Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 565 Demon Pill Points

"City Lord Wanan!"

Under the high platform, countless people lowered their heads in unison, with unusually respectful expressions.

Yu Qingshan stood proudly in the middle of the high platform, and the giants behind him also took their seats in an orderly manner.

"A total of 830 people survived this trip to the secret realm!"

Yu Qingshan spoke slowly, there was deepness and regret in the voice, and more of it was strong encouragement and appreciation.

All of a sudden, many monks in the audience puffed up their chests proudly, and there was a sense of pride in their eyes.

Being able to stand out among 10 people and survive to the end all shows that they are indeed superior to those monks who have died.

These people have since then gained the capital of self-confidence.

"But..." Yu Qingshan suddenly changed the subject: "The purpose of the Cangzhou Grand Competition is to cultivate the most outstanding talents. Among you, only 100 people can be shortlisted for the second round of selection!"

"As for the rest, the Cangzhou City Lord's Mansion will reward a elixir of the out-of-body level, and reward the faction they belong to with a low-grade spiritual weapon!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience immediately boiled.

Whether it's an out-of-body-level elixir or a low-grade spiritual tool, they are all extremely precious.For example, in a small force like the Yunlong Mountain Range, pills and low-grade spirit weapons in the out-of-body period can be used as the foundation. They are extremely precious, and they will never use them unless it is a last resort.

Most people are extremely excited when they think that they will soon be able to obtain these.To say that it is relatively peaceful, there are only monks with moderate power and above.

"Next, those who think they can't be shortlisted can retreat on their own, and go to my Cangzhou City Lord's Mansion to hand in the demon pills they got and receive the rewards they deserve!" Yu Qingshan said again, his voice was full of majesty.

Following his words, the flow of people in the square slowly flowed, and in just a moment, ten or so people left, only about a thousand monks were still standing proudly.

These people are all people who have gained a lot in the secret realm.

Yu Qingshan raised his hand to press down, and in an instant, the field became quiet again.

"Next, those who stay can show the demon pills obtained from the secret realm to the ten judges, and the finalists will be determined based on the number." After Yu Qingshan finished speaking, he retreated to a luxurious seat in the middle of the high platform, sat upright, and looked down. The monks in the audience.

Ten old men in uniform came out from both sides of the high platform, formed a circle and stood under the high platform.

After that, a light flashed in the hand of one of them, and a huge crystal suddenly appeared in the middle of the ten people.

This crystal is called memory spar, like a computer in the secular world, it can record information and be watched by others.

"Let's get started!" Following an order from one of the old men, the remaining nearly one thousand monks began to move slowly, divided into ten long dragons, and walked towards the old man respectively.

"Chen Feng, we don't have many demon pills on us, why should we keep them?" Behind the crowd, Wen Chen whispered to Chen Feng, his eyes full of doubts.

Before Wen Chen finished speaking, Chen Feng threw out two rings and distributed them to Wen Chen and Dai Ji, and said with a smile: "It's hard to come out alive, so we must strive for the greatest benefit."

The two separated their minds and entered the storage ring, and their hearts were shocked: "So much...Chen Feng, you gave us so much, what about you?"

"I still have more." Chen Feng smiled, ignored the two, and walked forward along the flow of people.

"You two, you have made a good friend!" Behind Wen Chen and Dai Ji, Xinghai smiled all over his face.

"Aren't you too?" Wen Chen chuckled, put away the storage ring, took Dai Ji's little hand and chased after Chen Feng.

At this time, a huge exclamation came from the direction of the memory crystal.

Everyone heard the reputation and looked around, only to see the brilliance of the memory crystal surging, and inside the crystal, a huge number was particularly eye-catching.

Yaodan points: [-]!

"Who is this? Why is he so powerful that he has gained no less than 200 million demon core points!"

"A demon pill in the early stage of Nascent Soul is counted as one point, a demon pill in the middle stage of Nascent Soul is counted as ten points, a demon pill in the late stage of Nascent Soul is counted as a hundred points, and a demon pill in the early stage of Nascent Soul is counted as a thousand points , A mid-stage demon pill is counted as [-] points, and a late-stage demon pill is counted as [-] points! My God, how many demon pills did this person get!"

"It is said that that person is called Liu Zhengqi, and a large number of monks have gathered in the secret realm to form an organization called the 'Zhengqi Society', which does everything from murder to robbery."

"It's no wonder that there are 200 million demon pills collected from so many monks. I don't know if anyone can surpass his number."

For a while, people were talking about it.

"Liu Zhengqi, with [-] Yaodan points, temporarily at the top of the list!"

Although the old man who registered for Liu Zhengqi sang and drank loudly, the expression on his face did not change at all, as if this number was not worth mentioning.

Liu Zhengqi stood aside without saying a word, but his face was not happy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, there was another commotion.

I saw that the light above the memory crystal was even more dazzling.

"Look, there are more than 800 million!"

"What, I read it right, how could there be more than 800 million?" All the monks were shocked. They stuttered at the clear number on the crystal and remained silent for a long time.

"Zhang Chenfei, he has obtained 820 demon core points, and he is currently at the top of the list!"

Another old man raised his voice and said, his face was also slightly moved.

He couldn't remember how many years there had been such a number of Yaodan points.

"I'm sorry, I took your number one away!" Zhang Chenfei looked at Liu Zhengqi from afar, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, his sarcasm was obvious.

"Hmph!" Liu Zhengqi's eyes were cold, but he didn't scold him, and kept his head down, as if he had made up his mind.

"Jumping clown! Cut!" Zhang Chenfei shook his head nonchalantly, and ignored it.

The crowd still handed in their respective pills in a slow and orderly manner, and numbers appeared one after another.

Most of the people have no more than one million Yaodan points, and those who can exceed one million are the truly powerful people.

"Feng Rao, with 360 million Yaodan points, temporarily ranked second."

"Jiang Xiao has obtained 270 Yaodan points, temporarily ranking third."

"Manli, I have obtained 190 million demon core points, temporarily ranking fourth."

"Long Gongjing, who obtained 190 million demon pills, is temporarily ranked fifth."


There was continuous singing and shouting, and the names of the talented children were memorized by everyone. Many of them were unknown before, but at this time they suddenly appeared, suppressing most of them with absolute numbers.

"Xiao Yi, he has obtained 460 million demon core points, temporarily ranking second!"

Another astonishing number appeared.

"This guy is really hiding everything!" Looking at Xiao Yi's harmless expression, Chen Feng felt a burst of hesitation.

This guy, even himself was deceived by him back then.

"Chen Feng, you'll be next!" Wen Chen reminded behind him.

At this time, Chen Feng and the others had already followed the flow of people to the side of the memory crystal.

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