Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 31 Overlord Eucharist

Gazi's heart was seized.Could it be that I really can't save my cousin?

"Grass, I don't believe it!" Suddenly, Gazi let out a long cry, and a domineering aura erupted from his exhausted body. In an instant, his body was full of vitality again, and his running speed suddenly accelerated a bit. .

Chen Feng was about to rescue him just now, but when he saw such a situation, he felt astonished.

"The Holy Body of the Overlord?" Chen Feng's eyes were like lightning, staring at Gazi's body without moving.

"Swipe—" The machete missed, causing the chasers to scream frequently, and then chased after him again brandishing the machete.

However, at this moment, Gazi had distanced himself from him.

Chen Feng suddenly thought that Gazi seemed to have encountered such a situation when he was a child.

At that time, he was 8 years old and Gazi was 7 years old.Once, they were playing under the hillside. Suddenly, there was a "rumbling" sound on the hillside. When they looked up, they saw a round stone rolling down.The stone is not small, the size of a foot basin, coupled with the impact of the downhill, the speed is extremely fast.At that time, Chen Feng happened to be on the only way for this stone.The stone was in front of him in the blink of an eye. At that time, Chen Feng was so frightened that he didn't know how to dodge.When Gazi saw it, it was just like today. He suddenly burst out with unimaginable strength and kicked the stone away.

It was also because of this incident that Chen Feng and Gazi became good brothers.

"If my guess is right, Gazi's body must be the 'Overlord's Saint Body'." Chen Feng was secretly startled, but also very happy.

This "Overlord Eucharist" has produced two people for tens of thousands of years.One is Xing Tian, ​​the god of war who was the all-powerful in the realm of comprehension back then, and it is said that he has already ascended to the upper realm.The other is Xiang Yu, the overlord of Naxi Chu.According to legend, this Xiang Yu was born with great strength, and created a great reputation at that time, and was called the Overlord of Western Chu.However, when the old monsters in the comprehension world discovered Xiang Yu's "Overlord Saint Body" physique and rushed out of the mountain to take him as a disciple, they found that Xiang Yu had been forced by Liu Bang to commit suicide in Wujiang.

It can be seen how awesome this "Overlord Eucharist" is.

It is said that Gazi kept running crazily with a group of people with his cousin behind his back, and gradually left the commercial street, but found helplessly that he had come to an undeveloped construction site.The construction site is surrounded by walls, but the construction has not yet officially started, and there are potholes everywhere.Although the area is very open, it is like a dead end to Gazi and his party.

"Hahaha, run, why don't you run away!" The prince and the members of the party behind held up their machetes, sneered, and slowly blocked the way of Gazi and others.

"Let you Xinhe Gang join the Prince's Party properly. If you don't want to, don't think that your boss will come back to save you?" The leader of the knife scar said sullenly: "I tell you, your boss has already been chopped up by me." Break it and feed it to the dog!" As he said that, Scarface laughed cruelly.

"Boss! Woo--" Scarface's voice fell, and it immediately attracted wailing from the Xinhe Gang, and some people simply burst into tears.

It is said that the gang is dark, but who knows that the brothers in the gang actually value love and righteousness the most.

"Fight with these bastards!" Several brothers stood up with bloodshot eyes and shouted fiercely.

"Yes, fight! Damn, isn't it just a cheap life, even if I die, I will take a few backs." More people stood up, and the fear in their eyes had long since disappeared, and they had long since forgotten what happened just now. The embarrassment when they escaped, now, their hearts are only filled with anger and hatred.

In a blink of an eye, everyone who was already sluggish looked at the enemy angrily, as if they had been beaten to death.Even the cousin on Gazi's back climbed down with a look of grief and indignation, supported by Gazi, and faced the enemy directly.

"Brothers, let's avenge the eldest brother!" One person shouted, and rushed out first, facing all the princes and gangsters straddling machetes, and rushed out with bare hands!

