Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 33 Brother's Way

"Okay, I'll teach you a supreme exercise." Chen Feng laughed loudly and said, "My brother, Chen Feng, how can I let people bully me at will?"

"En." Gazi nodded heavily, his heart full of determination.

"Gazi." Gazi's cousin came over and looked at Chen Feng adoringly.

"Madman, this is the cousin Xu Tian I often told you about." Gazi introduced to Chen Feng: "After we broke up, I came to my cousin. Later, seeing the loyalty of the brothers, I also I joined the Xinhe Gang and followed the boss." As he spoke, a gloomy look flashed in Gazi's eyes: "Unfortunately, the boss went to negotiate with them and never came back. I just heard from that scar-faced Eldest brother has been brutally murdered."

As soon as Gazi's words came out, everyone fell silent.

Gazi's face was full of sadness, and he continued: "Our Xinhe Gang has never been strong, because we only rely on protection fees for a living. Although the drug profits are huge, but the eldest brother will never allow us to touch those harmful things .However, although we are a little bit bitter, we all sincerely respect the elder brother, and the elder brother treats us like brothers." Gazi said, and actually shed two lines of tears.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the original boss of the Xinhe Gang had a bit of conscience.You must know that all the gangs that are on the road, which one is not involved in pornography, gambling and drugs, they often put their own interests first, so they don't care about other people's lives.

"Now that the boss is gone, the brothers have nowhere to go." Gazi sighed helplessly.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he said loudly: "Why don't you organize these brothers, continue to inherit your eldest brother's legacy, and carry forward the Xinhe Gang." Chen Feng also had his own thoughts when he said so.As the Holy Body of the Overlord, Gazi's future must be extraordinary.At this time, it is time to pull up your own team and prepare for the future battle.

Hearing what Chen Feng said, the eyes of the people around them lit up instantly.Everyone saw Gazi's bravery just now, and Gazi would rather die than abandon his brother's loyalty, which convinced them to Gazi.What's more, Gazi has such a powerful brother. If he leads the Xinhe Gang, it means that the Xinhe Gang has such a powerful backer. Even if other gangs want to deal with the Xinhe Gang, they have to weigh it.

"Yes, Gazi, you are the boss, and I will be the first to serve you!"

With the first voice, others followed in succession.Everyone persuaded Gazi to take up the position of boss.

"This..." Gazi scratched his head, hesitating.However, in his heart, a longing was born spontaneously.As the Holy Physique of the Overlord, which one is willing to be ordinary?

Suddenly, the sky-shattering sound of sirens came from afar. Just by listening to the sound, one could tell that there were not a few police cars.

"Not good, the police car is here, brothers, get out quickly." Gazi was startled suddenly, but found that everyone was standing there quietly, without moving.

"****, hurry up, are you waiting to be caught by the police?" Gazi shouted suddenly.

"We only listen to the boss. Unless you are willing to be the boss, otherwise, we will not listen to you." A voice said firmly.

Gazi looked at the speaker and said bitterly: "Guo Xiangqian, you are forcing me. Well, I will be the boss." Gazi ordered loudly: "Now, follow me, speed up!" quick!"

As he said that, Gazi picked up his cousin Xu Tian on his back and walked quickly to the outside of the construction site.


There is a chicken farm in the suburbs, which is owned by Xinhe.In the past, Xinhebang's general source of funds came from this small chicken farm.

At this moment, in the open space outside the chicken farm, more than [-] people gathered and sat together.

"Boss, we have already found all the brothers we can find nearby. Including you, there are only 22 people in total." Guo Xiangqian reported.

"Crazy, what should we do next?" Gazi asked Chen Feng softly.

Chen Feng smiled lightly, and said loudly: "Gazi, this is your gang, you are their boss, here, only you have the final say, how can I, an outsider, meddle in the affairs of the Xinhe Gang?" Chen Feng said It is for these gang members to listen to, which means that the gangster of the Xinhe Gang is the real gang leader, and you all have to listen to him in the future.

Everyone's eyes froze, and they immediately chewed out the meaning. They all lowered their heads and said, "Boss, if you talk, we won't frown even if we go through fire and water."

Although Gazi has a rough heart, he still doesn't understand Chen Feng's painstaking efforts. He glanced gratefully, cleared his throat, and said, "Okay, I've decided to give everyone 10 days to recuperate. During these 10 days, cousin You are in charge of managing the guild’s internal affairs and centralizing the management of the original guild’s property. Xu Tian, ​​you are in charge of continuing to search for other lost brothers. After 10 days, we will gradually regain our own property and gradually become stronger!” Gazi’s The voice was not heavy, but there was an irresistible majesty, which made everyone remember it involuntarily.

"This is our base camp for the time being. Although the conditions are a little rough, it is very hidden. I believe the prince. Will be even stronger!" Gazi is like a natural speaker, making everyone surrender involuntarily.

"Yes, boss!" The crowd shouted loudly, their words full of confidence.

After the meeting, Chen Feng and Gazi sat opposite each other in the office of the chicken farm.

"Gazi, I will pass on a set of exercises to you today, called 'Overlord's Golden Body Jue', cultivated to the extreme, the physical body is extremely tyrannical, and you can do anything with a wave of your hand." As he spoke, Chen Feng brushed on the paper wrote up.

The Overlord's Golden Body Art is a technique used in exchange for Chen Feng when someone came to ask for alchemy when he was the alchemy ancestor in his previous life.That person obtained this technique in a ruins, but he had to use the "Overlord's Holy Body" to practice it. He felt that it was useless to obtain it, and it was a pity to discard it.So, he used this to exchange a pill with Dan Zu.At that time, Chen Feng felt strange, so he agreed to exchange.But Chen Feng couldn't cultivate it even after practicing hard, but he only remembered the content of this mental method clearly.

After a while, Chen Feng completely wrote out this idea.Not many words, just a few thousand words.

"Gazi, remember, this exercise is very important, once you memorize it, it will be destroyed immediately." Chen Feng explained solemnly.

"Yeah." Gazi suppressed the excitement in his heart and nodded emphatically.

Chen Feng wrote another piece of paper and handed it to Gazi: "This prescription is called 'Strengthening Soup', which has the effect of strengthening the physique of ordinary people. You keep it safe. For those members who are completely trustworthy, you can use the Strengthening Soup, Strengthen them. Just like the exercises, this 'Strengthening Soup' recipe, if you memorize it, burn it, and you must not reveal it."

Chen Feng had his own worries. The Conferred God War thousands of years ago had caused the world to suffer.Chen Feng must not let this prescription spread out again.

Then, Chen Feng grabbed a large handful of gold jewelry from his backpack, handed it to Gazi, and said, "You have just accepted the guild, and you need money everywhere. Use these jewelry to temporarily relieve your urgent need."

After a pause, Chen Feng had a serious face: "Gazi, I have done everything I can to help you. Your path is different from mine. Next, you have to walk step by step by yourself."

Gazi looked at Chen Feng's expectant face, and nodded firmly: "Crazy, I won't let you down."

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