"Dahei, I have prepared so much energy for you, quickly absorb it, and then kill everyone!"

Following Cang Ming's incomparably cold voice, a crazy smile appeared on the face of the evil spirit.

"Fellow Daoist Cangming, what do you mean by this?" A strong man who was half a step out of his body suddenly turned around, his face was full of puzzlement and doubt.

However, before he could finish his words, the strong man who was half out of his body only felt a pain in the back of his head, and immediately lost all consciousness.

Everyone looked at the scene before them in horror, with disbelief and indignation on their faces.

I saw that the man who looked like a chimpanzee was opening his mouth wide at the moment. In his mouth, a tongue, no, it should be called a mouthpart, suddenly stretched out a distance of more than ten meters, and it was now inserted into the back of the strong man in the late stage of out-of-body. above the forehead.


There were sucking sounds one after another, and everyone looked up, only to see the red and white liquid flowing continuously on the long mouthpart.


Everyone felt a sense of vomiting, and many people couldn't help but bent down and vomited wildly.

However, what they didn't expect was that their bending down was like a reminder to them.

Dozens of fleshy tubes the size of water pipes suddenly protruded from the evil spirit's body, stabbing at the vomiting crowd like a bamboo shoot.

There were bursts of muffled hums, and suddenly four or fifty people twitched at the same time.

On their foreheads, without exception, there is a meat crown inserted, and the meat tube is retracted, as if swallowing something.

"No, this is an evil spirit, everyone run away!"

There really are people with great knowledge in the crowd, he shouted in a panic, rushing towards the outside regardless of his own safety.

"Want to run? Is it possible?" Cang Ming's face was full of killing intent, and the corner of his mouth was full of sarcasm.

The next moment, with a movement of his body, he quickly appeared in front of the Nascent Soul cultivator who wanted to escape, kicked casually, and kicked the Nascent Soul cultivator back to the ground.

Then, Cang Ming casually threw an array flag.

The formation flag fluttered with the wind, turning into a large formation, and covering the people below.

Immediately, the crowd below only felt that the surrounding scenery had changed, and they could no longer tell the difference between south, east and north.

Although this is a simple phalanx, at such a juncture, the small phalanx is almost the same as those lore large phalanxes.


One after another, the corpses fell powerlessly on the muddy ground, and the plump body had become extremely dry at this moment, as if it was a thousand-year-old mummy.

Without exception, among these corpses, none of the Nascent Souls flew out.

It seems that the evil spirit not only absorbed their essence, but also absorbed the Nascent Soul of these people.

"Jie Jie Jie-"

The evil spirit laughed heartily, but its laughter made others feel horrified.

"Everyone, let's attack this evil spirit together so that we can have a chance!" The monk who was the first to recognize the evil spirit shouted.

His shout seemed to remind the other cultivators in the Lost Formation that if he didn't eradicate this evil spirit, then he and others would definitely end up dead.

Almost instantly, these Nascent Soul stage monks launched an attack in unison.

This attack is the most powerful trick in their life, and it is usually only used in the battle between life and death.

In order to survive, none of them dared to be a little lazy.


Waves of thunder-like fluctuations sounded, and nearly a hundred Nascent Soul Stage's full-strength move shook the surrounding space so that it almost burst.

"It's so powerful!" Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, grabbed the weak Xinghai and jumped out of the battle ring.

Nearly a hundred Nascent Soul cultivators attacked with all their strength, even at this moment, he had to avoid the blow.


An earth-shattering sound exploded in Chen Feng's ears. The huge energy shock wave uprooted a large area of ​​surrounding trees and smashed them flying out in all directions.

All the Nascent Soul cultivators looked at the thick smoke together, panting.

The full-strength blow that almost squeezed everything just now made them feel powerless at the moment.

"With such a powerful attack, the evil spirit should be dead!" Chen Feng had some expectation in his heart.

"Jie Jie Jie-"

However, the next moment, a burst of evil laughter sounded again, and the faces of all the Nascent Souls turned pale, and they retreated involuntarily.

That evil spirit is not dead yet!

When the smoke cleared, a black shadow moved slowly, it was the evil spirit.

At this moment, the evil spirit's body was already bald, and all the hair on its body disappeared, leaving only the bare skin exposed.

The skin was swarthy, with a layer of black light flowing on it from time to time, and there were no wounds on it.

"What?" Chen Feng couldn't help but turn pale with shock at this moment: "I didn't expect this evil spirit's body to be so hard, and the full blows of nearly a hundred Nascent Soul experts couldn't hurt him?"

"Whoosh whoosh—"

There was a violent sound of breaking wind.

The next moment, there were countless screams, and a large number of monks were pierced in the head by the meat tube of the evil spirit, and their energy was quickly sucked out.

"Woo—" The remaining forty or fifty Nascent Soul stage monks were full of despair, and a few of them who were unstable even began to cry.

Chen Feng watched all this silently, his face full of solemnity.

At this moment, he finally understood why the evil spirits in the past were so harmful. The perverted defense alone made it more harmful.

"We must get rid of this evil spirit!" The belief in Chen Feng's heart became stronger and stronger, not for anything else, just so that the people he cared about would not be harmed, Chen Feng also wanted to get rid of it.

"Hahaha, despair, anyone who knows the existence of evil spirits will die!" Cang Ming smiled recklessly.With foresight, he has already set up a shielding formation around him, no matter how big the fluctuations are, he will not be able to spread to this land.

After a few breaths, there were dozens more mummified corpses on the ground.

The evil spirit looked at the only Nascent Soul cultivator remaining, his face was full of ecstasy: "Eat all of you, I will break through again! Hahahaha!"

"Cang Ming, are you just letting the evil spirit break through?" Looking at the elated evil spirit, Chen Feng suddenly said.

"En?" Cang Ming frowned, not understanding what Chen Feng meant.

Chen Feng showed a sneering expression: "Evil spirits are evil creatures. Once their strength surpasses that of the summoner, they will devour the master. Don't you even know this?"

Chen Feng's words made Cang Ming startled, and he seemed to have just remembered this, and panic flashed across his face.

"The evil spirit is only in the middle of the out-of-body stage at this moment, so that it can suppress you with the strength of the early stage of out-of-body. If it breaks through again, it will definitely have the ability to unilaterally cut off the contract. At that time, I believe that the first person the evil spirit will kill is you Already!" Chen Feng continued, there seemed to be a strong persuasive force in his voice, which made Cang Ming think deeply.

"No, you can't break through!" Cang Ming suddenly jumped up like a puppy whose tail was stepped on, and in a flash, he came to the side of the evil spirit, and ordered loudly: "Dahei, you can't break through, stop immediately!" Absorb energy!"

However, the evil spirit that was obedient to him turned his head slowly, and gave him a wicked smile: "I want to break through, and anyone who dares to stop me will die!"

While speaking, the mouthparts reappeared in the evil spirit's mouth, stabbing Cang Ming's head like lightning!

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