Sword Qi, Shield suddenly meet!


The sound of a powerful collision erupted suddenly, and a gust of wind that was so strong that it was terrifying, instantly blew away everything around!

The four figures flew back in embarrassment, and if you looked closely, you could still see strands of red threads on the flying back routes of those figures.

It was blood. At least four people were injured by Chen Feng's sky-shattering sword. As for the extent of the injuries, the energy shock at the scene was too strong, so it wasn't very clear.

Finally, the energy turbulent in mid-air finally calmed down gradually.

Chen Feng also had a panoramic view of the situation of the four of them.

I saw four people kneeling and half kneeling on the ground, panting heavily.

Not only that, except for that Zhu Jie, the other three were all bleeding from their mouths and noses, and it looked like they were seriously injured.

As for that Zhu Jie, although he didn't seem to be injured, he was also sluggish, and he knew that he was exhausted at a glance.

"Hahaha okay, kid, you've run out of strength!" Although Zhu Jie was weak, he looked at Chen Feng and laughed loudly.

The current Chen Feng is not much better than them.

With a sword that broke the sky, almost all the strength in his body was taken away.At this moment, he seems to be a big tree that has been hollowed out, with nothing but appearance.

Facing Zhu Jie's laughter, Chen Feng still had no anxiety on his face.He said calmly: "Are you so sure that you will be able to kill me today?"

"What do you think?" Zhu Jie asked coldly.

Following his words, the four members of the Heaven and Earth Sect all stood up, waves of real energy lingering around them, although it is not good to be weaker than before, but it is still not something the weak Chen Feng can deal with. ,

"Boy, do you still have the heart to talk big now?" Zhu Jie smiled grimly and walked towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked indifferently at Zhu Jie who kept walking in, and sighed in his heart: "It's almost because my cultivation base is too low. If I was at the strength of the distraction stage at this time, I just hit the sky with a sword. The four must die!"

"Since I'm powerless to fight anymore, let's try that thing!" Thinking in his heart, a strange mechanism beast suddenly appeared beside Chen Feng.The organ beast is black in body, shaped like a cheetah, full of power.

"What is this?" Everyone in Tiandijiao was shocked when they saw the organ beast.

Mechanism beasts are extremely rare in the cultivation world, and ordinary monks have basically never heard of them. It is normal for them not to recognize mechanism beasts.However, on top of this strange organ beast, they felt a power that made them dread.

"Kuang Leopard, kill me!" Chen Feng patted Kuang Leopard's metal head and said softly.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the eyes of the mechanism beast Kuangbao suddenly lit up with two deep red lights.Then, its figure blurred for a while, and when it appeared, it was already not far from the four Tiandijiaos.

"Late stage of fusion?" The four of them had already guessed the strength of the Kuang Leopard through the energy generated by the Kuang Leopard.

In the late stage of fusion, they are one level higher than when they were in their heyday.

If they hadn't received Chen Feng's Heaven-Breaking Sword earlier, they might still be able to fight against this late-stage organ beast. If they were lucky, with the joint efforts of the four of them, they could completely suppress the organ beast.

However, with Chen Feng's sword strike, they were all seriously injured, and their real energy was in vain. If they can use [-]% of their strength and [-]% of their strength, it's already considered.


The wild leopard opened its mouth wide, and the machine-made mouth actually made the sound of a real beast roaring.

The next moment, it rushed between the four of them and scratched at them.

This burst of sprinting broke the encirclement of the four people, and the strength of the wild leopard was shocking.

"What a powerful beast, I don't know what kind of shit luck this kid got, to get such a killer weapon!"

Everyone retreated and cursed at the same time.

However, as an organ beast, Kuang Leopard carried out Chen Feng's orders to the letter.Without waiting for the four of them to stabilize their retreating figures, the Kuang Leopard instantly shortened the distance between the two sides by virtue of its powerful speed. Its dark claws drew a black lightning bolt and slashed at the snake Wannian who was flying back at the end. go.

Snake Wannian just wanted to raise his energy to resist, but he didn't think that the real energy in his body was empty, and he was powerless to resist the attack of the wild leopard.

After a scream, She Wannian fell to the ground covered in blood, and her left hand had disappeared, obviously due to Kuang Leopard's tore just now.

What made She Wannian even more terrified was that the Kuang Leopard succeeded in attacking, and ignored the other three, instead took advantage of the situation to pursue and charged towards She Wannian again.

"Beast!" Seeing the wild leopard pounced again, She Wannian felt anxious and angry, and immediately blew the horn.

With the sound of the horn, the ground shook again, and the giant snakes that had fled into the ground showed their figures again, rushing towards the wild leopard.

There was a red light flashing in the eyes of Kuang Leopard, and it seemed to reveal a strong killing intent.

Seeing this, Chen Feng hurriedly shouted: "Kang Leopard, save the lives of these beasts first, I'm still useful!"

Unexpectedly, the red light in Kuang Leopard's eyes flickered for a while, as if he had understood Chen Feng's words, he withdrew his sharp claws, and directly charged with his body all the way.

I don't know what kind of material the crazy leopard is made of. As soon as the bodies of those giant snakes touched it, they were knocked out and fell to the ground, staring at stars, twitching endlessly.

All the way through the collision, the Kuang Leopard came to Snake Wannian's side in an instant.

Amid Snake Wannian's desperate cries, Kuang Leopard raised its claws and dropped Snake Wannian's head to the ground.

"Om—" the Nascent Soul of Snake Wannian flew out suddenly, screaming strangely and trying to escape.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng had released Xiao Hei long ago.Little Heiyan quickly threw the Nascent Soul down, opened his mouth wide, and began to chew.

This is the first time for Xiao Hei to eat the Nascent Soul of a monk in the middle stage of fusion.I believe that Xiao Hei's level will increase again soon.

Kuangbao dealt with Snake Wannian, and then turned his gaze to Zhu Jie and the others above.

Seeing this, the latter shuddered, especially after seeing Hei Xiaohei, the Nascent Soul of the Snake Ten Thousand Years, chewing it like a cucumber, and lost the courage to fight on.

Seeing that Xiao Hei focused his attention on them, the four of them turned around at the same time and began to flee into the distance.


The little black monster screamed, and his body turned into a black light, chasing after the three fleeing figures.Under its lightning speed, the beautiful woman was quickly chased, and after being torn to pieces by the wild leopard, Xiao Hei decisively stepped forward to make up the knife, completely finishing the opponent's Nascent Soul.

Then, Kuangbao caught up with one person again and killed him again.

As for the last person, Zhu Jie, Kuangbao could only roar in a low voice for a while, doing nothing.The opponent's speed was too fast, plus it took a while to kill the two of them, Zhu Jie had already escaped without a trace, and even with the speed of the wild leopard, he could only hope for success.

Of course, if Chen Feng used the fairy stone on the Kuang Leopard, making the Kuang Leopard become the strength of the late Mahayana, then even if Zhu Jie had three heads and six arms, he would not be able to escape.However, this was Chen Feng's trump card. There were still a large number of monks who were still fighting monsters, and Chen Feng didn't want to expose it.


The Kuang Leopard came to Chen Feng's side with a Nascent Soul in its mouth, and it was the member of the Heaven and Earth Society that was killed last.

ps: I had something to go out today, and I hurriedly updated it when I came back late, but luckily I made it in time.

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