"You two beasts, let go of my senior sister!"

Dai Ultrasonic roared hoarsely, his eyes were full of anger and powerlessness.

Zhang Lun didn't say a word, but the blue veins bursting from his clenched fist showed his anger very clearly.

At this moment, their second senior sister, Xu Shuining, was being pinned down by two disciples of the Raging Fire Sect, struggling constantly.

"Two bastards, if you quarrel again, believe it or not, I'll cut your tongues!" Suddenly, one of the Raging Fire Sect disciples suddenly raised his head and looked at Dai Chao and the two coldly.

"Cut it off, it won't end well if it falls into your hands anyway, you'll kill Grandpa and me!" Dai Chao was not afraid, still yelling loudly.

"You're looking for death! Alright, then I'll send you to see the King of Hades first!" The Raging Fire Sect disciple suddenly stood up and smiled ferociously at Dai Chao, holding a flying sword in his hand.

"Hmph, kill if you want, if I frown, it's not Dai Chao!" Dai Chao is also stubborn, without flinching.

"Swipe!" A sword light suddenly stabbed towards Dai Chao. Obviously, that disciple of the Raging Fire Sect really wanted to scare the killer.

"No, please stop! I'll follow you!" At the critical moment, Xu Shuining on the ground shouted in humiliation.

"Om—" Feijian stopped an inch in front of Dai Chao's throat. If Xu Shuining slowed down, Dai Chao's throat would definitely be cut.

Dai Chao's eyes widened, his eyes were full of despair and guilt: "Second Senior Sister, don't!"


Before Dai Chao could finish speaking, he had already received a slap on the face.

"Haha, those who know the current affairs are heroes. You cooperate with us obediently and make us happy. Maybe we will show mercy and let you live a few more days." The Raging Fire Sect disciple laughed, his eyes full of lust : "Come on, brother will untie you."

After speaking, he swiped his flying sword, and the rope on Xu Shuining's body was cut off.

However, at this moment, Xu Shuining's cultivation base has been sealed, and he has no ability to resist at all.

Torn apart, Xu Shuining's clothes were torn apart by another Blazing Fire Sect disciple, revealing his naked body wearing only a lewd garment.

Not to mention, although Xu Shuining's appearance was not outstanding, his figure was impeccable, and the eyes of the two Blazing Fire Sect's disciples burst into flames.

"Haha, I didn't expect to be a top-notch guy, come and lick me!" After the man with the flying sword finished speaking, he pulled his pants down to his knees, revealing a mass of black soft flesh: "It's comfortable to lick!" , my brother will consider keeping you as a slave of the two of us."

After finishing speaking, the two disciples of Raging Fire Sect laughed together, and the laughter was full of obscenity.

Xu Shuining glanced at the ugly lump, his eyes were full of humiliation, and he was hesitant to take any action.

"Lick it!" The owner of the thing sternly shouted.The thing seemed to feel the master's anger, and it also raised its head, but it soon fell down again.

"call out--"

Suddenly, there was a screaming sound, and the next moment, a bloody light appeared.

"Ah, my baby!" The Raging Fire Sect disciple, whose little brother was exposed, screamed and held his crotch, blood dripping from his hands continuously.

On the ground, a black and ugly thing crouched there, extremely disgusting.


A sound of footsteps came slowly, and a man was seen walking into the cave step by step.

"You are, Brother Chen Feng?" Dai Chao looked at the person coming, and exclaimed in surprise.It seemed that Chen Feng's appearance gave him a burst of hope.

"Who are you? How dare you break into my Raging Fire Sect's territory!" Another intact Raging Fire Sect disciple shouted angrily when he saw it.

Chen Feng nodded to Dai Chao, then pointed to the bloody little baby hanging on the ground, and said coldly to the two Raging Fire Sect disciples: "Do you like to lick? Come, pick up this thing on the ground and lick it clean !"

While speaking, Chen Feng suddenly surged with hostility, and strongly oppressed the two disciples of the Raging Fire Sect.

"This..." The two looked at each other, full of embarrassment.Especially the owner of that little treasure had a bitter look on his face.

As a cultivator, the pain of cutting off the little baby is completely tolerable, but it is absolutely unbearable to lick the cut off baby by himself.

"Why, don't you want to?" Chen Feng sneered, shot out a sword energy from his fingertips, and gestured at the two of them: "Since you don't want to, then there's no need to live."

Saying that, Chen Feng made a gesture to kill the two of them.

"Don't, don't, let's lick, let's lick!" The two panicked, hurriedly picked up the bloody little baby, closed their eyes and stuck out their tongues...


Seeing this, Dai Chao and Zhang Lun finally couldn't bear it and retched.Even Xu Shuining's face was flushed, and he couldn't bear to look at it.

At this moment, there was a palpitating fluctuation in the distance of the cave entrance.

"I found it so soon? It's so boring!" Chen Feng felt helpless for a while, and then he tapped his fingers, and Dai Chao and Zhang Lun, who were still hanging on the ceiling of the cave, fell down together.

Before they landed, Chen Feng waved his hand, and disappeared into the cave abruptly. Dai Chao, Zhang Lun, and Xu Shuining who fell to the ground also disappeared together.


There was a violent sound of surging air, and a tall and thin young man rushed into the cave hall in an instant, looking menacing and out of breath.

"Where's that person?" Seeing that there were no other disciples from the Raging Fire Sect in the cave, Long Gongjing asked angrily to the two Raging Fire Sect disciples.

However, when he saw what the two of them were doing, he was shocked: "Fuck, you two perverts, go to hell!"

After saying that, he slapped the two of them with disgust, smashing them to pieces.


There is a low hill a hundred miles away from the Blazing Fire Sect's residence.

On the small hill, several figures were sitting on the ground, talking in a low voice.

"I don't know if brother Chen Feng can successfully rescue him alone?" Xing Hai looked at the method of the Raging Fire Sect's cave with deep eyes, and his tone was a little worried.

"Hmph, there is a little overlord Lie Juhua guarding the Raging Fire Sect. Moreover, according to the Raging Fire Sect disciple we captured just now, it seems that a powerful master has come to the cave. The prostitute may have been killed by them!"

Meng Qiuling said coldly, obviously, she was still brooding about the chest attack by Chen Feng just now.

"Wait for another half an hour. If Chen Feng still doesn't show up, I'll kill him. At worst, I'll lose my life!"

When Meng Qiuling said this, her tone suddenly became serious.

"Sister Meng, we believe that Chen Feng will be able to get him out!" Dai Ji said softly, holding Meng Qiuling's little hand.

Meng Qiuling looked at Dai Ji with a puzzled face: "Are you all so confident in that prostitute?"

Everyone nodded firmly, noncommittal.

"Well, let's make a bet, if Chen Feng can really save him, then I won't make things difficult for him anymore!" Meng Qiuling said solemnly.

"Sister Meng, isn't this condition too simple?" Dai Ji's face suddenly showed a strange look, and she said softly, "Change to another one, or if Chen Feng really saves someone and comes back, you can tell him to kiss him three times." Brother, how are you doing?"

"This..." Meng Qiuling hesitated for a while, but when she thought of the danger of Chen Feng's going, she agreed abruptly: "That's it, if Chen Feng really saves someone and comes back, I'll call him brother three times again." What's the matter?"

"Haha, that's what you said yourself? Come on, violent woman, first call your brother to listen!"

As soon as the words fell, several figures suddenly appeared beside Dai Ji.

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