"What are you two doing?" Liu Yiyi was restrained and tied to a pillar, looking at the two men who suddenly walked into the room, panicked.

"Hehe, girl, don't be afraid, we're just here to admire your face." While speaking, that junior brother couldn't wait to walk up to Liu Yiyi, and stretched out his hand to pull Liu Yiyi's belt...

"Stop, don't come here!" Liu Yiyi's face turned pale, and she yelled anxiously and helplessly.

"Hehehe, girl, don't worry, the two of us are not bad people, and we will never do anything to you. At most, we are just addicted to our eyes and hands."

That junior smirked badly, and in Liu Yiyi's panic, pulled Liu Yiyi's belt.

Immediately, the tightly tied bowknot came loose, and Liu Yiyi's green skirt also came loose.

"Help, you beasts, be careful that Chen Feng will tear your corpses into pieces!" Liu Yiyi yelled in panic, two crystals slowly slid down her pale pretty face, leaving two clear tear marks!

"Hahahaha, that's a joke." The junior brother laughed wantonly, with a strong sense of sarcasm in his laughter: "What do you think Master did for taking you here? It was to lure that Chen Feng out! Alright, if it comes, my master will definitely kill him!"

While speaking, the junior brother had reached out and pinched the corner of Liu Yiyi's shirt, slowly exerting force.

Immediately, one of Liu Yiyi's fragrant shoulders was exposed.

"Bastard, let me go, woo..."

After all, Liu Yiyi was not very old, she had never experienced such a situation before, and immediately cried in despair.

"Hehehe, call, this room has been restricted by me and my senior brother, let alone your shout, even if the sky falls, no one will know!"

That junior brother had an awe-inspiring look, and his face was full of lust.

"Really?" Just when Liu Yiyi was desperate and wanted to commit suicide on the spot, a cold male voice suddenly sounded.

"Who?" As if facing a formidable enemy, the junior raised his head suddenly, looking left and right.

Soon, their pupils shrank, and they saw a young man in a long gown standing behind them.At this moment, the young man in long gown was looking at them with disdain.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass on my place!" The junior brother was startled and shouted immediately.

He couldn't figure it out, he and his acquaintance had already shrouded the room in a restriction, why did this person enter the room without being noticed by them?

The junior brother was surprised, and his senior brother was even more surprised!

As the arranger of the restriction, he deeply knew that if he wanted to enter the room without anyone noticing, he couldn't do it even if he was in the late stage of OBE.But how did this person in front of him get in?Could it be...

A shudder suddenly rose in the heart of the senior brother: "Could it be that this person is a master in the distraction period?"

Thinking of this, this senior brother suddenly froze like an eggplant beaten by frost, "Senior, this matter was not my idea, it was he who came to instigate me, and I was obsessed with it, so I agreed!"

Seeing his senior brother begging for mercy, that junior brother also panicked.

Panicked, the teacher suddenly yelled loudly: "Master, help, a spy has come in!"

However, perhaps it confirmed what he said just now, his voice could not spread out of the room at all, it just reverberated and circled in the room again and again.

Hearing the senior brother's begging for mercy and the junior brother's cry for help, the mysterious young man frowned, as if he was very impatient with the yelling of the two.

The next moment, a dark light flashed in the young man's hand.


A clear sound of splitting sounded, and the head of that junior brother flew up.

"Killed..." The senior brother looked at all of this suddenly, and his heart became even more terrified.

Although his junior brother is not as strong as him, he is still a strong man in the middle of his body. Even as a senior brother, he would have to spend a lot of effort to defeat him, let alone kill him.

However, the mysterious young man in front of him actually cut off his junior brother's head with one blow. During this period, his junior brother was even more stupid and didn't even have the ability to resist at all.

"Senior, please spare me!" In shock, the senior brother fell to his knees and kowtowed to the mysterious young man.

Where there is life, there is hope.As long as you keep your life, dignity and everything are just clouds.

"Unfortunately, what I hate the most are those who bully women, especially those who bully beautiful women!" The mysterious young man sighed, and the next moment, the black light flashed again.


The brother's head flew up again, another one-hit kill.

Liu Yiyi stared at everything in front of her in a daze, the tears on her face were clearly visible.

In the blink of an eye, the two villains who were alive before turned into two corpses, and even the Nascent Soul didn't fly out.

The blood of the two splashed onto her dress, like a few red flowers in the green grass, it looked so dazzling, as if telling everything just now.

"My fairy, are you alright?"

The mysterious young man took a step forward and bowed to Liu Yiyi with a sincere expression.

He who was still murderous just now, now there is no murderous look on his face, what is there, there is only a kindness like a spring breeze blowing on his face, making it impossible to connect him with the murderous person before.

Soon, with the help of the mysterious young man, Liu Yiyi finally broke free from the shackles of the rope, and her body regained its freedom.

"Thank you son for saving me!" After Liu Yiyi quickly tidied up the messy clothes, she gave a long salute to the mysterious young man.

"Hehe, fairies don't need air. Being brave is a foreign thing in my generation. What's more, she is so beautiful now. If I don't save her, I'm afraid my conscience will be condemned." An indescribable obscenity.

Liu Yiyi frowned slightly, but after all, the other party was her benefactor, so she naturally couldn't be rude: "Little girl Liu Yiyi is a disciple of Biluo Peak in Cangzhou. If you are free, you can go to Biluo Peak. My teacher will definitely thank you of!"

The young man scratched his head, with a little joy on his face: "If you are free, if you are free, Fairy Liu, let's go to your Biluo Peak right now. By the way, Fairy, please don't call me young master anymore. My name is Tu Sheng. Just call me by my name. If you don't like it, you can call me Shengsheng..."

"Hehe..." Liu Yiyi couldn't help laughing, she was completely amused by the man in front of her.This man is probably too brazen.

"Young Master Tu, I don't know how we can get out?" Liu Yiyi asked, feeling a little excited.

After being trapped for several days, I can finally get out.

"Haha, get out? It's very simple!" While speaking, Tu Sheng then grabbed the door, and suddenly, the restriction that sealed the door was violently crushed into pieces!

At this moment, there was a burst of violent shouting from the sky: "Lingkong old dog, Chen Feng is here!"

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