"What? You haven't had dinner yet?" Chen Feng looked at Li Li in surprise.

"I... have a new clue about that perverted killer today. We've been investigating it, but we didn't have time to eat it." Li Li was like a child who made a mistake, clutching her flat stomach, and looked at Chen Feng pitifully.

"Hey, I'm really convinced." Chen Feng looked at Li Li's appearance, and couldn't bear it: "Wait for me, it will be ready soon." After saying that, Chen Feng stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

Looking at Chen Feng's back, a bright smile suddenly appeared on Li Li's face.

After a while, Chen Feng came out with a plate of golden fried rice.

Li Li smelled the tempting aroma from a long distance away, and immediately moved her index finger, her eyes lit up looking at the fried rice in Chen Feng's hand.

"Eat it, don't burn it..." Chen Feng just said half a sentence, and Li Li's hands had already snatched the plate from Chen Feng's hand like lightning, making Chen Feng stunned for a while: "Damn, the speed of this hand is faster than that." A martial artist who has condensed his true energy."

While munching on her rice, Li Li looked at Chen Feng curiously, and asked vaguely: "Isn't true qi something from martial arts novels? Is there really such a person in this world?"

Chen Feng looked at her strangely, and thought: "Let's not talk about warriors in the true energy stage, there are even cultivators who can fly, but you haven't seen it before."

Li Li looked at Chen Feng's expression, and said vaguely: "Do you also believe the characters in the novel?"

Chen Feng rubbed his nose, and looked at her with a funny face: "I'll tell you, I'm a super expert."

"Cut!" Li Li gave Chen Feng a blank look, swallowed the food in her mouth vigorously, and muttered, "I know how to brag!" After saying that, she ignored Chen Feng and began to gobble it up.

"Well...it's delicious." Li Li rubbed her stomach and praised Chen Feng rarely.Then, she looked at Chen Feng with some embarrassment: "Chen Feng, can you temporarily move out for a few days in a few days?"

"Huh?" Chen Feng's eyes flashed, he looked at Li Li in surprise, and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong?"

Li Li looked at Chen Feng and said: "The call just now was from my mother. In the past few days, such a plague has occurred in hz. She is worried about my situation and said that she will come here to stay for a few days."

"When will you come?" Chen Feng asked.

"It is said that I will come in two or three days." Li Li said with some embarrassment: "You also know that if my mother knows that I will be renting together with a man like you, I will definitely be very worried." Thinking of what happened just now, his face turned red again.

"Oh, okay. I'll move out first tomorrow." Looking at Li Li's cute appearance, Chen Feng couldn't help but chuckle: "It's just that, in that case, you won't be able to eat my delicious food."

"Hmph, who cares?" Li Li waved her small fists and said not to be outdone, "The restaurant downstairs cooks much better food than yours."

"Cut!" Chen Feng rolled his eyes, and returned to the bedroom without looking back.It was an insult for Lily to compare the garbage cooking skills of the restaurant downstairs with the cooking skills he had soaked in for hundreds of years.

Having nothing to say all night, Chen Feng spent the night in quiet cultivation.Recently, Chen Feng's cultivation has encountered a bottleneck, the ninth level of Qi training is like a thick wall, Chen Feng can't shake it no matter what.Chen Feng knew that at this time, he couldn't be impatient, and proceeded step by step, there would always be a time to break through this barrier.

The sky was still bright, and Chen Feng heard the sound of the door being opened and closed outside.

"Huh? Why did this girl go out so early today?" Chen Feng opened the door and saw that Li Li was no longer there. Thinking that something happened to the police force, he hurried away again.


In the morning, Chen Feng did not return to the morgue of the hospital.At this time, the hospital should still be in isolation, and there is nothing to do even if you go back.

At this moment, he was carrying a backpack and walking into a small alley.

According to Gazi's guidance, Chen Feng knew that in this small alley, there was a place dedicated to buying stolen goods. It was the place where most of the nearby gangs sold their stolen goods. It was said that the backstage was very hard.

Chen Feng wanted to exchange the gold ornaments obtained from the tomb into cash here.After all, things in the tomb should not be taken to regular gold shops for sale blatantly.

"Get out of the way! The brakes are out of order!" Suddenly, a hurried shout came over.Chen Feng raised his head and looked forward, only to see a person pedaling vigorously on the ground, trying to stop the tricycle under his feet.However, this alley is a slight slope, plus the tricycle is full of goods, with his strength, how can he stop the huge inertia of the tricycle?


The tricycle vibrated on the uneven green brick ground and rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Get out of the way!" The man on the tricycle shouted hastily with a pale face.

However, the man in front of him was standing there motionless, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his right hand was slightly blocking his way forward.

"This idiot, do you think it's so easy to stop with this tricycle?" The man on the tricycle saw Chen Feng's movements and cursed inwardly.But the feet are supported on the ground more vigorously, trying to reduce the momentum of the tricycle.


The sound of friction between the soles and the ground is endless, but it can't stop the strong inertia in the slightest.Seeing that they were about to bump into that man, the people on the tricycle closed their eyes a little bit unbearably.

However, the next moment, he felt the tricycle under him suddenly stop, as if it had hit a solid wall, and he couldn't move any further.

He opened his eyes, only to find that the man's right hand was firmly on the handlebar of the tricycle, and he abruptly stopped the speeding tricycle.You know, this is not an empty car, but a vat full of purified water.The pure water added up to at least two hundred catties, plus the weight of the car and herself, at least four to five hundred catties.Under the impact of such a weight, even a cow must not be able to bear it.

However, he didn't have time to think, the huge inertia caused his body to rush forward suddenly, and he was about to fly out.

At the critical moment, the man's left hand gently placed on his shoulder.He suddenly felt that he was firmly supported by a huge force, his body stabilized suddenly, and he sat safely on the tricycle.

"Are you okay?" Chen Feng smiled kindly. From the man's behavior just now, Chen Feng could know that he definitely didn't do it on purpose.

"It's okay, it's okay." The person on the tricycle said hurriedly: "I'm so sorry, the brake line of the tricycle broke suddenly just now, and it almost hit you." Then, he suddenly paused, pointed at Chen Feng and said : "You...you are not the one..."

"Huh?" Chen Feng frowned, somewhat puzzled.

The man patted his head and said, "Sir, have you forgotten that I was destroyed by you when I snatched the bag that day, and I sought revenge from you afterwards, but suffered for half a month?"

"En?" Chen Feng immediately remembered what happened at that time, and after taking a closer look, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Boss Sha, it turned out to be you. You are much more handsome with your hair shaved."

"Hey, I'm ashamed." Boss Sha said with a blushing face, "If I hadn't been afraid of your threat, I wouldn't have given up that industry. However, it's pretty good now. Although the work of delivering water is a bit tiring, at least I don't have to. Lived those fearful lives."

"Sir, what are you doing here?" After Boss Sha finished speaking, he looked at Chen Feng in confusion.

Chen Feng pointed to the backpack on his shoulder, and said, "There are some things that need to be taken here."

Boss Sha looked at Chen Feng with some surprise, but in the end he didn't say anything, but said kindly: "Sir, we used to come here to sell stolen goods. However, the owner of this store is not very good-natured, he always likes to blackmail you." Drop it. Sir, you still need to be more careful."

"En, I see." Chen Feng said with a smile.In the previous life, he was always the only one who took advantage of others, how could anyone dare to take advantage of him?

After bidding farewell to Boss Sha, Chen Feng continued to walk in.

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