Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 310 Soul Searching Technique

"You killed my little dragon, this is my good brother, and you actually killed him! It was forced me...I want you to die!" Under the tearful eyes of the stern man, blood rose stand up.The next moment, a red pill appeared in his hand.

"Pill of planting magic?" Chen Feng's expression turned serious, and he cried out involuntarily.

The moment Chen Feng exclaimed, the magic pill had already entered the cold man's mouth, and he swallowed it with a "gulu".

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to know about the 'Demon Seed Pill'. It seems that your origin is not simple." The stern man's face was distorted, and the pain that accompanied the huge improvement of the Demon Seed Pill made his face extremely hideous: "For To avenge my little dragon, I gave my soul! As compensation, I will kill you, take out your soul, seal it into my sword body, and serve as my sword spirit forever!"

"Roar——" the stern man suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared loudly, his aura increased sharply, he broke through one small realm after another in an instant, and finally stopped at the peak of the fake pill.If you haven't experienced the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation, no matter how strong you are, you will not be able to break through to the golden core stage.

Feeling the formidable strength of the stern man, Chen Feng's expression was also extremely dignified, and the Qiushui sword in his hand groaned softly, as if an earth-shattering attack would be launched in the next moment.

After entering the peak of fake alchemy, the horror of the sword cultivator finally manifested. The long sword in the stern man's hand trembled slightly, bursting out a three-zhang sword light, and the sharpness in it made Chen Feng also frown secretly.

Sword cultivators in the comprehension world have always been known as the number one in attack. They don't practice spells or martial arts, they only have a flying sword that sweeps away all obstacles.

The sword cultivator's attack is indomitable, without any defense. For them, offense is the best defense!

"Om—" the long sword groaned softly, turning into a cold light and shooting directly at Chen Feng.

The simple and unpretentious sword made Chen Feng have to raise all his spirits.

The Qiushui sword rotated at dusk, and quietly touched the sharp man's sword tip.

In an instant, as if being hit by a train, Chen Feng's body flew upside down several hundred meters, and the Qiushui sword in his hand shook even more.

"What a powerful attack!" Chen Feng thought to himself, but his face was full of confidence: "But if you want to kill me, you are still far behind!"

The Qiushui sword in his hand danced suddenly, with mysterious and unusual movements, like a dancer flying in the air.

"The Big Dipper, now!" As Chen Feng hummed, the thousand-meter radius suddenly darkened, and seven stars flickered in the sky, forming a shape like a spoon and a sword. Invisibly, there seemed to be a mysterious fluctuation in the starlight flow between.

The stern man had a fluttering beard and hair, looked at Chen Feng coldly with blood-red eyes, licked his dry lips coldly with his tongue, and looked crazy: "Hahaha, there is such a swordsmanship that kills you and takes your Swordsmanship, I will definitely be able to survive the tribulations and achieve golden core!"

After finishing speaking, the stern man shook his long sword and shouted: "Liuyun Sword Art, follow the wind style!"

A gust of wind blew up from the flat ground, and several streaks of silver-white sword energy drifted away with the breeze, cutting straight towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's long sword rolled, and the Big Dipper above his head continuously cast streams of starlight, which merged into the Qiushui sword, making Chen Feng's sword style more swift and fierce.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang——" Chen Feng and the stern man kept switching positions, and the long swords in their hands were criss-crossed, and sparks overflowed when they collided.The overflowing sword energy cut the surrounding mountains, rocks, and trees to pieces.

With the "Big Dipper Sword Style", the stern man was unable to shake Chen Feng at all, but Chen Feng was also unable to cause the stern man the slightest harm.

"Boom—" The bodies of the two people who were glued to each other suddenly separated, and the real energy on their bodies surged even more violently, making the clothes on their bodies rattle.

"This is my last move, this move, you will die!" The stern man said quietly, his voice was like a piece of ice that hadn't melted for a thousand years, as if it was going to freeze the surrounding space.

Chen Feng raised the Qiushui sword, and the true energy surged into the sword.On the Qiushui sword, slight cracks spread all over the sword like spiders.After all, it was only a magic weapon. Compared with low-grade treasures, the Qiushui Sword was still defeated.

"Liuyun Sword Jue, shocking style!" Following the stern man's long shout, his flying sword suddenly burst into endless cold light, and a strong sense of oppression rolled from his sword body, as if it could Tear the world apart.

"Goodbye, old friend!" Chen Feng's eyes swept over Qiushuijian gently, as if he was saying goodbye to a dear friend.

"Big Dipper, explode! Explode! Explode!" Following Chen Feng's soft drink, the Big Dipper in the sky suddenly lit up, and three of them exploded soundlessly, and strands of pure power continuously fell, injecting Into the body of Qiushui sword.

At the fake alchemy stage, Chen Feng was able to detonate three stars and obtain even more powerful power.

"Zheng——" Qiushuijian let out a crisp sword sound, as if it was making the final farewell to this world.

The sword is flying, the heart is flying, and each other's killing intent is flying.

In the blink of an eye, the Qiushui sword had already touched the stern man's sword, and the powerful power was instantly ignited, but no violent fluctuations were aroused.Silently, the attacks of the two offset each other, and it was another evenly matched situation.


"Bang bang—" Qiushui sword suddenly shattered, turning into green debris all over the sky, floating in front of the two of them.

"Hahaha, without Feijian, what do you use to fight me!" The stern man laughed loudly, and said frantically, "You will die in this battle!"

at this time!

"Not necessarily!" Chen Feng's voice came coldly, making the stern man's smile stiffen immediately.

In the surprised eyes, a bright red flame broke through the barrier of Qiushui sword fragments, broke through to the side of the cold man like lightning, and penetrated his dantian silently!

"You're so despicable!" The stern man fell limply on the ground, his dantian was destroyed, and all his true energy dissipated. At this moment, he was not even as good as an ordinary adult.

Chen Feng sneered and ignored it.In the battle of life and death, who will be aboveboard with you?What's more, earth spirit fire is originally a kind of strength.

As soon as he mentioned the stern man, Chen Feng asked coldly: "Now, can you tell me about your background?"

"Hehehe, don't think about it." The stern man laughed mockingly, his eyes full of disdain: "If you want to kill, kill, even if you die, I won't tell you."

The next moment, Chen Feng sneered again and again, and gently pressed the man's head with his right hand, a powerful spiritual force instantly poured into the man's head.

"Soul search technique? Oh, no—" The man stared in disbelief, and finally let out a scream, and was completely lost in the ocean of Chen Feng's spiritual power.

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