Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 585 Taking Advantage

"You bastard, let me go!"

Jin Yi had never been humiliated like this in his life.

The assassination failed, but was captured by the opponent instead.

Moreover, the method used by the other party to capture him was to touch her from head to toe.Under the caress of the other party, Jin Yi found that the bones in his body were falling apart, and he had no strength left.

Except for her father holding her hand, Jin Yi had never been touched by another man in her life.

Unexpectedly, not only was her assassination target touched all over today, but now she is even lying in the other's arms.

To her, this is simply a great shame!

At this moment, Jin Yi wished to cut the opponent into pieces.

"A prostitute?" Chen Feng laughed, and there was a bit of evil on his face: "How do you know that I am a prostitute?"

Seeing Chen Feng's expression, Jin Yi was shocked, the hatred just now dissipated, leaving only a face full of panic.

"Are you really... a prostitute?" She murmured, with unspeakable anxiety and fear on her face.

Even though his cultivation is extraordinary, he is still a girl after all, and he takes his own innocence very seriously.

Chen Feng's smile became wider and wider, until Jin Yi's face turned pale, and the next moment, her heart became even more nervous.

Because, the damned man in front of him stretched out his hand and pinched the edge of her cloak.

"You... what are you doing?" Jin Yi called.

Chen Feng laughed evilly, and said as a matter of course: "Since you are a prostitute, of course I have to see how you look. You know, I don't like ugly women!"

While speaking, Chen Feng slowly raised the cloak with his hands.

"Don't..." Amidst Jin Yi's panicked voice, a delicate and pleasant face quietly appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Tsk tsk tsk... so she is a little beauty, it seems that today I am blessed!" Chen Feng said with a lewd smile.

"What are you going to do, I warn you, if you dare to touch me, I will definitely tear you to pieces!" Jin Yi screamed, but did not notice that Chen Feng's eyes suddenly became sharp!

He squeezed Jin Yi's chin, and said harshly: "Cut me into pieces? You forgot that you came to kill me in the first place! Since you will kill me anyway, why should I be merciful to you?" Woolen cloth?"

While speaking, Chen Feng raised his hand violently, and there was a sound of "tear--", the black cloak on Jin Yi's body was torn in two.

Inside, Jin Yi was wearing a long green dress with long sleeves, and a gold ribbon was tied casually around her waist, outlining her unbearable waist perfectly, like an emerald green flower floating in a pond. Lian is very eye-catching.

"Hahaha, she is indeed a beautiful woman who can overwhelm the country and the city. Even if I, Chen Feng, die under the peony flower today, I will be a ghost!" While speaking, Chen Feng's head slowly lowered under Jin Yi's desperate eyes, Thick lips pressed against Jin Yi's seductive red lips.

The fragrant lips were soft and had a somewhat sweet taste. Chen Feng's lips rubbed against Jin Yi's red lips unscrupulously. Before he knew it, a big tongue roughly parted Jin Yi's teeth and penetrated into her. in the mouth.

In an instant, the fragrance is overflowing and the aftertaste is endless.

Jin Yi was powerless to resist, feeling the domineering tongue of the man in front of her, she actually had a feeling of being conquered.

"My first kiss..."

Unknowingly, Jin Yi's beautiful eyes filled with a layer of water mist, and more and more gathered, and finally turned into bean-sized pearls, rolling down all the way along the white and tender cheeks, dripping In this untouched forest.

At this moment, Jin Yi regretted why he volunteered to carry out this task in the first place.

"No...don't..." Jin Yi suddenly opened his eyes wide, and yelled indistinctly with his mouth stirred by the dusty big tongue, and there was despair in his eyes.

Just now, a pair of big hands touched her body again, moving continuously around her various parts.

A sudden electric shock made Jin Yi speechless.She felt that her most sacred twin peaks had been kneaded a few times.

Fortunately, that hand only kneaded a few times before continuing to swim.

But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, her heart tensed up again!

The villain's hand went all the way down, wiping her thighs, even though it was through the dress, it still made her feel ashamed and angry.

At this moment, for the first time, she had the urge to blew herself up. If this villain really touched her, she decided to blew herself up immediately, and they all died together!

Just when Jin Yi was planning this, the movements of Chen Feng's hands suddenly stopped.

At the same time, Chen Feng's tongue also came out of Jin Yi's mouth.

Jin Yi suddenly discovered that she seemed to be able to move again. Although her body was still numb for a while, she was able to stand on her own without relying on Chen Feng's support.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Gritting his teeth, Jin Yi cursed, raised his hand and slapped Chen Feng.

It's a pity that she, who was numb all over, fell to the ground before taking a step.

"Hahaha, you assassinate me, I'll kiss you, we're even!" Chen Feng looked at Jin Yi who was full of embarrassment and anger, and said jokingly: "Your body will recover in half an hour. But, don't you Thinking about killing me again, otherwise, what is waiting for you is not just a few kisses from me?"

While speaking, Chen Feng raised his voice and smiled, and under Jin Yi's resentful gaze, he walked slowly towards the outside of the woods.

"You damn bastard, I will definitely kill you!" Jin Yi fell to the ground, looked at Chen Feng resentfully, and gnashed his teeth.

Maybe it was too angry, her little face was as red as a ripe apple.


Back at the inn, Chen Feng explained a few words and locked himself in the room.

He sat on the bed, closed his eyes and meditated, and did not open them again until the next morning.

"Hey, what level of cultivation technique is this 'Dragon Desire Xuanhuang Sutra'? Why can it affect my mind to such a great extent!" Chen Feng recalled what happened yesterday with a look of thought on his face.

Originally, Chen Feng really had murderous intentions towards Jin Yi.With Chen Feng's style, he will absolutely mercilessly obliterate any threat to him, even if the other party is a beautiful woman.

However, after having physical contact with Jin Yi, his heart softened inexplicably.

In the end, he still decided to let this stunning female assassin go.However, under the influence of the "Dragon Desire Xuanhuang Jing", he kissed Jin Yi accidentally, and his hands could be said to have taken advantage of it.

If it wasn't for Chen Feng's efforts to control his mind in the end, maybe there would really be a good show of double cultivation.

"One day, I will unearth all the secrets of the 'Dragon Desire Xuanhuang Sutra', and then I will truly master this technique!" Chen Feng's eyes were full of confidence.

Then, he clapped his hands on the bed, and his body flew out of the room.

Outside the door, Yang Gang, Wen Chen and others were already waiting outside.

The Cangzhou Grand Competition is about to begin.

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