Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 308 Did You Come Down from the Realm of Cultivation?

On the road in the suburbs, an off-road vehicle was slowly driving towards a barbecue base in the suburbs. In the car were Zhang Ruonan and Long Linger, brothers and sisters.The three of them are discussing with great interest how to enjoy the delicious barbecue later.

When traveling to a 360-degree turn, the off-road vehicle suddenly made a violent braking sound, and with the sound of the brakes, the off-road vehicle also stopped quickly.

"Hey, you're looking for death, stand in the middle of the road, die!" Long Yang, who was driving, leaned out of the window, raised his fist and cursed.

In front of the off-road vehicle, a stern man stood upright in the middle of the road not far from the vehicle, looking straight at them.

Suddenly, Long Yang seemed to think of something, and suddenly shouted to the two girls beside him: "Sister, Ruonan, run!"

Following Long Yang's cry, Zhang Ruonan and Long Ling'er quickly opened the car door, turned around, and fled towards the nearby mountain.

"Want to escape?" The stern man sneered sarcastically, moved his body like a big eagle, and rushed straight at Zhang Ruonan and Long Ling'er, completely ignoring Long Yang in the car.

The man's speed was very fast, and within a few ups and downs, he had stopped beside the two women, looking at them with disdain.

"It's you, how dare you show up!" Zhang Ruonan said nervously, pointing at the man who appeared, tremblingly.

The man sneered, seemed to be very interested in Zhang Ruonan, looked at Zhang Ruonan's body repeatedly, and commented: "I really can't see it, your life is quite big, not only did you not die, but you can also hatch the spirit beast , it seems that there should be an expert helping you, right?"

"It's good to know, that senior is coming soon, I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise, that senior will definitely not spare you!" Zhang Ruonan said eagerly, as if to give himself courage, both hands Fists clenched tightly.

At this moment, Zhang Ruonan's chest moved, and a white cat stuck its head out with a "huh" and grinned at the stern man with an angry look.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, that spirit beast egg turned out to be a Tuntianmao, hahaha, God helped me." The stern man seemed extremely excited when he saw Tuntianmao, and his body trembled unconsciously because of the excitement: "Hahaha , I never thought that this monster egg turned out to be Tuntianmao, God really favored me, as long as I can raise Tuntianmao, won’t the world of cultivation let me be free?”

Speaking of this, the stern man looked at Zhang Ruonan greedily, and stretched out a hand: "Girl baby, I have canceled the contract with Tun Tmall, and I will spare your life. Otherwise..." The stern man His tone suddenly turned cold and stern: "Otherwise, I will have no choice but to kill you. As long as Tun Tianmao's master dies, I can still force it to recognize its master."

"Meow—" Xiao Bai screamed in panic as if he understood the meaning of the cold man, and looked at the cold man vigilantly with his sapphire-like eyes.

"Don't worry, Xiaobai, I won't let you get hurt." Zhang Ruonan comforted Xiaobai gently but firmly, stroking Xiaobai's soft hair.

With a sneer, the stern man said with great disdain: "Little girl, do you still want to keep Tun Tmall from me just because of you?" Go, the speed is incredible.

Facing the man's grab, Zhang Ruonan didn't seem to notice it, she stood quietly aside, but glanced slightly at Long Ling'er who was bowing her head from the corner of her eyes.

Just when the man's hand touched Xiaobai's hair, Long Ling'er, who had been silent by Zhang Ruonan's side, suddenly raised her head, inserted a pair of delicate arms horizontally, and blocked the man like lightning The arm, and then, hit the man's chest all the way with lightning speed.

Unprepared, the stern man was hit by Long Linger's blow, and immediately flew backwards, looking at Long Linger in shock.

"Who the hell are you, and why are you hiding so deeply?" the stern man said defensively.His memory is definitely not bad. He clearly remembered that the ants of the Qi refining stage and Yuan condensing stage intercepted him when Longzu's men escaped. This woman must be one of the ants.

Then why, this ant-like existence, suddenly became so powerful?

"Hehe, you don't need to know who I am. You just need to remember that you must never let me go lightly when you want to cheat on my woman!" Long Ling'er said in a male voice.

" are a man! Who are you?" The stern man's heart clicked, knowing that he had fallen into a trap, a trap specially set up for himself.

There was a sneer at the corner of "Long Ling'er", and then, there was a burst of "crackling" sound like fried beans all over her body. The originally petite body grew rapidly, and it grew to about 1.9 meters in a blink of an eye.The originally delicate and beautiful face was even more distorted at this moment, and quickly turned into a resolute face.Who is this face, but Chen Feng?

"Yi Rong Dan! Sure enough, I've been tricked!" The stern man let out a low cry, his body surged with real energy, and he shot towards the sky.

"Want to run?" Chen Feng sneered, Qiu Shuijian instantly lifted his body, and chased after the stern man. In a blink of an eye, the two figures had disappeared into the sky.

"Ruo Nan, where is Chen Feng?" At this time, Long Yang had already rushed over, looked at Zhang Ruonan standing alone on the hillside, and asked hastily.

"Chen Feng chased after him..." Zhang Ruonan looked at the direction where Chen Feng disappeared, his eyes were full of worry.


"That kid, I retreated on my own initiative, why are you still chasing me so hard?" Ten thousand meters high in the air, the stern man shouted a dozen meters away, with strong anger in his tone.

Chen Feng controlled Qiu Shuijian to bite the cold man tightly, and said without emotion: "Almost caused my woman to die, do you think it's okay?"

"Boy, don't deceive people too much. You and I are both in the early stages of fake alchemy. If we really want to fight together, it's still unknown who will live and who will die!" The grim man threatened, "Don't force me to fight with you!"

Chen Feng smiled coldly, did not speak, and still chased after him tightly, not relaxing at all.The man didn't know what the origin was, the flying sword under his feet turned out to be a treasure-level flying sword, and the flying speed of Yujian was not weaker than Chen Feng's at all.This made Chen Feng slightly surprised. You must know that in the secular world, there are quite a few cultivators in the false alchemy stage, and many of them can only use the lowest level magic weapon.Those with a strong background can use medium-grade magic weapons.A top-grade magical weapon is not affordable for a fake alchemy practitioner, and the average Jindan stage powerhouse only has a top-grade magic weapon.

Of course, Chen Feng was an exception.

"You came down from the realm of comprehension?" Suddenly, Chen Feng raised his brows, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

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