"Chen Feng, you are so powerful, killing Jindanqi is like killing a dog!" On the other side, the wild cheers completely shattered the last bit of hope in Murong Lingfeng's heart.

Suddenly withdrew his two big hands of real essence, and two golden pills with golden light appeared in Chen Feng's hands.

The souls of the disciples of the Hehuan Sect on the two golden elixirs were still resisting, controlling the golden elixirs to dodge from left to right, in an attempt to break through the control of Chen Feng's big hands.

"Hmph!" Chen Feng snorted coldly, a red flame with a hint of orange appeared in his palm, and instantly wrapped these two golden pills.

Suddenly, there was a scream, and the two souls on the golden core were completely refined in the blink of an eye.

After being tempered by the Tianling Orange Fire in the alchemy furnace, the source of the Earth Spirit Fire in Chen Feng's body has also made great progress, and is evolving towards a more advanced Tianling Orange Fire.Although it is still the earth spirit fire in essence at this time, it already has a bit of the power of the heavenly spirit orange fire, and it is already a matter of raising hands to erase the remnant souls on the golden core.

He generously put the two golden pills that had lost their spirituality into the storage bracelet, and Chen Feng set his sights on Kuang Mang and Murong Ling Feng.

"Don't kill me, I'm willing to surrender to you, Chen Feng, don't kill me!" Murong Lingfeng was already on the verge of collapse, and Chen Feng's strength made him feel deep despair.

"Chen Feng, you must not let him go, this man betrayed the Dragon Group and already killed three brothers!" Kuang Mang cursed angrily at the side, looking at Murong Ling Feng with eyes full of hatred.

"No, don't kill me, I'm willing to be your slave!: Murong Lingfeng kowtowed on the ground like a poor wretch.

"Selling friends to beg for glory, slaughtering fellow students, damn it!" Chen Feng ignored Murong Lingfeng's begging for mercy, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and the flying sword flew violently, piercing Murong Lingfeng's heart with one sword.

"Good kill!" Kuang Mang shouted loudly: "Liu Xiang, Ma Shan, Chen Hua, have you seen that Chen Feng has already killed Murong Lingfeng to avenge you!" A line of clear tears popped out of his eyes.

When it comes to feelings, this savage man values ​​it more than anyone else.The top ten masters in the elite hall, although they usually fight each other, they are all treated as brothers.

Chen Feng just stuffed Kuang Mang with a healing elixir and ignored him.A man's emotions need to be vented, otherwise, it will hinder his future cultivation.

When he came to Wen Ya's side, Chen Feng probed his body with his real energy.

At this time, Wen Ya was actually extremely sober, but the Hehuan Sect's 'Ruan Jing San' was too domineering, and he couldn't even open his eyes in the simplest way.

However, although the "Ruan Jing San" of He Huan Sect is overbearing, it can't help Chen Feng.With the combination of Chen Feng's several pills, the effect of "Ruan Jing San" was quickly released.

Half an hour later, both Kuang Mang and Wen Ya regained some strength and were able to move freely.So, the three of them immediately searched for the location of the other members of the dragon group.

Along the way, Kuangmang told Chen Feng a series of things that happened after they came in.

Just as Chen Feng expected, each secret jade spoon appeared in a different place.Every place has different tests waiting for them.

These tests vary in difficulty, some people can pass them easily, while others require a lot of perseverance.For those who cannot pass, the secret realm will automatically send them outside.But those who pass will also be teleported to the area they are in by the secret realm.

This area is the center of the entire secret realm, and it is also the end of each map in the jade key of the secret realm.This is a majestic palace, the whole body is made of unknown white stones, like a huge jade building, it is indescribably mysterious.

"This place is really too big. We have been here for several days, but we haven't found any other brothers from the dragon group. Until today..." Speaking of this, Kuangmang still felt a little bitter: "If it weren't for you, we might have died Here it is."

After finishing speaking, Kuang Mang suddenly asked: "Chen Feng, how did you get in? Among the people who entered the secret realm back then, I didn't see you."

Chen Feng smiled slightly, he just said that he got a secret jade spoon by accident, and then entered it in disguise.As for the fact that the human skin mask on his face was turned into ashes by tempering his body in that pill furnace, he never mentioned it.

Walked in the channel for a long time, and didn't meet a single person along the way.Thinking about it is right, even if all the people entered, there are only more than 100 people. In such a big palace, the chance of encountering them is really too low.

However, a low probability does not mean that there is no chance. When Chen Feng and the others turned a corner, there was a sudden sound of fighting in front of them.

"Eh?" Chen Feng couldn't help being slightly surprised when he heard a female voice.At the same time, his body accelerated suddenly, approaching the place of the fight without a sound.

Not far ahead is a small square.

At this time, in the small square, four people were fighting inextricably.Strangely, there are many familiar faces of Chen Feng.

"Xue Li, you have betrayed the great Lord. Today, on behalf of the God of Light, I will send divine punishment to wipe you out completely." A strong man wearing a medieval knight's battle robe was speaking with a vicious look.At this time, there was a power of light that was not weaker than that of the false alchemy exuding from his body.

"Jackson, don't talk about the God of Light. Your Holy See is just a group of liars under the guise of the God of Light. You are so eager to deal with me. Aren't you coveting our secrets?" A woman covered in black responded coldly. Knight's words.Vaguely, one could see her Chinese face.

A man with a stern face was also fully on guard in front of the woman, without saying a word.

"God said that in the face of evil, all persuasion is vain, and the most effective way is to use light to evolve it." Another knight beside Jackson said solemnly: "Jackson, quickly move the two evil creatures in front of you. Eliminate, we have more important things to do!" The knight seemed to have a higher status than Jackson, and he spoke with a faintly commanding tone.

"Yes, Master Robert!" Jackson said respectfully.Then, a wide and thick long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and the aura of his whole body radiated overwhelmingly.

"Battle technique, Blast Break!" Jackson's long sword rolled, and the scene was like a violent tornado.

"Zhou Bin, you block that Robert first, and I'll help you after I kill Jackson!" Shirley shook her hands, and the two daggers surrounded by black air were held backwards, and then her back suddenly opened. A pair of black bat wings.With a flick of the black bat wings, Shirley's body turned into a black light and shot towards Jackson.

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