Phoenix Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in hz city, the service is absolutely top-notch.However, the consumption here is very expensive, and ordinary people can't afford it.

In a luxurious box in the Phoenix Hotel, Chen Feng calmly sat in the first seat, and Su Ba and Su Fei sat beside him, pouring tea and passing water for Chen Feng from time to time.

In such a magnificent private room, Chen Feng looked particularly obtrusive in his white washed clothes, like a stone in a pile of flour, extremely abrupt.However, Chen Feng was not restrained at all, and his gestures and gestures were full of calm demeanor.

"Sir, why don't we eat the food first." Su Ba said with some embarrassment: "I think those few must be delayed by something."

"It's okay!" Chen Feng said with a light smile, "Since he is Mr. Su's friend, he should be polite." Since his current identity is an ordinary person, Chen Feng naturally abides by the worldly rules of the world.

"Mr. Chen, the few people I invited this time are people with some energy in this city of hz. I hope to be helpful to you in the future." Su Ba said with some anxiety. He didn't know how many people he invited on his own initiative. Will Chen Feng's dislike for a big shot made by hz?

"So, let Mr. Su bother." Chen Feng said sincerely.If he wanted to live in this hz city, he would be able to meet some big shots, which would be of great benefit to him.

At this moment, the door of the box opened with a snap, and a charming woman walked in lightly. Seeing Su Ba, she smiled and said, "Mr. Su, I'm sorry, the traffic jam on the road kept you waiting."

As she said that, the enchanting woman suddenly noticed the seating order of Su Ba and his son and Chen Feng, and her face burst into astonishment.However, this astonishment only flashed across her face, and she immediately covered it up.

Walking slowly to the table, the enchanting woman smiled at Chen Feng: "I don't know what to call this gentleman?"

Before Chen Feng could speak, Su Ba on the side hurriedly introduced: "This is Mr. Chen Feng, and he is the master of Gouzi."

After hearing this, the enchanting woman had some doubts in her heart.She knew the background and strength of Su Ba and his son.How powerful would it be to make Su Fei willingly become a teacher.What's more, this person still looks so young.

Su Ba continued to introduce: "This is Miss Rulan. Although Miss Rulan is young, she is the jewelry king of HZ City, and half of the jewelry business in the city is owned by her."

"Oh?" Chen Feng looked at this enchanting woman with some surprise: "I never thought Miss Ru would do such a thing at such a young age. It's amazing."

Ru Lan's charming face was full of smiles, and she giggled and said, "Mr. Chen is joking. Compared with Mr. Chen, I really can't get on the stage with this little thing." This strength can be imagined.With Rulan's family background, he has long known some unknown things in this world, and he knows that those who really stand at the top in this world are those powerful people.

He stretched out his small hand generously, and gently held Chen Feng's hand, but his heart was full of doubts.

Looking at the man's clothes, it is obvious that he is not from a famous family, but he speaks elegantly and behaves generously.It is said that women are curious animals. At this moment, Ru Lan was full of curiosity about Chen Feng.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's heart moved, he looked at Ru Lan who was thinking, and said, "Since Ms. Ru is in the jewelry business, is there a way to sell a batch of gold jewelry for me?" Only the backpack is on the table.

Seeing this, Ru Lan smiled softly and said, "If Mr. Chen needs it, I can directly buy these gold ornaments from you. I just don't know how many Mr. Chen has?"

Chen Feng gently opened the zipper of the backpack, exposing the contents inside: "It's all here."

"Huh?" Even though Ru Lan has been in the jewelry business all year round, she couldn't help being surprised when she saw this.I saw that the backpack was full of golden gold ornaments, which were piled up in the backpack.Although these gold ornaments are a bit old and the luster is not conspicuous, but with Ru Lan's eyes, she quickly confirmed the age and value of these gold ornaments.

"Where did this Mr. Chen get so many aged gold ornaments?" Ru Lan was full of doubts, and the young man in front of her completely aroused her curiosity.

"Mr. Chen, are you sure you want to sell these gold ornaments?" Ru Lan looked at Chen Feng, as if she wanted to see through it: "Just by looking at the appearance of these gold ornaments, I can conclude that they are at least a hundred years ago. The gold price is sold, but the loss is huge.”

"This woman is honest." Chen Feng looked at Ru Lan and thought in his heart. Then, he said to Ru Lan with a light smile, "Just sell it at the gold recycling price." In front of the ten-thousand-year-old monster, he wasn't even considered scum.

Looking at Chen Feng seriously, Ru Lan suddenly had an incomparably seductive gesture on her face.I saw her little hands gently zipping up the zipper of the backpack, and said with a sweet smile: "In this way, the little girl will take advantage of the husband." appearance.

"Huh?" Chen Feng let out a little surprise, but just looked at Ru Lan indifferently, and kept silent.

"Gulu—" two swallows of saliva sounded suddenly, and both Su Ba and his son were watching Ru Lan's posture with fixed eyes, swallowing from time to time.

However, both of them are warriors, so their wills are naturally strong, and it didn't take long for them to wake up one after another.Realizing the gaffe just now, the faces of the two blushed immediately.

"Miss Ru's charm is becoming more and more irresistible." Su Ba blushed and smiled wryly.

Hearing this, Ru Lan felt a little helpless on her face, and said with a forced smile, "Mr. Su was joking. If she had a choice, the little girl would rather not be so seductive and be an ordinary person." After a touching flattery, her life was in chaos.She would be harassed by some men from time to time. If it wasn't for her background, the men's hands might have been ruined.

As she said that, Ru Lan looked at Chen Feng with an embarrassed face, and said, "I made Mr. Chen laugh."

"This is a great gift from heaven to you, how can you laugh at it?" Chen Feng looked at Ru Lan who was still charming with his eyes, and suddenly stretched out his hand like lightning, and grabbed Ru Lan's little hand.

"Pa—" Ru Lan, a weak woman, how could she escape, her little hand was immediately grabbed by Chen Feng.

"Sir, you..." Ru Lan panicked, and looked at Chen Feng with more disgust.

"This man is also a pervert, and he came to take advantage of me when he saw my posture." Ru Lan thought fiercely in her heart.

Chen Feng looked at Ru Lan's eyes, but he didn't take it seriously, a wave of true energy entered Ru Lan's body along his hand in an instant and circled around.In just a few seconds, Chen Feng let go of Ru Lan's little hand, and said with a smile, "That's true, that's true?"

Seeing Chen Feng's reaction, Ru Lan was a little confused, but she had a premonition that Chen Feng's reaction had something to do with her obsequiousness.

"Mr. Chen, did you find something?" Su Ba's eyes lit up, trying to explain to the puzzled Ru Lan: "Miss Ru, in fact, Mr. Chen's medical skills are also excellent, I believe he saw something."

Hearing Su Ba's words, Ru Lan's eyes lit up suddenly, and she also understood why Chen Feng suddenly grabbed his little hand just now.The loathing on her face disappeared, and she turned to say with shame: "Excuse me, sir, I misunderstood you just now." Then, she looked at Chen Feng nervously, and continued, "May I ask if you know that I am The reason for the obsequiousness?"

"I know." Chen Feng said with certainty.

ps: There will be another chapter later, so stay tuned.

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