Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 379 Controlling the Immortal Mansion

I don't know how long it has passed, but the stars around Chen Feng have dimmed, only the chaotic flame in the Void Cauldron is still burning unabated.

Chen Feng's eyes opened quietly, with a light of wisdom flashing in them.

"I really don't know what kind of powerful existence this senior who wrote "Tiandan Transcripts" is. Just a casual remark made my comprehension of alchemy reach an unprecedented level. At this moment, I realized that I am actually Just a frog in a well.”

In his previous life, Chen Feng was revered as the ancestor of alchemy, and his comprehension on the way of alchemy was invincible in the cultivation world.This also made him feel a little arrogant to a certain extent.Even if the tribulation failed, and Chen Feng, the migrant worker's soul became one, regardless of each other, this concept still did not change.

At this moment, after seeing the senior who wrote the "Transcript of Heavenly Pill" on alchemy, the arrogance in Chen Feng's heart was finally gone, and his realm became more clear and transparent.

"The senior's voice has disappeared, but his words have been deeply imprinted in my mind like a brand. In time, when I integrate these words, my alchemy state will definitely be improved. Building." Chen Feng once again took a deep look at the still burning Void Cauldron, and with a thought, he withdrew from the starry sky.

The next moment, Chen Feng in the sealed stone room slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of joy.

"Sure enough, even though it was just an ideology just now, the earth spirit fire in my body is the same as the one in my consciousness, it has become the heavenly spirit orange fire." Chen Feng felt the familiar yet unfamiliar earth spirit fire in his body, full of emotion. It is joy.

"Huh?" Chen Feng suddenly stared at the "Tiandan Transcript" in his hand, and was surprised to find that the page he just turned was blank. No matter how Chen Feng perceived it, he didn't find any traces of handwriting. [

"Could it be..." Chen Feng vaguely understood, maybe the scene just now was the effect of opening the first page of "Tiandan Transcript".

"Then, what will the second page look like?" Out of curiosity, Chen Feng stretched out his hand to flip through the thin paper.However, no matter how hard Chen Feng tried, he couldn't flip it.

"Perhaps, I have to wait until I fully comprehend the principles in my mind before I am qualified to turn to the second page." After several trials, Chen Feng finally understood the intention of the person who wrote "Tiandan Transcripts" .The so-called greed does not kill, if all the information is poured into it at once, maybe it will harm Chen Feng instead.

Since there is no need for this "Tiandan Transcript" for the time being, Chen Feng put him in the storage bracelet.

Then, Chen Feng's eyes turned to another thing.

This is a jade tablet, the size of a palm, and looks like a stone tablet.

Picking up the jade tablet, a stream of information entered Chen Feng's mind.

"The stele of the town mansion?" Chen Feng sorted out the information just now with some surprise, and his heart became excited.

The town mansion stele is the hub to control a fairy mansion, and controlling this hub is equivalent to controlling a fairy mansion.

However, the Immortal Mansion is simply a legend in the cultivation world, and Chen Feng has never seen it before.It is said that only the legendary fairy world has such a treasure.

"Unexpectedly, there is a town mansion stone tablet here. Could it be that the luxurious palace I entered before is a fairy mansion?" Chen Feng thought in his heart, and a drop of blood essence overflowed from his forehead, accurately and incorrectly. Arrived on top of the jade tablet.

I saw that the jade tablet was like a sponge, slowly absorbing the drop of blood, and in less than a breath, there was no trace of blood on the jade tablet.

"Why is there no response? Could it be that there is too little blood?" Chen Feng was slightly taken aback, and then another drop of blood dripped down.

Another one couldn't breathe, and the blood essence on the jade tablet disappeared again.

"I don't believe it anymore, I can't feed you enough?" Chen Feng kept pouring out drops of pure blood like a broken pearl, continuously dripping on the jade tablet in a fit of anger. [

However, the jade tablet is like a vampire, as much as it comes and sucks, there is not even a trace left.

"Damn it, fight!" Chen Feng's face turned pale, he gritted his teeth, and the blood on his forehead overflowed faster.

Essence and blood are the crystallization of human essence, qi, and spirit, and can be said to be the origin of the body.A lot of loss, will make people weak.As the blood was continuously forced out, Chen Feng's face became paler and more depressed.

Finally, the jade card absorbed blood essence to a limit.The next moment, the jade tablet suddenly emitted a soft light, flew up from Chen Feng's hand automatically, and entered into Chen Feng's body with a "huh".At the same time, Chen Feng felt that there seemed to be something more in his mind.It was a huge palace, magnificent and luxurious.

"Hey, isn't this the palace we came in? It turns out that his name is Tiandan Mansion, and it matches well with the book "Tiandan Transcripts." From a string of sudden messages, he sorted out the meaning of this fairy mansion. Information, Chen Feng finally got acquainted with this Immortal Mansion.It's just that the message never mentions what level this Immortal Mansion is.

"At this moment, I feel that every corner in this palace is under my control, and I can appear in any place with a single thought! So far, I have completely controlled the Tiandan Immortal Mansion. "Chen Feng's eyes fixed on a main hall in the middle of the palace, where a group of people were desperately attacking a formation, trying to obtain the magic weapon in the formation.

"Forget it, it can be considered that one person has achieved Taoism and ascended to heaven, so I will help you." Chen Feng looked at the familiar and unfamiliar faces and said softly.

At the same time, King Kong and the others in the main hall are working together to attack a formation.Inside the formation is a pair of gleaming gloves.

"Everyone, work hard together. If you do it a few more times like just now, this formation will collapse." King Kong looked at the pair of fists floating above with a flushed face, eyes full of longing.

Everyone heard that, although they were reluctant, they didn't work because of it. They gathered their true energy and blasted the formation in mid-air together.

However, just when the true essence was about to bombard the formation, the formation that was still indestructible just now suddenly disappeared.

Immediately, everyone felt a feeling of power failure, which was very uncomfortable.

However, what happened next made them forget all of this discomfort.I saw that the magic weapon that was suspended in mid-air suddenly flew down automatically, as if each had a target, and smashed down on their heads.

"Damn it, what's the trouble? Don't slap your face!" King Kong let out a mournful cry, holding his head in his hands, and crouched on the ground.

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