"Killing one is enough money, killing two is profitable!" Everyone howled, picking up bricks and stones from the ground one after another, and rushed over with red eyes!

"F*ck, a bunch of bastards! Brothers, hack them to death!" Scarface spat fiercely, brandished a long knife, and chopped at the first person!


A deep gash suddenly appeared on the brother's neck, and blood bubbles were constantly gurgling, and the broken throat could be vaguely seen still beating.However, this brother still held his breath and frantically rushed towards Scarface.Knowing that you are going to die, I want you to bleed!

Scar's face was unprepared, and he was thrown down immediately.

"Ah—" Scarface yelled tragically: "Hack him to death, hack him to death!" Seeing that one of Scarface's ears was bitten off.

The prince and the younger brothers of the party saw that Scarface's ears were gone, and they became anxious immediately, and all the machetes in their hands slashed at that brother.

"Hahaha!" The brother let out a long laugh, then his eyes lost their brilliance and he fell to the ground with a bang.

"Brother!" The members of the Xinhe Gang yelled, tears were flying in the air, and the bricks in their hands slammed down on the heads of the prince and party members.The stimulation of blood and the hatred of brothers made them fearless to die.With a knife and a brick, he played desperately, and unexpectedly forced the prince and the members of the party back.

However, how could a brick compare to a machete? What's more, the prince's party had twice as many people as the Xinhe Gang, and quickly stabilized the situation. Under the command of Scarface, it was difficult for the Xinhe Gang to resist.

"Hiss—" Gazi's cousin was suddenly cut with a gash on his stomach, and the blood flowed suddenly.

"Cousin!" Seeing this, Gazi burst into anger, and the domineering spirit began to radiate again, which made the situation on the field a little depressing.

"Kill!" Gazi yelled suddenly, and raised his head, only to see his eyes glowing with blood.I saw him jumping into the crowd of Prince Edward like a fierce tiger.He knocked down a prince with a sudden punch. The gang of the party snatched his machete with his hands!

"Huh—" Gazi held a knife and slashed at a person.The man was startled, and immediately raised his knife to intercept him.

"Dang--" There was a sudden sound, and Gazi cut the opponent's machete into two pieces with one knife, and then he chopped off the opponent's machete without losing momentum!

Immediately, the man's head exploded, and he fell to the ground and twitched a few times before becoming silent.

"What a lot of strength!" Many people opened their mouths.To be able to cut off other people's knives with one blow, and then kill people without losing momentum, what kind of strength is required to do this?

At the same time, Gazi felt a cramping pain in his back, and it turned out that someone took the opportunity to give him a bite.

However, the feeling of pain made Gazi even more crazy. He slashed with a knife, and there was a scream, and someone injured Gazi's hand again.

In a few rounds, no one was Gazi's all-in-one enemy!

"Hack him to death!" Seeing Gazi so brave, the scarred face suddenly became anxious, and he shouted hastily.

"Huh!" Hearing Scarface's cry, Gazi rushed towards him angrily, the speed was really surprising.Scarface couldn't escape from Gazi's pursuit at all, so he took out a pistol from his arms and shot Gazi!

"Bang——" the sound of gunfire immediately silenced the people present.No matter whether it is a member of the prince, the party or the members of the Xinhe Gang, they all stared at the pistol in Scarface's hand that was still emitting green smoke.

However, the scarred face was full of fear, and he could see it clearly when others didn't see it.This savage man actually blocked the bullet with his horizontal knife at the nick of time.What kind of control is this?

"Go to hell with me!" Before Scarface could scream, Gazi chopped it down.

Scarface stared unwillingly, and fell down powerlessly.

"Kill me!" Gazi yelled, and was about to pounce on those princes and gang members of the party.

"Hmph, how dare you kill my prince, a member of the party!" A cold voice came in, Gazi looked over, but saw a middle-aged man slowly walking into the arena with a murderous look.

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