Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 593 Before the last game

"Ah, it's not fun at all, it's not fun at all!" Xiao Yi shook his head boredly, then suddenly turned his head to look at Chen Feng in the audience and shouted: "Chen Feng, this guy is not fun at all, I don't want to play anymore, I'll leave it to you You can play?"

While speaking, Xiao Yi actually walked to the edge of the ring and jumped.

A light curtain suddenly lit up on the arena, which was the guardian formation on the arena.

"What?" Yu Qingshan stood up suddenly, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes.

I saw that I love you, Xiao Yi actually penetrated the light curtain of the formation and landed steadily under the ring.

Just as surprised as Yu Qingshan were the giants and the masters who maintained the formation around the ring.

"Who is this person, even this formation can't stop him at all?" Yu Qingshan frowned, and said softly: "Could it be..."

Compared to the astonishment of many giants, the monks around were more concerned about the result of the game.

This man actually jumped off the ring, he won't compete anymore?

You know, the one who falls off the ring in the competition is considered a loser.

For a while, the eyes of everyone looking at Xiao Yi became more and more strange.

On the ring, Zhang Chenfei stood on the spot without saying a word, two blood-red shoe prints were conspicuous on his livid face.

"Playing? So I'm just being played?"

He murmured to himself in a low voice, the breath on his body was extremely disordered.

"No, Chen Fei's performance is a sign of madness!"

On the red carpet, Zhang He stood up abruptly, and the next moment, he quickly flew towards Zhang Chen.

When Zhang He came to the edge of the ring, the formation light curtain on the ring lit up again.

Unlike Xiao Yi, Zhang He's figure was blocked for two breaths before he forcibly broke through the light curtain and entered the interior.

Zhang He came in front of Zhang Chenfei, stretched out his hand to support Zhang Chenfei's shoulder, changed to conveying true energy, and then shouted in a deep voice: "My son Chenfei, wake up quickly!"

As soon as he drank it, Zhang Chenfei's body trembled violently, and the next moment, another mouthful of blood protruded, but the state of obsession just now was resolved.

"Father, I..."

Zhang He interrupted: "Stop talking, if you want to avenge your shame, just defeat that Chen Feng!"

"Yes, father!" Zhang Chenfei's expression was shocked, and he nodded in a deep voice.

"Referee, can you pronounce the sentence?"

Nodding in satisfaction, Zhang He said to the referee.

The referee looked weird, but nodded, and said loudly: "This round, because the number one player jumped off the ring, it is counted as a waiver, so the number 24 player, Zhang Chenfei, won!"

There were no cheers below, because everyone knew the result of this game.

Zhang Chenfei had already calmed down. Standing on the ring, he shouted loudly to Chen Feng below the ring: "Feng Chen, I hope you can keep winning until you meet me!"

Under the stage, Chen Feng and Meng Qiuling chatted and laughed in low voices, they didn't pay any attention to what Zhang Chenfei said.

The turmoil of this farce subsided quickly, and there were still battles between dragons and tigers.

In the end, under the survival of the fittest, among the 25 contestants, thirteen contestants stood out and entered the next round of competition.

After the referee announced the shortlist, all the monks dispersed to prepare for tomorrow's game.

Tomorrow's competition will determine the final ranking. At that time, who is the No. 1 of the young generation in Cangzhou will be announced.

Therefore, many players stopped wasting time and went back to prepare silently.

Chen Feng was no exception, he entered the Immortal Mansion as soon as he returned to the inn.

Although Zhang Chenfei is very embarrassed today, it doesn't mean that he is too weak, it can only be said that Xiao Yi is too strong, so strong that he can ravage Zhang Chenfei at will.

But Xiao Yi's last behavior undoubtedly made Zhang Chenfei completely transfer his hatred to Chen Feng. In tomorrow's match, he will definitely meet Zhang Chenfei.Therefore, he must adjust his state.

Soon, Chen Feng entered the cultivation process, and the Immortal Mansion fell silent again.

Zhang Family, in Zhang He's courtyard.

"Chen Fei, how do you feel about today's game?"

Zhang He asked his son seriously.

"It's the boy's lack of strength." Zhang Chenfei lowered his head, unable to see the expression on his face.

"Not strong enough?" Zhang He smiled: "Your strength is definitely one of the best in the younger generation in Cangzhou. The reason why you are in such a mess today is entirely because you have met an opponent you can't afford."

"An opponent you can't afford?" Zhang Chenfei frowned and raised his head.

"That man is not even as good as a father!" Zhang He said seriously.

"What?" Zhang Chenfei was taken aback: "Father, you are already a strong man who has crossed half a step, how can you not be as good as him?"

Zhang He's face was serious, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Remember, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. In this world of comprehension, there are countless monks who are better than my father!" As he said, his face darkened: "Cangzhou, it's still too young!" gone."

Zhang Chenfei remained silent, as if he was deep in thought.

"Chen Fei, you must be number one. As a father, you can be justified as the head of the family. Only in this way can we father and son leave Cangzhou! Even, there will be a day to ascend to the fairy world in the future!" Zhang He said with firm eyes.

Zhang Chenfei nodded, a hint of arrogance flashed across his face: "The other 11 people who were shortlisted, my boy can take them down with [-]% confidence. Only that Chen Feng seems to be difficult to deal with, but my boy is confident that he can beat him!"

"This battle must be won!" Zhang He's eyes flashed fiercely, and he reached out and took out a pair of khaki gloves and handed them to Zhang Chenfei: "My father has already severed the connection with Chongxuan gloves, and now I will hand them over to you to ensure that you are safe!"

Zhang Chenfei took it happily. With this glove, his combat power can be increased by another three layers.

After putting away the gloves, Zhang Chenfei asked seriously: "Father, the relationship between Chen Feng and Xiao Yi seems to be good, do you want this person to spare his life?"

"This man killed your brother, he must die!" Zhang He's face was full of murderous intent: "As long as I ascend the position of Patriarch for my father and help the Tiandi Sect obtain what it wants, I will be a great hero of the Tiandi Sect. At that time, Xiao Yi was still like an ant in front of such a behemoth as the Heaven and Earth Sect!"

"The child understands!"

Zhang Chenfei nodded in agreement, a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.


On a mountain peak outside Cangzhou City, a young man stands on the top of the mountain, like an eternal statue at the same time.

At the foot of the mountain, a gray figure quickly rushed to the top of the mountain, and appeared behind the young man in a blink of an eye.

However, he didn't get close, just watched from a distance.

After a long time, the young man's closed eyes suddenly opened.

"How did you check the matter?" The young man's voice was like ice that would not melt for a thousand years.

"Young master, my subordinates have found out that Miss Jin Yi has assassinated a person in the past two days." The person behind him reported respectfully.

"Two days?" The young man frowned: "Can you find this person?"

"The subordinates found out that this person is called Chen Feng, a contestant in the Cangzhou Grand Competition, and also appeared in the assassination list provided by Zhang He."

"Chen Feng?" The young man sneered, "Interesting..."

"Young master, do you think I should send some masters to kill him?"

"No need!" The young man said: "Keep an eye on this Chen Feng, I will meet him personally!"

"Yes, that subordinate will take his leave!" After speaking, the man quickly ran down the mountain and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The young man stood on the top of the mountain and closed his eyes again: "Chen Feng? If I find out that you took Jin Yi's chastity, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world!"

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