pervert?

However, in Zhang Ruonan's eyes, Chen Feng's wry smile looked so sexy.

"No, don't come here." Zhang Ruonan's face was flushed red and his eyes were full of fear as he saw this man walking towards him without realizing it.

Chen Feng finally came in front of Zhang Ruonan, showed his kindest smile as much as possible, and said with a smile: "Girl, don't be afraid, I have no malicious intentions, I just came to see your injuries."

Speaking of the injury, Zhang Ruonan's face immediately collapsed.As a martial arts practitioner, I couldn't be more aware of my injuries.The pain in the chest was obvious, and it was obvious that the internal organs were injured. In addition, several bones in the whole body were broken, especially the bones on the shoulder, which were seriously injured.The most frightening thing was that the wound scratched by the zombie on his back became numb for a while. It was obvious that there was corpse poison on the zombie's nails. At this moment, the corpse poison had already invaded the internal organs.

Just at this moment, Zhang Ruonan's face was filled with blackness.

"Huh?" When Chen Feng saw it, he was a little dignified, and grabbed Zhang Ruonan's body with his right hand like lightning.

"No!" Zhang Ruonan shouted in despair, but he didn't expect his waist to move. It turned out that what Chen Feng grabbed was the small cloth bag on his waist.

Taking out the blood jade bead inside, Chen Feng held it in his hand and shook it: "This should be able to detoxify the corpse, right? Last time I saw you, I put this thing on someone else's chest." After finishing speaking, Chen Feng glanced at Zhang Ruonan On his chest, two big white rabbits trembled slightly under the light of the flashlight, so attractive.


Chen Feng suddenly felt his mouth dry up. "Ci'ao, how am I going to be lewd in this life?" Chen Feng scolded himself inwardly, but he was conquered by his own reason - food and lust.I have never experienced love between a man and a woman in my previous life, so I can't have any more regrets in this life.

Seeing Chen Feng's gaze, Zhang Ruonan shrank back suddenly, and said weakly, "You...don't look!" Zhang Ruonan's face blushed suddenly.

Chen Feng stopped his outstretched hand, but seeing that the blackness on Zhang Ruonan's face became more and more intense, he immediately moved the blood jade bead in his right hand to Zhang Ruonan's chest again.I don't know whether it was Chen Feng's intention or not, but the blood jade bead was embedded between Zhang Ruonan's chest, causing two big white rabbits to squeeze to both sides.Chen Feng was stunned by the astonishing touch of his fingers.

"So slippery, so soft!" Chen Feng swallowed, and actually stayed there to savor it.

"You, you actually bumped into it." Zhang Ruonan's voice seemed a little inconceivable, and a strange expression flashed rapidly on her face.

"Uh, girl, don't get me wrong, I'm just helping you get rid of the poison of the corpse." Chen Feng said righteously, but two nosebleeds flowed down unsatisfactorily.

Zhang Ruonan suddenly smiled at Chen Feng, the originally beautiful little face was like a peach blossom in full bloom, indescribably beautiful and refined.

In Chen Feng's pig-like eyes, Zhang Ruonan said softly: "Our girls in the Zhang family have a rule, if a man looks at her body, she should goug his eyes."

"Uh." Chen Feng was startled, but still looked at the beautiful body in front of him without moving his eyes.

Seeing that Chen Feng was not moved by his words, Zhang Ruonan blushed and continued, "If a man touches his secret place, kill him immediately. But if you kill him three times, you won't be able to kill him." , then no matter who this man is or how many women he has, you must marry him, and this life will not change."

Zhang Ruonan seems to be telling a beautiful story, every frown and smile is captivating.

After hearing Zhang Ruonan's words, Chen Feng asked, "Then, are you going to kill me three times?"

Zhang Ruonan's eyes flashed brightly, and he nodded firmly: "You can kill me immediately while I am seriously injured. Otherwise, when I recover, I will definitely try to kill you."

Chen Feng looked at Zhang Ruonan seriously, and suddenly smiled: "Then, I'll heal your injury first, and wait for you to kill me." As he spoke, Chen Feng's big hand suddenly covered the gap between Zhang Ruonan's two peaks. The blood jade beads began to rub gently, and said while rubbing: "I remember you rub it when you detoxify people. Well, I will rub it for you too."

"Hmm~!" Zhang Ruonan couldn't help but snorted suddenly.The hateful big hand of the man in front of him always touches his sensitive parts in a subtle way, making his body feel like a current is flowing through him, and he can't help but tremble.Especially those two immature strawberries seemed to raise their heads excitedly.

Chen Feng could clearly feel the changes in Zhang Ruonan's body.At this time, Chen Feng was also immersed in this softness, unable to extricate himself for a long time.Chen Feng is not a saint, so it is naturally impossible to be quiet and inaction.

"Hey, pervert, the poison is gone long ago, you can stop it." Zhang Ruonan finally couldn't help it, and said in a low voice with a blushing face.

Chen Feng suddenly came back to his senses, and said with a bright smile: "Hehe, I was so involved that I didn't notice it." As he said that, his eyes changed: "Girl, the next step is to heal your injuries. It hurts a little at first, Just bear it and it won't hurt."

"It hurts a little at first, but it won't hurt after a while?" Zhang Ruonan was shocked: "Could it be that this man can't bear it anymore?"

Before she could think any more, Chen Feng's big hand grabbed her shoulder again.

"Hmm!" Zhang Ruonan rubbed in pain, the broken bone in his shoulder made him sweat profusely.

Chen Feng clasped Zhang Ruonan's shoulder with his left hand, and his right hand wanted to straighten the broken bone along the texture, and then use his true energy to reattach the bone.

Perhaps it was because Chen Feng felt that this posture was not a blessing, suddenly, Chen Feng habitually held Zhang Ruonan's chest with his left hand, and just covered Zhang Ruonan's big white rabbit with one hand.Immediately, strands of soft flesh were squeezed out from between Chen Feng's crotch, and it was thrilling for a while.

"En!" Zhang Ruonan's body shook violently, and a wave of heat was transmitted directly from the big hands on his chest, making her forget even the pain in her shoulders.

Chen Feng also acted as if he had never heard of it, and he still seemed to be very serious about fixing Zhang Ruonan's bones, but his nosebleeds were getting worse.

"Okay, the bone on the shoulder has been connected." Not long after, Chen Feng pretended to wipe off his sweat, and said with some complacency: "Try it, lighten it, and it will be the same as the new one."

Look, Zhang Ruonan was ashamed and angry at this good-looking man who got cheap, and slapped him with one slap.

"Kacha——" Zhang Ruonan's right hand hangs down weakly again, just halfway through the slap, the bones on his shoulder fell apart again, causing Zhang Ruonan's face to turn pale from the pain.

"Look, I told you earlier to let you take it easy. If you don't listen, you're at a disadvantage again, right?" Chen Feng sighed lightly: "However, fortunately, I have a lot of time, so even if you break it a few more times, I'll give it to you." Take it back."

Saying that, Chen Feng stretched out his left hand towards Zhang Ruonan's chest again...

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