Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 632 Changes in Biluo Peak

Soon, Chen Feng and the others arrived outside Biluo Peak.

"Eh?" Chen Feng frowned, looking at the reopened mountain protection formation, his face gradually turned cold.

He clearly remembered that after he came back, the mountain guard formation had been closed.

Now that it is reopened, it means that something must have happened on Biluo Peak.

Without any hesitation, Chen Feng's mental power was overwhelmingly exploring his surroundings.

Sure enough, outside the mountain gate outside Biluo Peak, a large group of dark monks were gathering here.

And the people of Biluo Peak, also led by Xie Ji, confronted them through the big formation of protecting the mountain of Biluo Peak.

"Let's go down and have a look!" Chen Feng waved his hand and fell down.


"Who are you guys? What are you doing here at Bi Luo Peak?" Xie Ji Feijian asked sharply, pointing at the people outside the formation.

"This fairy, we have already said many times, we are here to pay homage to Biluo Peak, please agree to the fairy."

Different from everyone in Biluo Peak, the group of monks outside had a sad face and didn't have any weapons in their hands.

One of the leaders was standing outside the large formation, complaining bitterly: "Although we were originally disciples of Master Ling Kong, we were not his disciples. Most of the people here are just his handymen, and some of them are some of his disciples. The disciples. Master Chen Feng has captured Master Lingkong, we admire Master Chen Feng's heroic demeanor, and are willing to worship Biluo Peak!"

"Yeah, please let the fairy do it for your convenience, we are all here sincerely."

Behind him, many monks said bitterly, their attitudes were extremely sincere.

"This..." Xie Ji still didn't believe it, she frowned and said to the leader, "You are a monk in the out-of-body stage, how can you see my Biluo Peak. You must have other plans!"

When Xie Ji said this, the disciples of Biluo Peak who had some beliefs at first all looked terrified.

That's right, Bi Luofeng's strength is still very weak, how can a monk in the out-of-body stage be able to appreciate it?There must be a demon if you use abnormality, and the other party may not be kind.

All of a sudden, the female disciples of Biluo Peak all looked solemn, and waves of unyielding fighting spirit surged out.

Seeing the other party's attitude, the leader smiled wryly, but he didn't know how to persuade him.

"Okay, let's all stop."

At this moment, several figures descended from the sky, they were Chen Feng and others.

Everyone outside the big formation looked at it, and their faces suddenly showed a strong fanaticism.

"Greetings to Venerable Chen Feng!" While speaking, this group of people bowed deeply to Chen Feng, with as much respect as they wanted.

Chen Feng fell ahead of the crowd and looked at these people deeply.

His memory was not bad, so he naturally recognized that these people were subordinates of Master Ling Kong.Moreover, he heard what they said just now.

"Get up." Chen Feng said lightly.

Only then did everyone straighten up and look at Chen Feng respectfully.

On the other side, seeing Chen Feng appearing, Xie Ji put away the mountain guard formation and walked towards Chen Feng.

Although she didn't know Chen Feng's current strength, but judging from the attitude of those people towards Chen Feng, she understood that Chen Feng was very strong.Therefore, she is not afraid of those people violently making trouble.

"Chen Feng, where's Yiyi?" Xie Ji asked, her tone a little anxious.

"Master, I'm here." Liu Yiyi's cheers came from the sky.I saw Liu Yiyi and Zhang Yang slowly descending.

Seeing that Liu Yiyi was fine, everyone in Biluo Peak let out a long sigh of relief.

"Master Chen Feng, we all joined Biluo Peak sincerely, and we hope that Master will make it happen." The leader begged again respectfully.

Chen Feng didn't speak, as if he was deep in thought.

However, not long after, Chen Feng spoke.He said to Xie Ji: "Sect Leader, what do you mean at this time?"

Xie Ji was taken aback for a moment, then she understood that Chen Feng was acknowledging her status by letting her make up her mind.Immediately glanced at Chen Feng gratefully, and said: "Bi Luo Peak has been weak for a long time, if these people are recruited, the strength should be ranked in the first-class sect of Yunlong Mountain. However, Bi Luo Peak has always only accepted female disciples..."

It seems that Xie Ji is also very interested.

"Actually, I suggested it to the sect leader earlier." Chen Feng pondered and said, "After all, the Yunlong Mountain Range is too small. If we blindly recruit female disciples, it will only become weaker and weaker, and eventually it will inevitably cease to exist. Biluo Peak, yes Time for a change."

"What you said is correct, but are these people reliable..." Xie Ji agreed with some hesitation.

Chen Feng didn't answer right away, but turned around, and shouted to everyone: "If you want to join Bi Luofeng, that's fine, but each of you must swear an oath to never betray you. From now on, everything will be in the interests of Bi Luofeng Go! If you don't have the guts, go now, I, Chen Feng, will not make it difficult!"

Sure enough, as soon as this sentence came out, everyone was shocked, and a small number of people started to riot.

Chen Feng looked at the crowd, did not speak, and quietly waited for the decision of the crowd.

Sure enough, a group of people left quietly.

Once they swear the oath of heaven, it means that they will be tied to the sect of Bi Luofeng forever, and they cannot betray in this life.For many people, they don't have the guts.

In a blink of an eye, one-third of the people left.

The rest of the people still showed hesitation on their faces.

"I'll come first!" At this moment, the leader stood up and solemnly raised his right hand, palm facing the sky.

"I, Dugu Jian, swear to the sky that once I join Biluo Peak, I will never abandon it. Everything is in the interests of the sect. If I violate it, I will immediately go crazy and die!"

Following Dugu Jian's words, a mysterious rhythm suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth.This rhythm is unclear, but everyone understands that the oath of heaven has been successful.

A smile appeared on Chen Feng's face.This Dugu sword is very good.

"I, Li Feng, swear to God..."

"I, Liu Cheng, swear to God..."

"I, Bo Wei, swear to God..."


All of a sudden, many monks took the oath of heaven, declaring their allegiance to Biluo Peak.

Chen Feng's smile became thicker and thicker. He believed that the joining of these people was just the beginning. In the future, more and more monks would definitely join, and Bi Luo Peak would definitely soar into the sky and become a place that cannot be ignored in the cultivation world. A force.

After a quarter of an hour, the oath of the last person took effect, and the audience fell silent.Everyone, including Xie Ji, looked at Chen Feng fanatically.

At this moment, although Chen Feng is not the head of the sect, he is more important than the head.

Chen Feng was also unambiguous, he cleared his throat, and a breath of superiors suddenly appeared.

At this moment, Chen Feng seems to have returned to the time when he was the Alchemy Ancestor in his previous life, and his every move has the aura of pointing out the country.

"I announce that starting today, Biluo Peak will be renamed as Biluo Sect. Xie Ji will be the head of the sect, leading all the monks and the majority of the Biluo Sect. Dugu Jian will be the Great Elder, assisting the head in dealing with sect matters."

Although Chen Feng's words did not have much momentum, everyone was convinced from the bottom of their hearts. There was no voice of opposition from the whole faction.

"Then, Chen Feng, what about you?"

When Chen Feng stopped talking, Xie Ji interrupted and asked.

"Me?" The corners of Chen Feng's mouth curled up, and he looked at the beautiful figures in the crowd: "I'll just be a carefree Elder Keqing."

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