Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 445 The Tension in Heifeng Village

"Whoosh--" Another golden elixir flew up, trying to escape towards the mouth of the well, but was still caught by Chen Feng, and the Tianling orange fire wiped away the remnant soul on the golden elixir.

"Aww..." Hei Hu stared straight at Chen Feng, with brilliance in his eyes.

"Why, do you want it?" Chen Feng asked, shaking the two golden pills in his hand.

"Woooo..." Heihu snorted, and the light in his eyes became even hotter.

Chen Feng thought for a while, raised his hand and threw the golden pill to Heihu.He wanted to see what kind of plan the black tiger was planning.

As soon as the golden elixir was released, the tiger eyes of the black tiger suddenly became excited, like a hungry cat smelling fish, the black tiger swooped forward, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the golden elixir with a "grunt" down.

"What? You actually ate the golden pill?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. The golden pill can't be eaten casually. Even Chen Feng had to refine the golden pill into a "Golden Cloud Pill" before taking it. How could he handle it like Heihu? Swallowed without handling?

The black tiger that devoured the golden elixir suddenly trembled violently, its muscles squirmed like waves, and its body gradually grew in size. In just a few breaths, the black tiger was as big as an elephant. in progress.

Feeling the ever-growing aura of the black tiger, Chen Feng was a little surprised: "It's really rare that this monster can evolve by devouring golden cores."

While speaking, Chen Feng waved his hand, and a suction force came out from his palm.

"Don't resist, I'm going to put you into a strange space!" Chen Feng's faint voice rang in Heihu's ear.

Heihu looked at Chen Feng in amazement, his eyes suddenly flashed with incomparable joy, and he completely gave up all resistance to the suction.

With a sound of "huh", the black tiger's body suddenly disappeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes, leaving only the ferocious aura from the evolution of the black tiger that has not completely dissipated.

" did this suddenly disappear?" Shen Shaozhi said in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

Chen Feng looked up at him, and smiled slightly: "Don't resist, I'll take you out of here!"

Following Chen Feng's words, Shen Shaozhi also felt a strong suction. Out of trust in Chen Feng, Shen Shaozhi did not resist the suction at all.

In an instant, Shen Shaozhi disappeared.

One person and one tiger were collected by Chen Feng in the Tiandan Immortal Mansion.

As a fairy mansion, living things can live in it, and the strong spiritual energy inside has inestimable benefits for living things.However, in order to bring living creatures into the Immortal Mansion, the living creatures must not resist.If Chen Feng wanted to forcibly bring living things into the Immortal Mansion, Chen Feng's mental power would be consumed enormously. Therefore, Chen Feng would not do so lightly until the moment of crisis.

After scanning the emptied treasury at last, Chen Feng sprang out of the well with a touch of both feet.

The night was dark and windy, and he couldn't see his fingers. Chen Feng's figure quickly disappeared into the boundless night.


At the same time, the door of the Black Wind Palace was suddenly pushed open, and an old man at the Golden Core stage ran in in a panic.

"The ancestor is not good, the ancestor is not good!" He shouted while running, his face was full of anxiety.

However, the next moment, his body was kicked over by someone, and the huge force made him fall to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Damn it, we're all fine, are you cursing us?" The last Nascent Soul stage master stood up angrily, facing the Golden Core stage who broke into the Black Wind Palace. cursed loudly.

This person is called Chang Gui, and he is the new Nascent Soul of Heifengzhai today. .

"What the ancestors taught is, what the ancestors taught is that the little mouth is cheap, and he said the wrong thing for a while!" Jin Danqi who fell on the ground felt aggrieved, but he had no choice but to endure the pain to please and apologize.

"Come on, Chang Gui. Speaking of which, this person is also your former master, so don't embarrass him." The other person stood up and persuaded with a smile. It was the black dragon who collected the spiritual veins at Biluo Peak.

"Brother Heilong said that the little brother is reckless." Chang Gui said flatteringly, as if he had changed into a different person: "This old thing used to beat and scold me a lot, but today I can be regarded as being angry. Now that Brother Heilong begged for mercy, forget about it."

Heilong is a veteran Nascent Soul master in Heifengzhai. In terms of strength and status, he is not comparable to the new Nascent Soul Stage.

"Thank you Ancestor Black Dragon for your forgiveness, and Ancestor Changgui for your forgiveness!" The golden core old man knelt on the ground and kowtowed.However, his eyes were full of slow sorrow.

Chang Gui was once his most valued apprentice.In the past, he cared for him a lot, not to mention all he had learned, and even gave this person all his cultivation resources.However, suddenly a few mysterious guests came to Heifengzhai, and a few Nascent Soul Stages were created in a few gestures, and it happened that his proud disciple was one of them.

Originally, I thought it was because the clouds opened and the moon was bright. Unexpectedly, after this disciple was promoted to Nascent Soul, not only did he not show gratitude to himself, but instead he hated himself because of his previous strictness, and often humiliated himself.In his old age, he couldn't resist at all, so he could only swallow his anger and allow himself to be oppressed.

"Okay!" At this moment, a late Nascent Soul master sitting on the first seat suddenly spoke.He is Hei Yan, the leader of Heifeng Village, and one of the highest combat powers in Heifeng Village.

As soon as he spoke, Chang Gui straightened his expression immediately, and quietly returned to his seat, daring not to speak any more.

"You are Li San who guards the natal jade talisman, right?" Hei Yan spoke with a strong aura of superiority, which made the old man at the Jindan stage bury his head even lower.

"Reporting to the ancestors, the villain is Li San!" Li San said tremblingly.

"What's the matter with you that you are so anxious?" Hei Yan frowned.

Li San lowered his head: "Old Ancestor, it's not good, the natal jade charms of Yulong and Jinli just broke!"

"What?" Hei Yan motioned to the armrest of the chair, and stood up abruptly.

In Heifengzhai, the masters above Jindan stage will create a piece of natal jade talisman and store it in Heifengzhai. If they die, the natal jade talisman will be shattered.Normally, Hei Yan would not be so shocked, but at this moment, he couldn't help being nervous.

Those Yulong and Jinli were exactly the two Jindan Stage experts he had sent to check the treasure house earlier!

"I don't care about other things in the treasure house, but the spirit veins are determined not to be lost!" Hei Yan left his seat abruptly, and the next moment he was out of the gate of the Black Wind Palace: "Everyone, quickly go to the treasure house with me to check!"

Following his words, the remaining seven Nascent Soul Stages all flickered and followed Hei Yan's footsteps instantly.

In a blink of an eye, the Black Wind Palace was empty, except for Li San, who was at the Jindan Stage, knelt down tremblingly, looking at a loss.

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