Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 518 Breaking the Formation

Chen Feng's eyes shot out a ray of light, and in his perception of mental power, there seemed to be a strange fluctuation 300 meters away.

"That's it?" Chen Feng's heart moved, and there was a touch of surprise in his eyes.

That fluctuation was extremely subtle.If it wasn't for the fact that Chen Feng's mental strength was too perverted, he definitely wouldn't be able to detect it.

Through the airtight flying sword, Chen Feng vaguely saw a cyan halo flickering in the haze in the distance. That halo seemed to have an inexplicable connection with this "Millions of Swords". .

"That must be the eye of the 'Wanjian Juezhen'!" Chen Feng thought to himself, he already had a plan.

The boundless flying sword was still flowing like a flood, without giving Chen Feng any chance to breathe.

"Xinghai!" Chen Feng shouted solemnly as he pushed back the surrounding flying swords again.

Xinghai opened his eyes, looked at Chen Feng, and did not speak.

When Chen Feng resisted Feijian just now, he seized the time to recover a lot, and now he already has some self-destruct ability.

"Three breaths of time, can you withstand three breaths of time?" Chen Feng said solemnly: "As long as I can withstand three breaths of time, I can break through this sword array!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Xinghai nodded immediately: "Don't say three breaths, even thirty breaths, I can stand it!"

"As long as three breaths are enough!" The Lieyang Feijian in Chen Feng's hand galloped, and boundless sword energy was violently emitted from above the bitch.

The next moment, Chen Feng's body suddenly rushed up, and the target was where the mysterious wave came from.

Chen Feng's sudden departure increased the pressure on Xinghai's body, and several sword wounds were added to his body.

However, Xinghai gritted his teeth resolutely and remained silent.

He knew that Chen Feng must be doing a very important thing, if he disturbed him at this time, it might make him fall short.

"It's only for three breaths, so what's the difficulty!" At this moment, Xinghai's body suddenly burst out with boundless confidence, and his originally weak body stood upright again.

"Block me!" His flying sword flew around like a sword, covering himself airtight.

All the fierce offensive flying swords were caught by him.

"One breath, Chen Feng, you have to work harder!" Xinghai gritted his teeth, beads of sweat rolled down one after another, the one breath just now took nearly half of his time.

"Second breath! Come on!" He was like an upright warrior, despite the difficulties ahead, he was still fearless.


Chen Feng has already approached the location of the mysterious fluctuation.

Through extremely perverted eyesight, he has been able to see what is the thing that emits mysterious fluctuations.

It was a small green flag, about the size of an arm, rubbing straight on the ground.

The strange thing is that there is no wind in the formation, but the small flag is fluttering, which looks very strange.

"It seems that this small flag is the eye of this formation. As long as it is completely destroyed, this 'Thousand Swords Formation' will definitely be destroyed!" Chen Feng thought in his heart, and swung the Lieyang Flying Sword in his hand swiftly. .

At the same time, the Heavenly Spirit Orange Flame in his body also quickly climbed up to the sword body, striking people with power.

Tianling Orange Fire is Chen Feng's biggest trump card.At this time, in order to ensure that there was nothing wrong with breaking the formation, he resolutely threw out this trump card.

The third breath!

It took Chen Feng two breaths to get close to the small green flag just now, and now it is the third breath.

If the green flag cannot be destroyed within this breath, then Xinghai may die.

So, this is the last chance!

"Break it for me!"

Following Chen Feng's furious shout, Lieyang Feijian violently slashed towards the green flag with boundless sky spirit orange fire in it. The powerful sword energy and flame acted on the flagpole of the green flag at the same time.

At the moment when the sword energy cut through the green flagpole, the surrounding space suddenly shook violently, as if a huge earthquake had occurred.

"Success!" Xinghai looked contentedly at the countless flying swords standing still in mid-air, and his heart was full of relief.

If it was half a breath later, Xinghai's body would be completely submerged by this boundless sea of ​​swords, and he would die.

Fortunately, Chen Feng succeeded.Within the agreed time, Chen Feng really broke through this powerful formation.

"Crack crackle crackle-"

Like a broken mirror, the space around Chen Feng suddenly burst open.

In an instant, the scene where Chen Feng and Xinghai were located changed, where there was blood-red land, where there were countless uh flying swords!Except for a gloomy forest, there are only eight monks with different faces.

With Chen Feng's eyesight, it was immediately possible to detect that these eight people were all cultivation bases in the pre-out of body stage.

However, it is also the early stage of leaving the body, and their strengths are obviously completely different.Three of them are only at the beginning of the out-of-body stage, but one of them is at the peak of the early out-of-body stage, and the wireless is close to the late out-of-body stage.

At this time, this peak powerhouse in the early stage of leaving his body was glaring at him fiercely, as if he wanted to swallow Chen Feng alive.

At this moment, Xinghai's emotions suddenly became agitated.

He pointed at a monk who had just entered the out-of-body stage, his eyes were full of hatred: "It's you, it's you who raped~ Killed my little junior sister, I will kill you!"

While speaking, Xinghai seemed to have lost his mind, dragging his bruised body towards the man.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Chen Feng grabbed Xinghai's shoulder and pulled it off.

If the Xinghai at this moment really rushed over, it would definitely be the end of life and death.

"It turned out to be you, you bastard, unexpectedly you found this place!" The cultivator who had just entered the out-of-body stage obviously recognized Xinghai, and his eyes were full of sarcasm: "You are just a defeated general, and you still have the face to come to me?"

If it weren't for you bullying the few with the more, how could I be defeated by you? " Xinghai was furious, and tried to break free from Chen Feng's shackles again and again, but finally he couldn't resist Chen Feng's strength, and fell silent in a dejected manner.

"Don't worry, I will let you kill this beast with your own hands later!"

Chen Feng comforted Xinghai.

The next moment, with a movement of his body, he instantly crossed a distance of tens of meters, and appeared in front of eight out-of-body monks.

"Where are all the people you have captured, hand them over quickly!" He asked coldly, as if he was interrogating a group of prisoners.

"Boy, you are too deceitful!" The young face of the strong man at the peak of the early stage of OBE was full of anger: "You ruined my hidden formation and Wanjianjuezhen, and you dare to ask me for someone?"

It turned out that this person was none other than the young monk Cang Ming who planted the "Army of Ten Thousand Swords".

Chen Feng looked at Cang Ming's distorted face due to anger, and asked in a cold voice, "Where are they, tell me quickly!"

"Hahaha——" Cang Ming yelled crazily, like a raging lion: "I killed them all, so what can you do?"

"Then, go to hell!" Chen Feng shouted coldly, and with a movement of his body, he appeared in front of Cang Ming.


I'm so tired today. My wife's unit organized a trip on March [-]th, but I took the children at home for a day.

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