Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 587 The end of provoking Zhang Chenfei

"Miss Meng, you are not my opponent, admit defeat!"

Jiang Xiao asked for Meng Qiuling's opinion, but his tone sounded like giving orders.

"It's not that simple!" Meng Qiuling got up, and a ferocious aura emanated from her body.

"This is?"

Jiang Xiao frowned and looked at Meng Qiuling suspiciously.

From Meng Qiuling's body, he felt an extremely violent aura.This breath made him a little uncomfortable.

"Miss Meng, do you still want to resist?" Jiang Xiao shouted in a deep voice, "Fist and feet have no eyes, don't hurt your body because of your emotions!"

"Stop talking nonsense, do you want to fight!" Meng Qiuling had already stood up, and the ferocity on her body became stronger and stronger.

Chen Feng looked at Meng Qiuling on the stage, his face was full of thought.

"It's really not simple! If I'm right, this power seems to come from the blood of the violent woman! Unexpectedly, the blood that can inherit power actually exists!"

As the ancestor of Dan in his previous life, he had heard of a strange power in this world, that is, blood power. It is said that only extremely noble blood can inherit these powers.Unexpectedly, it appeared on Meng Qiuling's body.

"Miss Meng, since you refuse to admit defeat, then I can only offend you again!"

Seeing that Meng Qiuling refused to admit defeat, Jiang Xiao straightened his face, and said immediately.

The next moment, his body leaped, and his whole body seemed to be a tiger pouncing on its prey, leaping towards Meng Qiuling like thunder.

"Huh!" Meng Qiuling snorted softly, her voice seemed to be mixed with arrogance that was not there before.

She threw the whisk in her hand casually, and grabbed Jiang Xiao with her bare hands.

In an instant, the two met again.

"Get down!" Jiang Xiao's voice was undeniably majestic, and he clawed at Meng Qiuling's shoulders with both hands.

As long as it is caught by him, he can definitely throw it off the ring and win.

However, his hopes were dashed.

Hearing two "pops", the ferocious tiger claws froze in mid-air for an instant, and a pair of tender little hands had firmly grasped them.

"How is it possible?" Jiang Xiao looked at Meng Qiuling in amazement, and the shock in his heart couldn't be more shocking.

Only he himself knows how powerful the power attached to the pair of small hands in front of him is.Before this force, he seemed so powerless.

"Now, go down for me!" Meng Qiuling's hoarse voice sounded, and the strong savagery in her tone was obvious.

Then, Meng Qiuling's Xiuquan flew out, so fast that Jiang Xiao had no time to react, and was sent flying.

He fell onto the ring with a "bang", and Jiang Xiao's face became hot.

Not only because of being beaten, but also because of being beaten in the face!

There are two things that a man can't offend, one is to kneel down, and the other is to slap his face!

"Damn it!" Jiang Xiao became angry and anxious, the previous sympathy and pity disappeared completely, and there was only one thought left in his mind, to defeat the opponent!

He jumped up suddenly, and the long whip appeared in his hand again, without any hesitation, he whipped towards Meng Qiuling.

However, when he whipped the whip, she saw Meng Qiuling's pretty face and her eyes.

There was a slight contempt in those black pearl-like eyes.


Then, Jiang Xiao saw Meng Qiuling's body blurred for a while, and appeared in front of him in the next moment, and a show fist rushed towards his face like lightning.

"How could it be so fast!" Before he had time to think, he felt another pain on his face, and a strong sense of shame and anger rushed into his mind!

He was slapped in the face again!

Under such strong shame and anger, Jiang Xiao's eyes darkened, and he fainted from the anger!

There was an uproar in the audience, and the change in the battle situation was unexpected. Jiang Xiao, who originally had an absolute advantage, was defeated!

"No.40 contestant Meng Qiuling wins!"

Following the referee's announcement, Meng Qiuling walked off the ring and came to the side of Chen Feng and the others.

"Nv Xia Meng, you are so fierce!" Wen Chen gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Hmph, you annoying man, you underestimated me over and over again, and you asked for it." Meng Qiuling glanced at Chen Feng, and said ruthlessly.


Most of the competition was played in a wonderful game.

"Next, it's contestant No. 19 vs. contestant No. 32. Both contestants are invited to play!" the referee announced loudly.


A figure quickly flew onto the ring and stood proudly in the center of the ring.

This person is Liu Zhengqi!

"Zhang Chenfei, get out here!"

Liu Zhengqi shouted loudly towards the bottom of the ring.


In an instant, the audience was boiling.

Liu Zhengqi's words completely offended Zhang Chenfei.

Which of the elite children of these aristocratic families is not arrogant, but who can bear the word "roll"?


Sure enough, as soon as Liu Zhengqi finished speaking, there was a cold snort from the audience.

I saw Zhang Chenfei with a cold face, exuding an astonishing murderous aura all over his body, step by step onto the ring.

Those who knew him well knew that he was angry.

Liu Zhengqi actually told him to "get out", this tone, he absolutely cannot bear it!

"Wait a minute, I'll let you understand that you can't talk nonsense!"

Zhang Chenfei's icy voice made everyone in the audience feel cold: such a powerful murderous aura!

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Chenfei stood in front of Liu Zhengqi.

"Anyone can say big words, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Liu Zhengqi said without showing any weakness, and suddenly an extremely strong aura erupted from his body.

"What, half-step avatar?"

Feeling this breath, many people in the audience were shocked by it!

Half a step of distraction, that is a character who has already stepped into the distraction stage, and the attack has already brought some power that can only be found in the distraction stage.

No wonder Liu Zhengqi dared to speak to Zhang Chenfei like this, so he has this strength!

"Hehe, it's not easy." Zhang Chenfei said with a half-smile, "No wonder you dare to provoke me. It turns out that you have made progress by relying on your strength."

After saying that, Zhang Chenfei's face suddenly turned cold, and his voice was as cold as a thousand years of ice: "It's just that you still don't have the right to be arrogant in front of me!"

While speaking, Zhang Chenfei's aura suddenly exploded.

The powerful aura made his clothes rattle, and his long hair spread out, and his roots stood on end under the impact of the aura, which was indescribably strange!

Under this aura, Liu Zhengqi actually felt small!

"What? You actually broke through?"

Liu Zhengqi swallowed his saliva, the previous arrogance no longer appeared in his eyes, only thick horror remained.

"It's too late for you to understand, today, you will die!" Zhang Chenfei said coldly, and then smiled coldly at Liu Zhengqi: "Next, enjoy death!"

As he spoke, he stretched out a hand towards Liu Zhengqi.

Xuanyu hand!

"No, I admit..."

Liu Zhengqi's plea to admit defeat came to an abrupt end!

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