Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 544 One Lightning Rule

"Crackling—" Another burst of thunder sounded.

But Chen Feng found that there was no trace of lightning around him.

Where did the sound of thunder and lightning come from?

At this moment, there was a sound of rapid footsteps, and suddenly there were several figures rushing up from the bottom of the stairs, obviously trying to attack the monks on the second floor.

Looking at those figures who were climbing the stairs quickly, Chen Feng suddenly burst into ecstasy.

"It's really God helping me!" Chen Feng smiled happily in his heart, and his mental power quickly protruded, approaching the five monks running on the stairs.

In an instant, Chen Feng's mental power had become a big one, covering the five people tightly.


Another arm-thick thunderbolt struck down fiercely, striking one of the five people fiercely.

At the same time, everything in that lightning bolt was captured by Chen Feng.

An obscure fluctuation clearly appeared in front of Chen Feng's mental power, and Chen Feng's comprehension of that fluctuation was becoming clearer and clearer.

"Haha, since God gave me such an opportunity, then I have to understand the meaning of this fluctuation even more!" Chen Feng was extremely determined in his heart, and he didn't dare to separate himself.




Thunder and lightning kept falling, and Chen Feng's comprehension of the fluctuation became more and more profound. He seemed to have grasped some key point vaguely, as long as there were a few more thunder and lightning, he would be able to comprehend the fluctuation completely.

"Come again! Come quickly!" Chen Feng yelled secretly, and his mental power kept gushing out without missing a single bit.



The thunder and lightning kept falling, and from time to time some monks were chopped into fly ash by the lightning because they couldn't resist the power of the lightning, leaving no trace.

After a while, only Chen Feng and another monk were left on the stairs.

And that monk also became dying, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

If there is another thunderbolt, he, like his companions, will be completely reduced to a cloud of smoke and dust.


Another bucket-thick thunderbolt fell on Chen Feng's body, completely dissipating the last bit of resistance in Chen Feng's body.

Assassin, Chen Feng felt worse than ever. Every cell in his body became extremely fragile. Needless to say, another thunderbolt the size of a bucket, even one as thick as an arm, could destroy him immediately.

"Hurry up, with another thunderbolt, I will be able to fully comprehend the meaning of that fluctuation!" Chen Feng struggled crazily in his heart.

This is a gamble, a gamble with Chen Feng's life as the bet.

Who will the next thunderbolt strike?

Should he chop the dying monk, or the crumbling Chen Feng?

One heaven, one hell!

If it fell on that person, Chen Feng is confident that he can definitely comprehend the mystery of fluctuations.At that time, he could immediately take the last step and get out of the stairs quickly, no matter how strong the lightning was, it couldn't cause any harm to him.

But if he was hacked, there was no need for any doubts, he would die like those monks who climbed the tower before, and he would never recover.

Of course, Chen Feng had another choice.Immediately ascend the stairs, life is safe.However, Chen Feng had a premonition that if he gave up halfway, he would completely lose the qualification to perceive this fluctuation.

To gamble, or not to gamble?

Chen Feng was caught in a dilemma.

"Chen Feng, you idiot, why are you still standing there, come up!" Meng Qiuling's voice became even more urgent, with deep anxiety in her tone.

"Are you going up or not?" Hearing Meng Qiuling's anxious cry, Chen Feng suddenly hesitated.However, this slight hesitation was soon replaced by his strong belief: "This is my chance, and I must not give up like this! Wealth and wealth are in danger, if I don't fight now, when will I wait?"

Between the beliefs, Chen Feng stood firmer in his steps.

His mental power surrounds the surroundings, and once a new lightning is formed, it will immediately wrap it.


A bolt of lightning came very suddenly, but upon hearing the sound of lightning, Chen Feng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

This thunder and lightning should be only the thickness of an arm, it seems that the target is not him.

Sure enough, the newly-appeared thunder and lightning quickly fell on the last person who climbed to the top.The latter screamed, and his body collapsed instantly, turning into a cloud of dust.

At the same time, Chen Feng's mental power instantly permeated the fluctuation. In an instant, Chen Feng felt a roar in his head, and inexplicably, he seemed to understand a new understanding.

It was the throbbing of thunder and lightning, just like the thunder and lightning that kept falling just now, Chen Feng actually vaguely understood the truth of those thunder and lightning.

"The rule of thunder and lightning is actually a rule of thunder and lightning!" Chen Feng laughed happily in his heart, and there were arcs of electric arcs flashing around his body as thin as a hair.

At the same time, on the forehead of Chen Feng's Nascent Soul, a lightning symbol appeared inexplicably, as if it had been engraved on it originally, without any abruptness.


A thunderbolt as thick as a bucket suddenly appeared, and fell towards the dying Chen Feng.

If it had come earlier, this thunderbolt would undoubtedly have become Chen Feng's death talisman, but at this moment, Chen Feng was watching the thunderbolt coming, but he didn't panic at all.

"Under the rules of thunder and lightning, any lightning will be used by me!" Two arcs of lightning exploded in Chen Feng's eyes, and the next moment, the lightning wrapped Chen Feng's body tightly.

In the lightning package, not only did Chen Feng's weak body not shatter, but gradually became stronger.

After a while, the thunder and lightning disappeared, and Chen Feng's aura reached its peak again.

"Haha, from today onwards, I have another great hole card!" Chen Feng smiled confidently, and then, step by step, he walked out of the first floor of the stairs without hesitation.

In the next moment, Chen Feng felt his eyes darken, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

At this time a towering forest.The number here is much taller than the forest outside the Longevity Pagoda, and the tall trees towering into the sky, as if they are about to pierce the sky.

"You are so weak, you are finally willing to come out!" Meng Qiuling said fiercely from the side, her tone was a little annoyed.

"Hehe, I ran into some minor incidents and was delayed!" Chen Feng laughed along, his eyes full of apology.

From Meng Qiuling's yelling just now, Chen Feng knew that this violent woman still cared about him.

"Okay, hurry up and go soak in the Juling Pool!" Meng Qiuling's tone changed and became a little colder.

"Julingtan?" Chen Feng looked in the direction of Meng Qiuling's finger, and found a huge deep pool under the dense trees in the distance.

"This is Juling Lake? It really is extraordinary!" Looking at the clear water in the pool, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly became eager.

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